"Where are you going?"
The whisper seemed loud in the still night air, and they both cringed, casting fearful and guilty glances toward the door. When nothing happened, they looked back at each other.
"I can't stay." Zuko whispered as he finished pulling his shirt over his head. Looking around, he asked "have you seen my underwear?" Soundlessly, Katara held them up, letting them dangle from a single finger. "Ah. Thanks." Pulling them on, he looked up at her and frowned. "Come on Katara," he leaned over the bed and kissed her. "You know I can't stay."
She frowned as he pulled back and began to look for his pants. "No one would know. Your room is right next to mine. It's not like we don't walk out to breakfast together every morning anyways." She paused as he gave a small sound of triumph. Katara watched him step into his pants as she considered another approach. "Haven't you ever thought about morning sex? Imagine. You're waking up, and there I am, a warm body willing and waiting."
This time he paused, hand suspended and belt half tied. After a moment Zuko growled and finished knotting his belt. "No. Its bad enough Toph knows. I don't want to chance your brother finding out more than we have to. If I accidently killed him in self defense you'd never talk to me again. And then where would I be?" He stepped up to the bed again, leaning down for one more kiss. "Good night."
With a small smile, he was gone.
The early morning light gently sifted through his partially open curtains. The sound of the gulls flying over the beach followed and found their way into his room as well. The morning was pleasant and promising that the day ahead would be its equal. Today would be a great day to take advantage of Ember Island's beach. Especially right after the morning's training.
Zuko reached his hand over his head to stretch, but paused when his arm brushed something that wasn't supposed to be in his bed. Slowly, he rolled over.