Annabeth´s POV

" You stop! I'm sick of you! You're the reason why the baby died! It's all your fault!" I screamed.

My eyes widened and I covered my mouth. I wanted to punch myself in the face. Why did I yell that? Why here?

"What?," asked Percy. He looked confused and a little scared.

" I-I don't know. I´m in much stress, this is all your fault!," I yelled. Percy narrowed his eyes at me and his lips formed a tight line. I know he could tell that I was lying. I was never good at hiding things.

"Annabeth, what baby? I know you´re keeping something from me. I can tell."

Percy took a deep breath and walked towards me. "Wise Girl, please tell me what´s going on. I told you the reason why I left. I told you about the accident. Don´t you think it´s time for you to explain some things to me?"

I laughed. " Oh really? Because you told everyone about it except me! I thought you were dead for years! Everyone around me knew, everyone! Why didn´t you want me to know? Did you get tired of me or something?"

I turned to my right and saw Ashley glaring at me. I was pretty sure that she could tell what was going on. She had finished the puzzle. Percy was just too stupid to figure it out.

" Look, I´m not expecting you to tell me anything here. How about we go for a walk and-"

" Um, excuse me Percy? We were having a party here, celebrating our engagement. Don´t you think you should, oh I don't know, BE HERE!," yelled Ashley. I rolled my eyes. How Percy got engaged to that witch, I will never know.

" Ashley, this is important. Can we please do this later?"

"Are you fucking kidding me? This is important too! She can wait. All of our guests are here!"

I shook my head. I was done with this drama. I had enough problems in my life with Tyler, and I didn´t need any with Percy. I turned towards the door, hoping to get my course it wasn´t going to be easy.

" Annabeth! Let´s talk, alright? Can´t we go to the park or something?"

I turned around and shook my head. I knew he had the right to know, but I wasn´t in the mood to have a conversation with him. " I have somewhere to be." With that I walked out the door.

The next few days were a big blur of crap. I wasn´t in the mood for anything. Not even work could put me in a better mood. Lila tried talking me into telling her what was going on, but I wasn´t budging. I was planning on keeping my secrets inside. Nobody wasn´t going to get them out. Percy tried talking to me a few times, but I never answered. I wasn´t giving him the satisfaction of thinking that he could control me. That idiot probably helped Ashley plot her little let´s-ruin-Annabeth´s-life plan. I knew I was acting ridiculous but what could I do? This idiot always found a way to hurt me.

"Annabeth, are you sure everything´s alright? I could help-"

" Lila," I said as calmly as possible. "I´m fine. I´ve just had a few tough days, that´s all."

She shook her head and sighed. " This isn´t like you. You´re always so happy about work, coming up with new ideas, planning everything. You keep spacing out and forget a lot of the things you´re supposed to do. I´m not liking this."

I closed my eyes and got up. " You don´t have to like this, because I never asked you to." I walked out of the lunch area. I had enough of people´s crap lately. Why the hell did everyone think they could control my actions and personality?

I walked back to my office and saw the door was cracked open. I felt my stomach do a flip and I bit my lip. I knew who that was, and he was probably not bringing me good news.

Percy´s POV

I know my decisions were negative. I know that my stupid choices had caused her pain. But in the end, everything I did was to protect her? I wasn´t going to sit around, knowing my presence could bring death to her door. I had to power to walk away and ends things, and that´s what I did. Why couldn´t she realize that I never meant to bring her harm. Annabeth wouldn´t talk to me, no matter how much I tried. Calling wasn´t working and I knew I should probably show up at her work, but then what? She´ll probably kick my ass for showing up. A beating wouldn´t really matter though. I wanted to know what she was talking about. What baby? Was it someone close to her, or worse, had she been preg-

" Percy, can you please stop spacing out? We need to talk about wedding dates!"

I sighed and closed my eyes. Ashley was so clueless, even more so than I was, and that was saying something.

"Ashley, not now. I have some things to take care of."

"Hmm like what? Go sleep with that bitch Annabeth?"

I gritted my teeth. "Look, I told you for the millionth time that Annabeth and I are just friends. Get over it."

"OMG PERCY! Don´t you see? I already know the truth! She said it was your fault she lost the baby! She lost YOUR baby! How long were you guys seeing each other behind my back, huh? HOW LONG?"

I stared at her. W-what was she talking about? Could Annabeth really been pregnant? I mean, we haven´t had sex or anything for-

My eyes widened. There was that one time….

"Percy,I don´t think I´m ready for this. It´s just too much. We´re too young and-"

I smiled. "Wise Girl, we don´t have to do anything you don´t want."

She sighed. " I know but…maybe…," she trailed off.

I got up and was about to take her hand to get us ready for capture-the-flag when she put her arms around me. She kissed me, hard. I knew what she was doing and I wanted to stop her because I knew she probably didn´t want to do this, but I just couldn´t. She was so hard to resist. I kissed her back and knew right then that this would be the best night of my life.

"Percy!," yelled Ashley. I stared at her emotionless. This girl was such an idiot, yet I couldn´t shake her off. I was fucking stupid.

" I have somewhere to be."

I grabbed my car keys and ran for the door. I had to talk to Annabeth. I had to know what she was keeping from me.

The car ride to her office was taking forever. Just when I actually had something important to do, traffic started. Boy did the Fates really hate me. I was starting to grow really impatient, when cars started moving. I pretty much raced toward Annabeth´s work. I was determined to make her tell me if she had been pregnant with my baby or not. But why else would she have told me about a baby then?

I ran towards the elevator and was greeted by that girl who was with Annabeth at that party a few nights ago. She smiled at me and looked straight ahead. I could tell she knew I was here to talk to Annabeth.

" Is Annabeth in?" I asked. She turned to face me and shrugged. She looked a little pissed at the mention of Annabeth.

The doors opened and I ran towards office. The ride had been longer than I expected but she did work in the highest floor, 13th, after all. I looked at every door, looking for her name, until I came across the second to last door in my right. I could hear voices inside, arguing.

" Don´t you understand that I don´t know what else to do?"

Someone sighed. "Look-"

Everything went quiet for a few seconds. I knew that was Annabeth so I opened my door and right away, I wished I hadn´t. That idiot we saw at the store the other day, Tyler?, had his disgusting mouth to hers. I was hoping Annabeth would push him off or something but she just stayed in place. Out of shock, I don´t know. I felt embarrassed, and somehow, hurt. The pain was worse than getting kicked on by a horse.

Tyler pulled away and I heard Annabeth gasp. She turned to face me and I laughed.

"Guess I´m really stupid after all."

I know it was short but…I´m kind of tired :P My sister gave me the idea for the kiss and I was like, "What the hey!" So there it is. I know they were kind of ooc, and I´m really sorry about that! Review