Hei guys! Yet another SasuNaru fanfic brought to you by NekoMaliChan!

Disclaim: I don't own Naruto, Sasuke, Kiba (T.T MY KIBAAAA!), Shikamaru, Choji, Neji, Shino, Sakura, Ino, Tsunade, Kakashi, Kurenai, Jiraya, or other characters that I may have mentioned. But I do own Amie. She's mine. And the describtion of her hair... That's the haircut I want myself XD If my mom would let me... .

Warning: This is boyxboy romance, nothing pervy... (Yet. Im concidering a lemon chapter, but I'm not sure, it would be my first lemon EVER!) Anyways, they dont even kiss, or anything. Just hugs! Oh, but Amies language is quite... Well... Lets just say that if your kid talks like that, you did something wrong! XD Shifting POV, Sakura bashing (HELL YEAH! WE'LL MAKE A FIRE AND BURN HER!) OCness (Amie) A bit OOCness (Sasuke) But not much, just a tad... He's not as nasty as usual! A/U (College) XD Anyways, here we go:

****Naruto's POV****

The sun was shinning, the clouds was floating silently on the blue sky. And about a hundred young kids was gathering around Konoha college. A group of boys was standing by an oak, some of them angry, some of them, annoyed.

"I just don't get it, that's all!"
Kiba growled, punching the tree.

"Why is it so, that the only guys, who couldn't give a fuck about sharing the room with a girl, gets a female roommate? And guys like myself and my man, Naruto here, is forced to bunk up with other guys?"
Shikamaru was looking at the clouds with a facial expression saying: 'Why-am-i-here-again?'

"Because they are trying to prevent rape?"
Shino sighed, scratching his head. He was one of the guys trusted a girl as roommate. Other than him, Sasuke had a girl roommate too. But Kiba, Choji, Shikamaru and Naruto had to share rooms with other guys. Naruto sighed, stomping the ground with the tip of his shoe.
"Well, Kiba, at least you get to share room with Choji, and Shikamaru gets Lee... I don't even know my roommate... His name is Neji, something..."

"Neji? I think I know that dude... He's Hinatas cousin. He's pretty nice...!"

Kiba said, smiling to cheer Naruto up. Kiba, Hinata and Shino knew each other from elementary school. Just as Shikamaru, Choji and Ino, and Sasuke, Naruto and Sakura. Shino and Sakura was roommates and Sasuke was given unknown roommate like Naruto.

"Well, at least that's good news..."
Naruto mumbled. He would never admit this to anyone, but if he could choose out of all the people, he wouldn't choose a girl. He'd choose Sasuke. Sasuke and Naruto had always hated each other, but although, they said they didn't care, they was protective towards each other. If anyone hurted one of them, the other one would make the person sorry. Naruto looked at Sasuke. He was starring at the sky, not paying attention to the conversation at all.

"Umm... Sasuke? What was the name of your roommate again?"
Naruto asked, to drag his friend into the whole discussion.


He sighed, all enthusiasm gone from his voice.

"Hmm... Sounds hawt!"
Kiba purred. Shikamaru rolled his eyes.

"How could you possibly know that only by hearing her name...?"
"Duh, it's a girls name!"
"Geez, dude calm down... There is ugly girls too..."

"Who cares?"
"Wow, that is freaky..."
Shikamaru mumbled. Kiba stuck his tounge out, and Shikamaru rolled his eys again.

"Well... We'd better get going, if we wanna get our room key..."
Shino said, causing everyone to jump in shock. Sometimes, he was so quiet, they forgot he was there. Naruto started walking, and scratched the back of his head. When they got to the front of th school, a blonde lady with insanely large brests stepped out on the stairs, and grabbed the mic.

"I know those breasts... I mean, that lady!"
Naruto shouted, and pointed. Everyone followed his finger.

"That's Tsunade. Our principal?"

Shikamaru clearifyed.
Naruto yelled ruedly. Tsunade looked at him with a face saying 'Im gonna kill that brat', beafore turning her attention to the microphone again.
"1th year students..."
She began, but was cut off by someone slamming the door up in her ass. Someone with big eyes, in a green jumpsuit, and with ridiculously large eyebrows.

"Uh... Sorry principal-sama!..."
He nearly yelled, raising his hand to his forehead.

"Oh, no. That's Lee... He's dead..."

Naruto whispered in Kibas ear, who nodded. Tsunade raised her right fist, and punched the shit out of poor Lee. He flew about two meters, landing by Sasukes feet, who looked at him with an odd facial expression. Shikamaru grabbed his arm, and helped him up. Tsunade cleared her throat, and continued.

"Ch-hm... 1th year students. I am sure that we all will have a wonderfull year together with absolutely NO trouble. Right, you little brat?"
She shouted, pointing at Naruto, who just smiled at her, and made 'Who knows' face. She scowled, and continued.

"And to the rest of you... Showing disrespect towards the teachers will definitely not be approved. Case the point..."
She said, pointing at Lee, whos head was suspiciously red-ish.

"Anyways, boys and girls are not allowed to be in the same rooms, though there have been made some exceptions. Because of the massive ammount of students this year, there was not enough rooms in the girls hall, and some of them will bunk in with guys. No girls will be trusted sharing rooms in the guys halls, so they have been paired up with trustworthy boys..."
Kiba grinned widely, and started to drool. Naruto looked at him, as asking what the hell is going on.

"This means that there is more girls!"
Everyone sighed, and sweatdropped. Tsunade kept talking, but Naruto didn't pay attention. Whatever those rules was, he'd brake them all anyways.

Someone squeeled out of no where. The small group spun around, facing two girls, they all knew a little too well, to know that they was annoying as hell. Ino and Sakura was each staring at Sasuke with little stars in their eyes. Naruto blushed a little, Sakura sure was pretty.

"Hey Sakura-Chan! What's up?"
He tried. She looked at him, and arched an eyebrow.

"What now Naruto! I told you once before, I'll tell you again. I. Don't. Want. To. Sleep. With. You. Period. So get out of my way..."
She sighed.

"But that wasn't what I..."
Naruto tried to explain, but he was pushed brutally out of the way by a massive stream of girls shouting: "SASUKE-KUUUUUN!" Almost drowning in their own drool. Sasuke knew this couldn't be good news, so he followed his instincts... And got the hell out of there.

Yeps, end of chapter one!^^ I love Tsunade in this chapter, but poor Lee :( The famous Amie will not apear untill next chapter, have patience... XD Anyways, see you in the next chapter! X3