I don't own anything.

Time had gone so quickly and before I knew it Erik was a happy, healthy bouncy seven month old.

He couldn't walk yet, couldn't talk yet, but he didn't half make his presence known; he'd kick his feet against anything he could, bang his hands on his knees and whine until someone picked him up or told him how adorable he was. He certainly was adorable; he had a mop of curly black hair and his eyes had gone a bright green.

It was clear he was mine and Jasper's son.

I stood with him in my arms now, rocking him slowly as I listened to my Father and Jasper talking downstairs, I wasn't too sure what they were talking about but judging by the deep laughter I kept hearing, it was funny.

My Father and Jasper were still a little funny with each other a few months after Erik was born, but eventually they settled their differences after a night out together. They never told me what they talked about but I imagined there would have been a lot grovelling on Jasper's part and then my Father would give the 'you hurt my daughter again I kill you' speech.

They were the most import things in my life, my Father, my Husband and my Son. I just wanted them all to get along and so far things were going well.

Jasper had kept to his promise and taken anger management classes, I'd even talked him into having therapy for his possessiveness.


I looked down at my son seeing his adorable little pout, clearly not amused that I was ignoring him. "I'm sorry; I'm sorry Your Royal Highness." I joked kissing his cheek gently. "Mommy's just thinking." I smiled carrying him out of the nursery and off my bedroom.

Me and Jasper had bought a nice little house not far from my Father's, it was perfect! I loved it.

I'd started up school again which was extremely difficult with such a young child, but I couldn't just sit at home all day and do nothing. Erik was a pretty easy baby and my Father didn't work as many hours as he used to so he could be home to look after him when I wasn't.

I didn't go to school every day of the week, only Monday afternoons, Wednesday afternoons and Friday mornings so I could be with my son, I did a lot of my work at home too.

Of course everyone wanted to be my friend now, they all wanted to see pictures of my son, wanted to hear about him, but I didn't have time for friends like that. I was quite happy with Bella, Edward and Jasper as my friends.

Jasper started school a few weeks ago and he found it hard getting back into the routine, found it hard when teachers shouted at him, but he was doing well, we were in almost every class together so I could help him when he struggled.

"Look at that my darling." I said opening the wardrobe and pulling out the pretty white dress. "Do you think your Mommy is going to look good in that?" I wondered holding him up but when he reached his hands towards it I had to pull him back, worried he'd ruin it.

Jasper had decided that we would get married properly this time. We'd have a white wedding, a traditional wedding, no expense spared. Of course it wouldn't be a big wedding as I only had my Father and Jasper only really had his sister, his parents didn't care much but if they wanted to come, they could.

Everything had changed since me and Jasper ran away, we'd grown up. We'd gotten that stupid adventurous nature out of our systems before we had our son but now he was here we had to grow up and act like parents for his sake.

Our whole lives revolved around him now, everything we did we had to think what implications that would have on Erik.

We were going to school so we could get qualifications, to get a good job to earn money to support him.

This was not the way I'd planned my life out but I had to live with the consequences of my actions; I had to grow up and be a Wife, be a Mother, but I couldn't ever forget that I was still only nineteen, I was still young and had plenty of time to turn my life around.

The main thing I'd learnt from my adventures with Jasper was I controlled my own destiny; I couldn't let anyone tell me what to do anymore.

It was my life and I'd live it the way I wanted to, do what I thought best.

For Erik's sake, I couldn't be a push over anymore.

The end!
Woah...I actually finished a whole fic, I'm so proud of myself haha.
Thank you for all your reviews, they really kept me going, without them I would have stopped writing this a long time ago. I thought you may be interested to know I have another idea for another fic so I shall get that started asap!
Today is my birthday so getting this finished was my present to all you guys lol
Again thank you for taking the time to read this and if you'd spare a little bit more time to review the whole story I'd be super happy!
Thank you :) Sarah xx