Thank you ALL SO MUCH for making this my most reviewed, my longest, and my most popular fic! It means so much to me! Thank you for going on this journey with me and these characters!
Love ya to bits!
So this is the epic epilogue that I've had planned since chapter 6 XDD A 10 year high school reunion!
Pretend that all the events in the actual show had happened EXCEPT the end of Homecoming when the trio is reunited. That DID NOT happen here!
"Johnny, hurry up. We're gonna be late!" Rebecca called from the living room, waiting for Johnny to finish getting dressed. They were heading off to their ten year high school reunion. It was at some fancy hall and was incredibly formal. They had been encouraged to bring spouses and children along. Not only was Rebecca helping Johnny get ready but Piper too.
Johnny stared at his reflection in the mirror once more. He looked exactly like he did the night of that high school dance with Jimmy… Jimmy… He told himself he would stop thinking about him. He was gone. There was nothing he could do to stop it. He adjusted his tie once more and sighed, heading out to the living room where Rebecca stood, fixing a loose hair on Piper's head.
"Finally…" She sighed, getting up and looking him over.
"C'mon Daddy!" Ten year old Piper shouted, grabbing onto his sleeve and attempting to drag him out the door. "We're gonna be late!"
The both of them just laughed as they followed her out, off to relive the moist poignant years of their lives.
They finally arrived and walked in seeing the classmates they used to know so well. The jocks, the preps, the geeks, and then there was their group. Johnny looked over the sea of heads to find the familiar blue and black messy hair at a table way in the back. A giant smile spread across his face immediately. Will. He hadn't seen Will since he left with Tunny for the city.
He ran up to the table, like an excited little child. "Will!"
Will's eyes shot up at the sound of the voice. "Johnny? Oh my God!" They both of them just jumped up and hugged each other immediately. "Where the fuck have you been? Why didn't you call?"
"Getting sober…" Johnny admitted quickly, pulling away from Will before he choked him to death. "Does that answer a lot?"
"Yeah…you look less spastic. I think it's doing something."
Johnny rolled his eyes and waited until Rebecca had come over with Piper, Will hugging her as well. "So yeah…this is…interesting."
"Yeah…" Will agreed, looking at the little family. "Are you two together? Where's Jimmy? You said you found him in one of your old letters…"
But at this point, Johnny's ecstatic face turned right into a dejected one. He felt Rebecca's hand on his shoulder as she explained. "Um…Jimmy's dead…he killed himself last year…"
"Oh my god…" Will lightly gasped, hugging Johnny again. "I'm so sorry, dude…"
"It's ok…it's fine…"
"What's going on?" A familiar voice asked from behind them. They both pulled away and looked at the source of the voice. There in a nice, classy looking suit was Tunny.
"HOLY SHIT!" Will screamed practically jumping on him. "WHERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN?"
Tunny tried to balance himself as now Johnny was jumping on him as well. "Will…"
"You just left! You just…" Will smacked him upside the head quickly. "You stupid ass motherfucker! Leaving me alone with no word for a YEAR. I thought you DIED."
Tunny nearly toppled over before a pair of arms caught him immediately. "Whoa….careful, boys…" A sweet familiar voice rang that they thought they'd never hear again. The both of them looked up and saw that it was Christina, picking Tunny up and kissing him gently.
"Well, that's a couple I thought wouldn't come back…" Will commented watching as Christina and Rebecca hugged each other and squealed. "How did-?"
"I thought you were gonna ask…" Tunny muttered, sort of blushing. "Well, when I was overseas we were sort of ambushed and I got shot and, um…" He bent down and rolled his left pant leg up to reveal a prosthetic leg instead of the real flesh-covered one they were so used to seeing.
"Holy shit, Tun…." Johnny mumbled, his eyes widening.
"They amputated it and Chris happened to be working at the hospital near my station and…"
"I cut his leg off…" Christina boasted quite proudly, winking at Tunny quickly.
"Hot…" Will chuckled, winking at Tunny as well. "So what about you, Johnny Cakes? What've you been up to?"
He looked at his feet uncomfortably and shifted his weight. "Well, when Tunny left, I ran into Rebecca again. And we sort of started to go out again. And then I found Jimmy. He was this huge drug dealer in the city, like a celebrity. We started hanging out and we fell in love again. But he…he got jealous when I would spend time with Rebecca and Piper…he thought I left him one day and…and he shot himself. After that I decided to get clean and I've stayed with Becca ever since."
The group got suddenly quiet, as if the eerie presence of their old friends seemed to haunt them. "I'm so sorry, Johnny…" Christina hugged him quickly.
"So what about you?" Tunny asked Will, placing his hand comfortingly on Johnny's shoulder. "Where's Heather?" Everyone knew Tunny didn't like to talk about Heather very much. She had given their child up for adoption once it was born and he was still upset with her because of it.
Will shrugged and sighed. "Probably with her boyfriend…"
"What happened to-?"
"She left me…took Charlotte and left me for some glitzy sleazy guy in a band."
"Shit, dude…" Johnny sighed, sort of pushing Christina off him.
"S'ok..I guess…"
"Your whole family is gone." Tunny reminded him like he didn't understand what the situation meant. "How is that ok?"
He shrugged again and smiled slightly. "You guys are my family."
All of them just smiled and looked around at each other. They had to admit that Will was right. After all they went through together, after all the laughter, joy, pain, tears, screams, and fights, they were all still together. They stood by each other, supported each other like a real family would.
Will walked up to Tunny and Johnny and threw his arms around their shoulders, a wide smile on his face. "Well, boys…..It's good to be home."
A/N: So sad this is over D'X
I have no clue what to write now. Any suggestions? What do you wanna see next?