Hello everyone! Welcome to chapter one of Who Would've Done Such a Thing?

A quick summary: This story will be a collection of one-shots detailing the misadventures of The Three Greatest Generations of Pranking. The Marauders, The Twins, and The Immortals, who are James Sirius Potter, Fred Weasley II, and Canidae Jordon, Lee Jordon's daughter, Along with the occasional meddling of Jacob Black from Twilight. This story will focus on the Hogwarts Rules, and why they were invented… All 550 of them. After all, the rules had to come from somewhere, and Who Would've Done Such Things?

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, Wait let me check, nope I only got 20 bucks in my purse, I'm not rich. I didn't invent the rules either. Some fabulous person on the fabulous internet did. I'm just a thief ^^

Rule #1. I will not poke Hufflepuffs with spoons, nor will I insist that their House colors mean that they are covered in bees.

"I'm bored," Sirius uttered the most dreadful words in all of Hogwarts history. Whenever Sirius was bored, interesting things happened. Well, interesting for the Marauders that is, and whoever is lucky enough not to be caught in the crossfire.

It was a calm, for now, winter day in the Marauders' first year. The four boys were as close as brothers. They stuck through thick and thin and already had the record for the most rules broken in a single year, and it was only February. The snow had kept the boys inside as the fluffy stuff was still pouring down from the skies. The four friends were in their dormitory, Sirius studying a muggle bathing suit catalog, James studying the best way to catch a snitch, Peter studying his friends, and Remus actually studying his Transfiguration. James, the greatest enabler in the world and bored himself, stopped playing catch with the snitch on his bed and looked at his best friend.

"Well, we can't have that, now can we?" James smiled evilly, completely ignoring the slowly reddening Remus. "Do you have anything in mind to cure us of this terrible disease?"

"Well, there's always dear old Snivellus as a source of entertainment. We could…."

"No, not Severus!" Remus interrupted before Sirius could tell his friends the details of his grand plan. "We just pranked him a few days ago, and were almost caught! McGonagall will be watching us around Snape even closer than usual. If you two must insist on getting someone, pick someone else that won't get us in as much trouble."

Remus tried to be a good boy, he really did, but it was physically impossible to stand up to James and Sirius when they set their minds on something. The best that he could do was to divert their attention to a less troubling target.

It worked. Sirius and James were silent for about 2.65 minutes, making silent communication with their eyes the whole time. Remus thought, quite naively, that they dropped the subject, but alas, it was never that simple with the two masterminds of the Marauders.

"HUFFLEPUFFS!" They screamed at the exact same time, conveniently after they had snuck behind Remus's chair so that he received the brunt of their exclamation. Our favorite werewolf jumped out of his seat and ended up hanging from the light on the dormitory ceiling.

"What are you doing up there, Remy?" James asked with a "concerned" face.

"Why, yes, whatever is it that you find so fascinating on the ceiling?" Sirius asked, looking mildly disapproving. "Are you trying to become a cat animagus? You know how dangerous those transformations are! Besides, you could never replace the dear old cat closest to our heart…."

"Minnie," sighed both Sirius and James with love struck eyes. This was too much for Peter to handle and his giggle fit turned into a full blown spaz attack. Even, Remus's stern scowl broke as a smile broke through the cracks while he climbed down from the ceiling.

"I would never dream of replacing dear Minnie, however I would love to see McGonagall's reaction if she ever heard you call her that." Remus smiled as the four friends settled down once again.

"Oh, it's simply marvelous," Sirius said, sitting next to James on his bed. "Remind me to take a picture of it next time, won't you?"

"Now what is it that you are planning to do to the poor Hufflepuffs?" Remus asked, giving his friends a skeptical look.

"Oh, nothing important," James waved off Remus's disbelieving look. "It's just the punch line to this new joke me and Sirius thought of."

"Tell me, Petey, Remy," Sirius took over, purposefully provoking Remus and Peter with the nickname that they hated the most. "What's black and yellow and sticky all over?"

"Ummm, a bee?" Peter asked, looking confused and hopeful at the same time.

"Close, but not quite…"James smiled his most devious grin.

I have a bad feeling about this though Remus as he listened to the plans of the most evil masterminds of their generation

The next morning at the Hufflepuff breakfast table, there was quite a large amount of food with honey in it. The Hufflepuffs did not think anything of this strange occurrence, but instead dug into the wondrous meal with gusto. It wasn't until halfway through the meal that the slightly oblivious Hufflepuffs felt a slight poking sensation, but they ignored it.

It wasn't until the poking became more insistent that the 'Puffs finally looked for the source of their discomfort. Imagine their surprise when each and every Hufflepuff had at least ten spoons poking them! And that's not all. Each spoon was full of honey, leaving their robes a sticky mess.

The entire Great Hall started laughing as the Hufflepuffs started batting away the spoons, only to learn that whenever a spoon was pushed away, it started poking its victim even harder than before.

The few smart, or not-so-smart, Hufflepuffs that tried to spell their spoons away soon had double the amount of angry, honey-filled spoons attacked their robes.

But the fun hadn't even started yet, for the true purpose of the honey was yet to be discovered.

Yes, the honey did make the 'Puffs delightfully covered in the sticky, gooey substance, but there is one creature that likes honey even more than a bored Marauder.

Yes, you guessed it: Bees.

One "innocent" first-year Peter Pettigrew came down to breakfast, late as usual, only this time, he wasn't alone. Accompanying Mr. Pettigrew was a swarm of thousands of hungry bees. Imagine their delight when they saw other bees, GIANT bees, covered in delicious honey.

Surprisingly enough, the Hufflepuffs, did not enjoy their new buzzing friends. Neither did Professor McGonagall. She stormed down from the teacher's table with such a maleficent aura surrounding her that students climbed over each other to scramble away from the deadly professor. A few even ended up sharing the Hurrlepuffs' fate in the process of escaping.

McGonagall reached the four boys before they could run far enough away. She grabbed the back of Sirius's and James's robes with one hand and Remus and Peter with the other. Soon she was glaring at all four of them across from her desk.

"Now boys, who would like to tell me how the entire Hufflepuff population is currently covered in honey, spoons, AND bees." McGonagall asked, massaging her eyes.

"Now, Minnie," Sirius started, ignoring McGonagall's glare at the nickname. "Why would you ever think that innocent, first-year us could possible imagine, let alone have the ability to accomplish such a wonderful feat of pranking magic."

"Yes, Minnie," James picked up where Sirius left off. "We could have never thought to not only annoy the 'Puffs by poking them, getting them sticky, and making fools of them, but give them the joy of adding more bees to the ones that make up their fashion-blind yellow and black ensemble."

"Seriously, M-m-innie," Remus managed to spit out the nickname much to his friends', and McGonagall's surprise. "Who would've done such a thing?"

Well I hope you liked it! This isn't my favorite rule, but it's still pretty cool.

Quick plug! If you like Twilight check out my other story, The Most Dangerous Kind. Nessie goes to Hogwarts with Al, Rose, Scorpius and all the rest of the Next Generation! I've planned out the whole thing and plan to work on it soon!

Please review! I can't improve my stories unless I know what to fix!
