Hello fanfictioners. I apologize for the leave of absence in this story. Shit has been going on and yeah... I also have lost inspiration for it. But I have gotten a pm from someone who enjoys reading it. And it's all about you guys!(: But Uhmm yeah.. I think I'm gonna spice up this chapter a little... maybe some sexual actions will be involved(; it's a possibility haha who knows? But yeah... If you want me to continue, GIVE ME FEEDBACK. What you's like to see, and stuff you didn't like, new ideas/ improvements. shit like that. But yeah so Eli's staying the night.. ooh la la(; I'm gonna start this chapter now...

WARNING: Possible Sexual Content and Length Decrease. Continue With Caution(;

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Degrassi

Clare's Point of View:

Oh my God. Eli's staying over. Elijah Fucking Goldsworthy is sleeping over at my house. The love of my life. Shit, I need to clean. Hopefully it doesn't phase him. Being a single mother with a five year old isn't an easy job.

Pulling up to the front of the house I unbuckle my seatbelt, and pick up Scarr.

"Can you please open the door?" I ask quietly with a sleeping Scarlet in my arms.

"Sure thing." Eli says before kissing her forehead, and kissing my lips. He slips out of the hearse smoothly, and steps out. He walks around the front of the hearse or more like struts around it, slowly. All the while keeping eye contact and giving me his seduction smirk. I bit my lip as I felt a little wetness seep into my panties. I then looked down at Scarr to make sure she was still asleep.

She was indeed, conked out. Seeing the door open I slide out and come face to face with playful green eyes. Smiling at him, I walk past and to the front door. Grabbing my keeps from my back pocket, and holding Scarlett in one arm, I open the door and switch on the light.

The bergundy walls coming into place.

"Nice place. I see you've remodeled." Eli says slowly shutting the front door.

"Yeah. The living room is over there if you'd like to sit down. I'm just going to put Scarr down. It's past her bed time and she has school tomorrow." Eli smiles at me and walks down the hall to the living room while I head upstairs to Scarlet's room.

Placing her on her bed and wrapping her comforter around her, I kiss her forehead and turn oh her nightlight before returning out of her door and closing it.

Heading downstais I see Eli digging through the fridge.. He's still hungry? Damn...

Sneeking up behind him, I playfully slap his ass causing him to jump at first, close the fridge door, and smirk at me.

"Why Clare Edwards, what has gotten into you?" He asks feigning shock.

"Nothing." I reply innocently.

"doesn't seem like 'nothing'." He snickers before kissing me and backing me up against the freezer door.

Our tongues seemed to mingle in a sensual dance hinting our deepest wants and desires. I then felt his mouth start to suck on my tongue making me moan a little which in toe, caused him to chuckle. I then felt his hands settle on my ass and realized I was wearing my short shorts. Smart, Clare. Really, you truly are brilliant. I thought to myself snidely.

Suddenly the kiss was broken and I felt a qhite hot pressure come down on my ass cheek.

That asshole slapped me back. But I guess I deserved it.

"A spank, for a spank" Eli says winking before turning and opening up the fridge again.

"Very funny."

"It was. Clever, too" He chuckled.

"What are you looking for?"I ask him inquisitively.

"Do you have any strawberries and chocolate sause by any chance?" He winks at me.

Oh, so now I see what he's in the fridge for.

"Yeah. Strawberries in the bottom drawr and chocolate sause is in the pantry. I'll get it."

I grabbed the unopened bottle and a bowl before heading back over to him and setting them on the island.

He takes them from me and pours some strawberries into the bowl and drizzles some chocolate syrup on them. When done, he says, "To the living room?"

"To the living room." I giggle and walk to the leopard print and spawl out onto it, slipping off my shoes, and sigh.

Eli sits down close to me and does the same with his black converse and places the bowl in his lap. He picks up a strawberry and holds it out to me. Leaning inwards I take a bite and savor it. The tangyness of the strawberry mixing with the sweetness of the chocolate causing me to moan a little in satisfaction. This earned me a smirk from the dark haired boy. I did the same thing afterwards. Picking one up and feeding it to him. His lips touched my fingers by accident and he licked them playfully. He's such a tease sometimes... but that doesn't change the fact that I got chills.

Flashing forward, to the here and now, me and Eli were on my bed getting hot and heavy. I was underneath him in just my panties and he was ontop of me in his skinny jeans, busy grinding into me and sicking on my nipples. Oh the sensations when he pinched my nipples and flicked his tongue over them.

He broke the heated kiss only to slip off his pants. He then quickly dove down and started placing wet kisses on my chest and and going down my white skin and to the hem of my panties. He placed a kiss all the way to the wet spot on my boyshorts. He then looked at me with his dark emerald eyes filled of lust and asked in a husky voice, "Is someone getting turned on?"

My breathing was harsh and ragged and my legs were shaking.

"Y-y-yes." I stuttered out. He could still do this to me? Wow.. He chuckled and leaned down, licking the wet mark on my panties causing me to let out a moan.

And at the same time, there was a knock on the door with a small voice saying "Mommy, Daddy, I'm scared."

Duh Duh Duh!(: Haha finished! What do you all think? Kinda crappy but it was getting steamy(; Well leave me your feedback and new ideas please(: