A New Adventur

Saying Good-bye

Another time, another place. Jane Rizzoli thought quietly in her own mind as her yearning and dreams came to the forefront of her mind once again. Her unrequited love of her life platonic companion stood only a few feet away from her. The beautiful Maura Isles stood casually, her hands folded neatly in front of her as she chatted lovingly with her boyfriend of a year, Frank Rizzoli Jr.. Jane was honestly happy for her baby brother, was honestly happy for Maura, but Jane was bitter that it had not been herself that Maura had picked to love, it had been her brother she had chosen. Though the bitterness was great it was known only to herself, not even Korsack or her mother knew how Jane really felt behind her plastic smiles and superficial laughter.

As she watched her brother and love of her life gravitate as the family party they were at went on it oddly reminded her of this past year, watching Frankie and Maura grow closer through their year of dating and romancing. It was through watching them grow into being a couple that Jane grew to realize she had to get a way. She had to leave her hometown, her haven, all because it hurt too much to see her love in the arms another person.

Jane knew that the pain wouldn't be nearly as great if the person Maura had chosen had been some stranger, but it wasn't, it was her brother and that made things unbearable enough for her to leave. Through that realization she had finally accepted what she needed to do, had already placed in her two week's notice and made a deal with the chief that no one would know she was leaving, nor where she was leaving to till after she was gone. Jane had already packed up her apartment, cleaned up everything at her desk and today was the very last day she would be in Boston. Her flight she had booked two weeks ago was to depart at Ten tonight to Dallas, Texas. All of her things would already be there waiting for her.

Jane's eyes gazed somberly at her surroundings, committing to memory her mother's house, her family's interactions and just the people themselves. She stared at each of her family members and tried to not cry, because she was going to disappear on Christmas Eve night, she was going to leave without telling anyone where she was going.

She knew she was being selfish but she couldn't care right now, she needed to get out and away from everyone. She had to relearn how to live without the woman who had integrated herself so intimately into her life that Jane's mind had yet to comprehend the fact that she was no longer going to be around Maura Isles. It had not yet grasped the thought that there was going to be no calls or emails or even snail mails to Maura Isles. Jane was basically quitting her drug of choice cold turkey and knew that such a dramatic cut off from her drug it was not going to have any kind side effects.

Jane sighed heavily as she checked her watch again and knew she had to leave now or else she would not be able too later. Steeling herself for the fight everyone was going to put up when she announced that she had to turn in early because of how hard her day had been, she took a deep breath and called everyone's attention to her, stating firmly that she had to leave, using the excuse she had just created in her head. She promptly began going around to everyone hugging them tightly and locking into her memory the way everyone looked, felt and smelled, knowing that this would probably be the last time she got to see them for a very long time.

As she hugged her partner Frost and ex partner Korsack she looked at them with sad eyes and chastely kissed their cheeks, ignoring their inquisitions if everything was okay with her. She went over to her mother and knew that tears were forming in her eyes as she hugged her Ma tightly and held on for longer then was deemed necessary for the excuse she came up with. "Janie are you okay?" Her Ma inquired softly when Jane pulled away slowly and embraced her Dad with equal attention, Jane answered in a overly cheerful voice "Course I am Ma, just really tired is all." As Jane turned from her parents her shoulders sagged ever so slightly and a single tear fell from her eye "Please don't hate me too much Ma" She thought sadly as she arrived to the last people she wanted to see and say goodnight to. She shook Frankie's hand with a fake smile plastered on her face, hugged Maura chastely and said with faked bravado "See you both tomorrow."

She kept her smile in place as she looked at Maura in the eye and very quickly walked out of her parent's house. Just as she reached her car did she hear someone walking toward her, the clicking of heels giving away Maura's identity. Jane sighed again as she looked over at the beautiful woman and simply stared at her till Maura said in a breathless voice "Where are you going?" Jane rolled her eyes and tried to play everything off, knowing the Maura was the best person at reading her mind. "Home, where else would I go to sleep?" her reply was colder then she had intended but held the growing sensation of guilt down firmly as a hurt look captured Maura's face. Maura's face grew stiff as she asked in a stiffer voice "What's wrong?" Jane stared at Maura and knew her face was paling, knew that her eyes were beginning to pool with tears as the faintest flicker's of pain shown in her eyes. "I'm fine." Jane replied curtly and climbed into her car before Maura could witness anymore signs that something was indeed very wrong with her.

Quickly she started the car and willed her body to loosen and forced the pain to leave her eyes. Her eyes darted over to see if Maura was still standing on the other side of her car and surprised to see Maura opening the passenger side seat and sitting down. "I'm coming with you." It was a statement that Jane normally would have agreed to without any complaint, but this was not normal times. Jane look over at her love, looked her dead in the eye and whispered in the softest of whispers, "Please just go." Her pain once again showed through her eyes and this time even laced her words. Maura was beyond confused and worried by now and just stared at Jane, trying to fully wrap her mind around what Jane had just said to her. "You promised you would always be here for me." Maura whispered back and looked at Jane with tear filled eyes, resenting the woman next to her for the quickest of seconds when Jane refused to meet her gaze.

Jane sighed, looked forward and gripped her steering wheel tightly, remaining silent and stony as Maura drilled holes into her with her eyes. A stray tear fell from her eye as she heard Maura breathe in raggedly and move sluggishly out of her car. Just as Maura was closing her door she heard Jane speak gently "It is for the best." And watched helplessly as she pulled out and drove off quickly. "What is for the best?" Maura thought to herself and why couldn't she shake the feeling that something was wrong.

Time moved by quickly for Jane as she packed the very last of her things, locked up her apartment for the last time and drove to the airport. She turned in her luggage, had already done everything for her ticket and now sat silently in her window seat, looking out over Boston. Tears fell unrestrained for her face, the flow of them stopping when she felt the plane begin to take off and from the eagle eye view, Jane Rizzoli gazed for the last time at her beautiful city "Good-bye."