I woke up surrounded in darkness and completely panicked. I sloshed around in a thin layer of water and reached out to push against four plastic walls with several small around holes in them for air. Where was I? what had happened? All I could remember was trying to scare James away and then…nothing.
I tried to move my legs but then realized that I still had a tail and that's when my panic level soared through the roof. With all the force I could muster I pushed against the covering above my trying to find a way of escape. I put my eyes to the small hole and looked out hopping for some clue that would give away my location, something to put my heart at ease (even though I knew I would only grow more panicked when I found out where I really was).
A dim light glowed ahead and it took several seconds form my eyes to adjust but then I realized I was looking at a small kitchen area. Where was I?
"They found her at the lab, didn't take very long." A familiar voice spoke. It was James.
"Well what are you going to do with her while you wait for your presentation on Monday?" Another slightly familiar voice asked.
"Keep it here until I can figure something else out." He said and I noticed that he was a little panicked. His voice gave off the hints of worry and stress.
"Why don't you just give this up mate, you're in way over your head now. How many people did you say were looking for her?"
"Three boys and two girls, all teenagers. I'm not afraid of a few bloody teenagers! I've worked too hard for too long to just give up this position at the labs and my research is going to get me there. I'll go down as one of the most famous scientists, the one who discovered a new a new race."
The second man let out a sigh and moved in front of the hole. I couldn't see anything anymore but I could still listen.
"How's Ivy?" James asked changing the subject. There was a ruffling of papers and I could almost hear the smile on the man's lips.
"Very good thank you. We had plans tonight but it all depended on if she could get out of work early or not. You know James, that's' what you need. A good lady friend would do you some good."
"I don't have time for that Thomas."
"Rubbish, you have time for that American fiend of yours? What's one more person?"
"The American is strictly business."James grumbled back, sounding distracted.
"Whatever mate, you really should take a break from work, it's got you all frazzled and hair brained."
Thomas moved out of the way and out of sight and I listened to him shuffled into another room. James stood and walked into the kitchen, grabbing a glass of water and an old box of take away.
I Held out my hand and turned the water into jelly and watched with satisfaction as James took a sip and then dropped the cup to the floor, studying it contents before turning to me with narrowed eyes. He picked up the glass and hurled It at the container he had me in. Crack! The contents a of the glass few into the hole alone with several shard of glass and I pulled away from the opening as James stomped over to the box.
"You have been a real pain in my side. It's a wonder I haven't killed you yet you buggin fish. It doesn't matter if I present you dead or alive to the board."
A shiver of fear ran up my spine and I struggled against whatever held the box closed. James only laughed and kicked the side.
"Squirm all you want little devil fish, I had this specially made for you. Now way you can escape or your little mates can take you out."
"You won't get away with this." I said pushing against the walls.
"I can, and I will."
Just then the buzzer sounded and James closed his notebook on the counter he had been rummaging through and opened the door.
"Hello Ivy." He said flatly.
"Hello James is Thomas here?" She asked, very high spirited and almost bouncy.
"Thomas!" James yelled.
"Coming, coming." Thomas said as he passed by the box once more.
I saw my chance at an escape and pushed harder against the box until it tipped over and emptied the water and bringing me into view of the door. Several lights flicked on and Thomas smiled at Ivy, a Bleach blonde girl with a small cast around her ankle and a crutch in her hand.
"What was that?" she asked looking right at me, though I doubted she could see me through the holes. Not that I wanted her too.
"That's James science project. He's going to show it to the board of scientists and hopefully get the apprenticeship he's been hoping for."
"Ooh that's nice."
"Help!" I croaked. My head swam from the turn and my side ached from the sharp glass shard s that ran against my body and tail but I ignored them as I tried to get Ivy's attention.
"What was that?" She asked
My head hurt and I wondered if it was bruised from when I turned on my side.
"James's experiment." Thomas groaned.
"What exactly is it?" She asked, a suspicious note rising in her voice.
"You wouldn't believe me if I told you." Thomas said clearly trying to get off the topic.
"Try me." She said.
Ivy crossed her arms and had a look of suspicion on her face. Thomas looked over at James with an expression that said 'help me' but he only shrugged.
"Well...we caught a mermaid." Thomas said pointing over to where I was.
Ivy burst out laughing.
"Help!" I cried again, and her laughter was cut short.
"Don't listen to the little bugger, she's a tricky one."James said with a deep frown.
I moved the box back and forth and was rewarded with sharp pains in my side from all the little glass shards.
"Ouch!" I complained as Ivy hobbled over to where I was. Her feet splish splashed in the puddle on the kitchen tile floor as she bent over the box.
" Cone on Ivy let's get going, I'm tired of staying in this apartment with a half crazed mate and that bloody girl lying in there."
Ivy waved him off and stuck her fingers over one of the holes.
"It might hurt you. You should be careful." James said walking over.
"I'm not an animal." I hissed at him.
Ivy pulled back surprised and stared first at the box and then at James while Thomas tried to pull her out.
"Come on Ivy let's get going. The sooner we're away from her the better. I can't wait until the bloody thing leaves on Monday. It just doesn't feel right."
Ivy fumbled with something on the door, which I assumed was the lock and her good foot crunched against the broken glass shards on the floor.
"I want to see it, and then we can go." She said.
Both men looked at each other and James slowly took a key out of his pocket and I heard the distinct sound of the bolt turning and unlocking.
"You can't tell anyone until Monday when I unveil her." He said as the sound of creaking hinges sounded.
I rolled right out and onto the floor as a gasp erupted from Ivy. She just stared for several seconds, not knowing what to do before turning to James with a look of anger. I put my hand to my head and felt something wet, but I assumed it was just the leftover water from the box thing.
"You're a real animal you know that." She barked at him suddenly as I let a low moan escape my lips.
"look at her she's not even human, how can you say that." James protested.
"No you look at her! She's all torn up."
"She'll be more then torn up Monday once we take it back to the lab."
"I have a name you know." I said.
"She speaks and reasons just like you and me, what gives you a right to take her and experiment on her." Ivy snapped.
Her reaction was ten times better than I had hoped for and I inched myself away from the puddle of water, trying to air dry as fast as possible.
"She could've killed me the night I saw her! She very well tried." James snapped back.
"I should call the cops on you."
"Perhaps that's a bit far, James is just sleep deprived and a little stressed I'm sure he'll come to his senses soon enough." Thomas said stepping in.
"Thomas look at her!" Ivy said bringing back attention to me.
"Yeah I know, and I don't think it's right either." Thomas said seriously.
"Thomas mate, you're not about to ruin weeks of research here are you? You haven't seen what she's capable of."
"Well I can't say that I doubt anything anymore." He said running to the fridge and pulled out a bottle of something. "I need a drink."
My tail was beginning to dry and I smiled. All I had to do now was avoid the puddle and make a line for the door. I just hoped the lift was nearby because getting out of the building could prove tricky. My head was still throbbing but the pain had died down a bit. There were a few bloody cuts from the glass on my side and probably on my fact I ignored them. The last bit of water dried on my tail and I couldn't hold back the cry of joy that escaped my mouth as I stared at my own two feet.
"What the…" James and Thomas both said surprised. I turned the Water into Jelly at their feet and ran for the door. I reached out to grab the door handle but then the world around me began to twist and turn. Before I knew it I was on the carpet, struggling to stay awake. I had hit my head harder then I had thought.