The second part, because the first part didn't really have much Hikarishipping in it. So this is the same day, but from their point of view instead. Little hints and stuff, shonen-ai, threesome, it's Hikarishipping, not much I can really do about that. Again for Fire DraStar.


Ryou left the house he shared with Bakura, sighed, and then set off for Malik's. Malik had called him to tell him that Ishizu and Odion had left to go to Egypt to pick something up for the museum, and he could get Marik out of the house. Therefore they could go round and be together with Yugi.

They kept their relationship secret because they were slightly afraid of what the Yamis would do if they told them. Bakura and Marik would take the piss out them, stop them from seeing each other, and annoy Yami with something else. Yami would most likely think Ryou and Malik, especially Malik, were taking advantage of Yugi. Also it was fun keeping it a secret.

He walked down the drive, getting into his battered blue car and driving away, seeing Marik walk towards his house, he was slightly glad he had left. He wasn't particularly fond of the crazy yami. But he was very fond of said yami's hikari. Too fond, some might say.

He arrived at Malik's house, parking in the street quickly and rushed in through the bright purple door (Malik and Marik had finally come to an agreement on the shade - half way between lilac and violet), eager to see Malik, who was lying on the sofa looking bored.

Ryou jumped on him, knocking him over.

"You look bored. Might if I cheer you up?" Malik grinned, recovering.

"I certainly wouldn't." They locked lips, not having much room to move so they stayed that way before Malik sat up with Ryou on his lap.

"Malik, why don't you have the TV on like you normally do?"

"I didn't want it blaring in the background."

"But you like TV."

"Not as much as I like you." Ryou blushed as Malik kissed his cheek.

The door opened and Yugi shuffled in looking harassed. He changed the moment he saw, Ryou and Malik, taking a running dive into them and leaving them in a laughing heap on the sofa.

"Sorry I took a while. Yami was throwing a fit. You know how he is." They all straightened up. Malik sat between the other two.

"So, my two wonderful ukes, how's everything been in the 12 hours I haven't been watching you?" Ryou and Yugi's eyes connected before they jumped on Malik. This time they ended up on the floor as the two tickle-attacked Malik into hysterics.

Ryou sat on Malik's chest and held his arms while Yugi sat on his legs. Malik pouted.

"No fair!" Ryou smiled innocently at him.

"Now Malik, what was that about you being dominant? Because it sure doesn't look like it from where I'm sitting."

"That's because you're on top of me!" Malik mock struggled, squealing his protest. Ryou smirked and leaned close.

"Perhaps I should take advantage of that then, hmm?" Malik shivered. He had never quite worked out how Ryou went from cute and innocent to dangerous and seductive in five seconds flat. He liked both.

"Perhaps you both should." Malik whispered back, his tone almost desperate. Now if Yugi would just move up his legs a little more...

Sometime later, the three were standing up, mostly dressed. Ryou had grabbed Yugi into a deep kiss while Malik went behind him, mouth on Yugi's neck as Yugi himself moaned in pleasure. Ryou moved out of the lip lock and whispered something for all three to hear.

"We're being watched."


I know it's a little short, but I'm really lazy and am supposed to be revising/drinking painkillers. I have my exams soon, so not many I'm working on a story which will go on DeviantArt, and will only be posted here when I'm finished.
