I don't own Oreimo ©

I've been really interested in this anime. For a couple of reasons is it's because it has something to do with comedy and a hint of incest. I do like Kyousuke and Kirino to be more than siblings because one they seem cute together and two they don't even look like siblings so half the time I forget they are.

So I hope you enjoy this story I guess.

I gritted my teeth as Kirino dragged me into another store. She needed my help for her novel even though it is already a best seller. Kirino held up a necklace that had a heart shaped locket. My sister opened the locket and found out that you could put a couple of small pictures in. She shoved the piece of jewelry in my face.

"Buy it for me." She stated.

I sighed heavily and looked at the price. I swear I almost chocked on my own spitt, "5-50,000 YEN?"

Kirino glared and exclaimed, "I want it, Baka."

"No way! I don't have 50,000. I only have 30,000 just in case you wanted to buy something that was worth 30,000 like that stupid ring." I replied back.

"You're so stupid." She muttered.

I watched as my younger sister placed the necklace back down. She turned to me and kicked my shin really hard. I yelped in pain and watched Kirino walking out of the store. I glared and began to chase after her.

"Come on, Baka." I heard Kirino say, "Let's go to a café."

Kirino grabbed my coat and began to drag me into a café that we usually go to. We sat down and ordered our drinks. As we waited I looked out the window. It was starting to rain. I cursed under my breath and continued to watch the rain drops hit the ground of the city.


I raised a brow and turned to look at Kirino. She seems flustered. I chuckled slightly, 'Must be more advice.' I waited for my baby sister to say something, but all she did was open and close her mouth. She continued to do this for maybe a minute.

"You look like a fish when you do that." I commented in an amused tone.

Kirino glared at me with her clear-sky blue eyes. She pouted and said, "Shut up!"

My sister watched as I sighed once again. I ran my hand through my dark blue hair and looked at Kirino with a serious face. I could always tell when she knows I'm being serious. She always flinches or looks surprised.

"Seriously. Tell me what's wrong, Kirino."

She could only avert her eyes away from me. I grunted, but then smiled at the waiter who gave us our drinks. I thanked her and turned my attention back at Kirino. It would appear that she is glaring at the pretty waiter.

"Why are you glaring at her?" I asked as I took a sip of my coffee.

Kirino puffed her cheeks and replied, "You were flirting with her!"

I almost spit my coffee right at her. I rubbed my temples and said, "Fl-Flirting? You have got to be kidding me, Kirino! I just smiled at her."

Suddenly my sister got up and pointed at me, "LIAR! THAT WAS FLIRTING!"

I blushed madly at this. I swear I felt everyone's eyes staring at me. I frowned and whispered loudly to Kirino, "Al-Alright! I was flirting! Happy now? Now please sit down, I can feel everyone staring!"

Kirino turned red it would seem that she was ready to explode. Though I sighed in relief, when she sat back down on her chair. I now had a scared look on my face; I had a feeling that I was going to get hurt both physically and verbally.

"Happy? Are you retarded? Why would I be happy that you admitted it?" She exclaimed, this time not grabbing everyone's attention.

I simply scoffed at her, "Why would you care who I flirt with anyway?"

This time she could only glare at me with a hurt expression. I only held a poker face, I didn't want to show her that I actually held concern for her. Right now, I needed to know why she's been so…different lately.


Kirino stuck out her tongue at me and took her coffee for her to drink. I sighed and finished up my cup. We both sat there for a while in silence. I really wanted to break this tension; I didn't really mean to make her upset. I mean tomorrow is going to be her big day.

I scratched my head and said, "Your birthday is tomorrow."

"No shit."

I winced at her reply, "Do you want anything?"

She only crossed her arms at me and said, "Why would I tell you what I want? You're poor. When I told you to buy me the necklace you didn't have money."

"I didn't have enough, Kirino." I said trying to reason with her.

"Whatever." She said and got up, "Let's go home before we are missed."

I sighed and left the pay on the table. The two of us walked together trying to get to the train station. I glanced down at Kirino and saw that she still looked very upset. I bit the inside of my cheek and stopped walking. Kirino turned around and glared at me for stopping.

"Why the hell did you stop?" She asked.

"Go back home I have to make a quick stop first."

Kirino now looked curious, "Why?"

I furrowed my brows together, "I-I…wanted to see that pretty waiter girl again."

This was a mistake. Kirino growled and walked up to me. I looked down at her with a confused look, but then suddenly I was slapped across the face. I winced in pain as I felt the stinging hand print on my face. I rubbed my cheek as I watched my sister walk off to the station without me. I chuckled and turned around walking the opposite direction of my young sister.

