The Walking Dead

AUTHOR- Hydra350

DISCLAIMER- Yeah right. If I owned this show or comic…well I'd be rich. But since I'm not rich it must mean that it isn't mine.

Summary: Follow the survivors of The Walking Dead. (AMC's The Walking Dead) Sheriff's Deputy Rick Grimes wasn't worried just for Lori, and Carl. He was worried about Ann Grimes. His sister worked as a nurse in the hospital that he was at when he woke up. Will he find his wife and son? Will his sister be safe?



Rick Grimes smirked at the younger girl in front of him as she fussed around the nurses station. Clearly the girl didn't know he was standing there yet and he shushed the other nurses who grinned secretly.

"Excuse me Nurse!" He stated loudly and the girl jumped in the air dropping the box of office supplies she was holding.

"HOLY FRITTLECAKES!" She cried out as she dropped the box. "Rick! That was not funny!" She yelled at her brother as the nurses sitting down trying to silence their giggles.

"Frittlecakes?" Rick laughed through his grin. "That's a new one."

"Is there a reason why yer here?" The girl asked as she picked up the box of supplies again.

"Yeah, Carl's ninth birthday party is comin' up in three days."

"I know it is." The girl frowned knowing what was going to happen next. "Rick yer wife hates me."

"Ann she doesn't hate you…" Rick rolled his eyes in exasperation.

"Well then she REALLY doesn't like me!" Ann Grimes crossed her arms and stared at her brother.

"But she don't hate you." Rick argued back. The nurses nodded to each other and they left the station to do their rounds. This was going to get ugly. "Ann Louise Grimes this is yer nephew! Are you really going ta disappointment him by not going?"

"Ah for the love of…" Ann growled in annoyance. "Fine! What time is the party?" She saw Rick grin in victory.

"7:30." He started off and waved back at her. "Don't be late." He grinned again as he dodged a flying notepad. "Love ya to sis!" He bolted down the hall before she could grab the pencils. He didn't see the smile on Ann's face.

She shook her head and went back to work. She looked around puzzled.

"Now where in the hell did everyone go?" She muttered to herself when she realized the other nurses had scooted.