Nom, nom, nom. The last chapter. I don't want to over use the HTTYD and AD:JL theme so, though I would love to make another story, I won't. I will still love both though. So continuing on….

Hiccup was awoken by his dragon companion staring into his face. He sat up and made his way out of bed to find…his left foot was replaced by a metal one. With a sigh and a little help from Toothless he limped his way over to the door and opened it to see his village filled with dragons. He stepped outside to be swamped with fans. He was given a new set of flying gear for Toothless in support of his friendship with the Night Fury. Then he went to test it. He fixed Toothless up and the two flew into action with Astrid and her dragon by their side. Everything worked well.

Hiccup and Toothless soared up into the sky then went off to find Jake and Rose. He found them packing up their camp site, preparing to leave. He landed but almost tripped as he forgot his prosthetic foot in his eagerness to talk to them.

"Jake! Rose!" he called stumbling over to them.


"Yo, what's up?"

"We did it! There's dragons all over the village, and the people don't care! They've become friends!"

"That's great!" Rose smiled.

"See, I told you Rose's plans always work!" Jake crowed.

"Yes, though not always in the way you hope," Rose commented. "What happened to your leg?"

"Apparently it was too broken to fix so it had to be removed," Hiccup shrugged. "I'm sure I'll get used to it."

"I'm so sorry!"

"Don't be. It would be worth a leg and an arm to get past enemies to be friends," Hiccup assured her. Hiccup looked sideways at Jake. "No offence, but you look like Gobber with a backache! What's the matter?"

"Oh, you know how you killed the Green Death? Well…" Rose slapped a hand over Jake's mouth.

"He just slipped on some rocks and hurt his tail bone," Rose interrupted giving Jake a warning glance. "He'll be fine in a little while." Jake nodded.

"Well, if you're not hurt too badly, I'll ask my father to host a feast in your honor and then you can join us," Hiccup kindly offered.

"That's very nice of you," Rose began.

"That's awesome of you!" Jake put in his two cents worth.

"But we have to get home."

"Aw, man."

"Oh, well maybe the others would like to say their goodbyes. You did save some of their lives," Hiccup replied. "should I bring them to you?"

"Nah, I'm good," Jake said.

"I'll go tell them you're leaving, come when you're ready." Hiccup got back on Toothless' back then flew off.

"I'm ready if you are," Jake told Rose as she kicked some of the scraps away into the bush.

"Yep, let's go."

Rose started at a steady pace as her companion walked along as stiff as a board.

"Are you sure you can't fly?" Rose asked as Jake started to fall behind.

"If I could why would we be walking?" Jake winced as he almost tripped over a rock.

They came into the town to be greeted warmly by the Viking trainees. After talking about their adventure, the Jake and Rose backed up and informed them that it was time for them to leave. The group sighed with disappointment.

"I'll be back," Jake replied.

"We'll be back," Rose added linking arms with Jake.

"Well, if you beak up with Jake, you should come over to my house," Snotlout said. "I just moved into my parents basement…"

"Thanks, but I don't think I'll break up with Jake for a while," Rose assured him. "He's a keeper."

"Jake, Rose," Toothless called softy.

They turned. "What's up?"

"Thank you, Rose for you brilliant plan and Jake, for finishing off that Green Death for me. You didn't have to risk you wings for us. "

Jake translated for Rose then turned back. "How did you know that?"

"I have friends," Toothless replied slowly, looking away. "Have a safe journey back. And may no one ever break your wings."

"See y'all later," Jake said with a sideways glance at the Night Fury. He pulled out the Ukcrono Hourglass and flipped the glass part of it.

"Bye Jake! Bye Rose!" the Vikings called. "Come back soon!"

Then in a flash the two were gone.

Back in the future, Jake and Rose landed where they were in the first place, Gramps' room. No one was there so Jake and Rose slipped out of the room unnoticed. They looked around the small apartment and saw the clock, it was six minutes later than when they had left.

"We must have gone to Narnia," Jake remarked.

Rose laughed. "I don't believe there's a Berk in Narnia."

The two shrugged then looked in the kitchen for normal food. On the counter was a little note that read:


We've gone out for dinner and Gramps and Haley will be back in 15 minutes.

Fix something for you and Rose then be responsible and wash the dishes.

Love you,

Mom and Dad

(P.S.- if you don't have the dishes done when we get back you'll be grounded.)


"You're parents are really nice," Rose said handing the note to Jake.

"Yeah," Jake shrugged. "What'll it be?"

"How about some Icelandic cod and a smoked eel?" Rose suggested.

Jake looked at his girlfriend. "Mac n' cheese it is!"

Rose laughed then waited as Jake cooked enough for four as Gramps and Haley would be hungry from shopping. When they came in the house both were surprised to see Jake even near the cooking supplies. Then worried about eating the food he had made for fear that he used some of Fu's insta-cook potion. Then when they tasted it they were shocked with how good it actually tasted.

"Let's just say I had a little time to learn how to cook," he gave a wink at Rose and she laughed. Gramps and Haley looked at each other and shrugged.

"Why don't you sit down Young One?" Gramps suggested.

Jake gave a nervous laugh. "I'm okay Gramps, really."

The old man shrugged again then continued to eat.

Later, Gramps told Jake to fly down to the market and get some things that he forgot. Jake forced a smile then told him he couldn't.

"Why not?" he asked with a look.

"Um, I broke my tail."


Jake looked to Rose for support. She shrugged, he was on his own.

With a sigh Jake told the story of using the Ukcrono Hourglass to go back in time to see the Vikings then how he fought the Green Death and it broke his tail. The whole story Gramps and Haley listened intently. Afterwards, as expected, Gramps exploded and started yelling in Chinese. Haley sat back and watched Jake get scolded by their grandfather. Then after the scolding, Haley sat up and said, "Great story Jake, that's the best one you've ever made. Will you take me to see the Vikings next time?" then she hopped out of the seat and walked to her room.

"I love my family," Jake said sarcastically.

"It could be worse," Rose soothed. "All you have is a broken tail bone. On the bright side that means your dragon training might be cut in half because you can't fly."

Jake sighed. "Yeah, might as well enjoy the time I have here with you." The couple stood on the balcony over looking the city. The sunset was golden and the city lights were brightening. Both breathed out the cool autumn air, enjoying the quiet company of the other.

Ah, the perfect song to end on! Strawberry Swing by Coldplay. (Again, this on e is really, REALLY late) I hope you enjoyed the story, I know I did. Thanks for reading and until next story…Kristina Charleson signing out. PEACE!