I growled as I got in the train. I sat down next to some old lady and looked out the window. Why would Kyousuke go back to that stupid waiter? What does she have that I don't? I bet it's because she has glasses! Of course…Kyousuke always had that stupid glasses fetish including towards that Neighbor-girl. I pouted and continued to wait for my stop.

After 10 minutes my stop came. I got off the train and began to walk on the side-walk. I frowned though when I walked past the Neighbor-girl's family shop. I saw the plain girl swiping the place with her broom. I growled slightly at her when she saw me.

"A-Ah! Good afternoon, Kirino-san." She greeted me.

I could only grunt at her, "What the hell are you doing here?"

Neighbor-girl seemed to be a little flustered at my question, "This is my family's store. I-I clean it on weekends."

"I see.."

"Y-yes well where is Kyou-chan?"

My eyes widened. Kyou-chan? That made my stomach churn when she said my brother's name like that. I glared harshly at her and replied, "Baka is off seeing some slut."

My brother's friend is now frowning, "Kyou-chan knows better than that."


That was my good-bye to her. I walked pass her and her shop and continued my little journey back home. I smiled in relief as I reached my wanted location. I opened the door and stepped inside. I smiled and said, "I'm back~!"

I knew no one was home. Mom and Dad were out for a couple of days for work. My smile turned into a thin line as I placed my shoes away and slipped onto my whale slippers. I idly went into my room and got clothes for me to change into after my shower. I walked down the hallway and walked into the bathroom to freshen myself up. After I was down I went back into my room. I sighed and looked out my window.

"Where's Aniki…" I mumbled.

I then slapped myself across the face, "Wh-What am I saying? God…I think I'll need to play some eroge."

I smiled and got onto my computer and began to play my cute little sister game. After a couple of hours I heard the door slam shut. I instantly froze. I opened the door of my room and looked over at Kyousuke's door. The light is still on! I smiled to myself as I heard him turning off the lights in his room. I waited for a good 10 minutes because that is when he is usally asleep.

I got out of my room and quietly walked towards Kyousuke's. I slowly opened the door and silently closed it. I tip-toed towards Kyousuke's bed and sat upon him. It would seem that he is deep in sleep.

Kirino frowned and slapped Kyousuke right across the face. Her old brother's eyes shot open and the older sibling groaned in pain. Kyousuke looked up and saw his sister sitting one him, just like the first time she did that when he found out about her otaku side.

"Wh-What the fuck, Kirino!" Kyousuke exclaimed.

The strawberry-haired teen frowned and asked, "Why the hell did it take you so long for you to come back home, Baka?"

Kyousuke narrowed his eyes, "I-I can't tell you.."

"Why not?" His sister demanded, "I want to know or else!"

The male teen is now curious, "Or else what?"

"I-I…" Kirino stammered, "I'll…get rid of your porn magazines!"

Kyousuke gasped, "You wouldn't!"

"I would! Now tell me!" She exclaimed.

Kirino watched her elder brother sigh in annoyance. Kyousuke rubbed his temples and said, "Just wait till tomorrow, okay?"

The young girl glared cold daggers at Kyousuke. The boy teen only held an unamused expression. 'What's her deal? She's ALWAYS like this.' Kyousuke gritted his teeth and glared back at his sister, making her glare turn into a surprise look.

"What is your problem, Kirino." Kyousuke said.

Kirino looked disgusted, "My problem? YOU'RE MY problem!"

"How the hell am I your problem?"



Kirino sat there looking dumbstruck. She watched as Kyousuke got out of his bed and began to walk around his room. Kirino only sat there waiting for her brother to pour his feelings towards her. The bad emotions that he held against her.

Kyousuke looked out his window and glared at the neighborhood, "I had a peaceful life, Kirino. A nice normal life, but not anymore!"

He then turned to her, "Ever since you showed me your anime crap I've been going through a lot for you. I've gotten punch by dad, your best friend thinks I'm an incest perv, and I can't hang out with my best friend without you putting PORN all over my room!"

Kirino narrowed her eyes at me and mumbled, "Then don't bring Neighbor-girl over..She's a pain anyway."


The young girl flinched at his voice, "Don't you dare bad mouth her. She's a nice and caring person."

"Wh-What about me…" Kyousuke heard his sister mumble.

The older sibling laughed at this, "You are just the opposite, Kirino. Y'know? I've always been jealous of you."

Kirino looked at him with a puzzled look, "Why? You're jealous cause you're not a girl?"

Kyousuke tch'd at her and continued, "You're always the popular one, so good a sports and looks, everyone praises you. Always the smart one and they always care about you. Me? Mom and Dad never praise me like you. They just sit there on the kitchen table when you're not there and praise."

"If you're jealous of me, Why? Why did you help me." Kirino asked her brother.

Kyousuke crossed his arms and leaned against the wall, "Because I'm your Aniki. I did it because no one else would. I did all this and you are STILL ungrateful."

Kirino then mumbled something. This made Kyousuke's ears perk up. He frowned and walked up to his sister. He bent down to her level and gritted his teeth when he heard what she was saying. He wanted to hear it again.


She only mumbled.


"I hate you."

Kyousuke continued to look upset, "Say it louder like you mean it."

"I HATE YOU!" And he received a slap with that.

Kirino looked angry now. Kyousuke began to laugh which caused Kirino to look even more pissed. Kyousuke stopped laughing and spat back at his sister, "GOOD! BECAUSE THAT WAS THE FEELING I HAD INSIDE ME ALL THIS TIME! I HATE YOU TOO!"

Then Kyousuke noticed something. Kirino is now shaking her fists. Her brother's eyes widened when Kirino raised her arm up. The older sibling could only close his eyes ready for the pain to impact him. He waited and waited, but he felt nothing.

He opened his eyes to find his sister standing before him with her arm raised up ready to strike, but he just stood there. She just couldn't do it. Kirino sat back down on Kyousuke's bed and began to let tears slip down her cheeks.


His sister laid in a fetus position and held onto his pillow. Kyousuke only stood there watching her silently cry to herself. The teen now had a feeling of regret in his chest. The feeling that he thought he would never have towards his sister.

"Please Kirino.."

"Go away."

Kyousuke awkwardly scratched his head and replied, "But this is my room."

"I don't care.." Kirino mumbled into the pillow, "You're gross."

Kyousuke sat back on his bed with Kirino in between his legs. Kirino sat up and began to hit Kyousuke over and over again. Her older brother only sat there flinching everytime he felt a fist hit against his chest, stomach, and face. Once Kirino got that out of her system, Kyousuke grabbed his sister, who only squeaked in response.

"I didn't mean it." Kyousuke mumbled, "I didn't mean to say that I hate you."

"You said it anyway." Kirino responded clearly upset.

Kyousuke frowned and held Kirino against his chest. She blushed crimson red and placed a hand on over his heart. Kirino felt it beating fast, what was he going to do? Making him so nervous.

"Kirino…I'm sorry I said those mean things to you.." Kyousuke began, "I do care about you. I did all of this because you're my little sister and I don't want anything bad to happen to you."

His little sister looked up at him and said, "I'm sorry too…Aniki."

Kyousuke smiled when she said that. He then bent down and reached for something under his bed. He pulled out a small bag and handed it to Kirino. She looked puzzled by this and asked him what it was.

"I was suppose to give it to you in the morning but…" Kyousuke looked over at his clock and it read 12:10AM, "But I guess right now is the right time."

Kirino slowly took the item out of the in her hands was a small red fuzzy box. She opened it and gasped at what was inside. Behind her Kyousuke smiled as Kirino picked up the chian of the necklace that she wanted in the store. Kirino looked back at Kyousuke and smiled warmly at him.

"You actually got it!" Kirino exclaimed happily, "So pretty…"

Kyousuke yawned and rubbed his eyes, "Yeah. Glad you like it. Can I go to bed now, Kirino?"

"Huh? Oh..Sure."

Her Aniki smiled and placed his hand on her head, "We'll celebrate your birthday in the morning okay?"

Kirino smiled slightly, "Alright. Ne…Aniki?"


Kyousuke watched as Kirino was looking at him nervously, "D-Do you mind if I sleep here tonight?"

The older teen laid on his bed with Kirino in his arms, "I don't mind, Kirino.."

Kirino watched as her older brother's breathing began to lax. She smiled as she held the locket close to her heart. The strawberry-blonde clutch onto her brother's shirt, which made Kyousuke look down at her. Kyousuke raised a brow and asked what's wrong.

"I have a request." She stated.

Her brother only groaned, "Can't it wait?"


Kyousuke scrutched his nose and said, "Fine."

The young girl buried her face in his shirt and mumbled something, but Kyouske could hear it clearly, "This is…weird for you I know, but…"


"I want you to be my boyfriend."


Kirino looked up at him with a pleading look, "Will you…?"

"I-I…" Kyousuke didn't even know how to respond to this, 'My sister…My cute sister is asking me to be her boyfriend. We always didn't get along, but ever since that day…Does she really mean it? No joke?'

Kirino brought her face near Kyousuke's. Pink lush lips almost touching his. Kirino closed her eyes as she asked one last time, "Oi, Aniki…What's your answer?"


A/N: It's a one-shot unless you people want more chapters I could continue on like write what's Kyousuke's response in the morning or whatever :)

Reviews please