I thought about it for awhile… My most favorite Anime is Inuyasha, since I was like… 5?

But I never made a Fic about it…and since I'm currently on Fairy Tail, the idea popped in me and I just got to spread it out! Hope you like it!

Cross over

Overcoming a new world

"Hey, what are you up to?" Lucy went near Levy whom was busy. Levy was piled up with a lot of books and papers.

"Hey Lucy! Let's do that again!" Natsu shouted from the other side of the guild. He has been using the transformation Mira had taught them. Natsu easily learned it, but Lucy had a hard time before she was able.

"Would you stop it already?" Lucy shouted back. Natsu has convinced her to transform with one another, and it only got Lucy to almost get beaten by Gray and Erza (they thought she was really Natsu), and the other members were taking advantage to take a peek at her through Natsu.

"Hmmm…No…no…" Levy shook her head and crumpled another paper.

"Hey, what's Levy up to?" Natsu asked.

"She's been like that for three days" Gray exclaimed.

"She said, she had a spell, she wanted to test" Erza explained. The others nodded as though they understood. Four of them were quite curious.

Droy and Jet are out for the day, they said Levy told them to relax for awhile. Happy, if anyone was wondering is stuffed with fish and is taking a deep nap on the counter, dreaming that he still is eating fish and Lucy and Natsu are handing him more after another…he doesn't even realize his dreaming.

"Got it!" After a moments silence, Levy stood, shouted with glee and twirled around with the stack of papers in her hands.

"What you got there?" Lucy asked, quite curious. Levy turns to her with a victorious smile.

"It's a spell where you can travel to a different dimension!" she proclaimed.

"What Dimension?" Gray asked.

"Well…I don't really know" she shrugged "But it's bound to work!"

"Then let's try it!" Natsu snatches the papers and began reading. Lucy, Gray and Erza were looking from his shoulders.

Natsu spoke words that seemed unfamiliar to others; they were of course ancient letters and words. It was a long chant, but after reading, a light glowed below the four of them.

"What the" Gray stated, unable to move.

"I can't move!" Lucy complained, she was being sucked in the light.

"Looks like we are all unable to…" Erza looked at the light that glowed below them with fright "Were being sucked in!"

"What?" Natsu accidentally burns the chant. Levy saw it with anger.

"Why you, Natsu!" She complained but was stopped with Lucy whining.

"Help us Levy!" Lucy whined, her body, same as the others, was frozen.

"I-" Levy cuts her own words when she saw them being sucked in faster.

"Levy!" They all shouted as they entered in the light.

Levy went near to peek in the light, she gazed at it with wonder, just below, and she sees her friends on a grassy field. She looked up at the guild to tell everyone of what she was seeing, but she was lost in words when she noticed everyone was frozen. It was as if time has stopped on them.

"Levy!" Erza shouted, realizing that the portal light was fading.

"Don't worry guys!" She shouted back "I'll get you guys out! Don't worry! Just wait for a bit!" she managed to complete her sentence before the light completely fades and everyone was moving again, unfortunately Natsu's team wasn't at their spot.

"Eh? Weren't Lucy, Natsu, Gray and Erza just there?" Mira asked Levy. Levy didn't replied, she seemed surprised, after a moment of silence, she sat on her spot and began reading and writing.

'Don't worry guys' she says in her thoughts 'I'll get you back here…Just wait' she continues to unravel a way to get the chant again.

(Because as time came back, she realized she had lost knowledge of the chant, she must get the right words again, to open the portal and get her friends back.)

"Ouch…" Lucy rubbed her bottom. The fall hurts, but it didn't matter as they see four people with two small companions looking as oddly as they were to them.

"Dog Ears?" Natsu was the first to react. He went in front the silver haired guy with dog ears. In an instant, he began rubbing it with his hands.

"What the heck are you doing?" The guy replied with annoyance. Natsu grinned.

"Well, that was cute"

"Whoa, that's a large boomerang" Gray said as he approaches two girls, one carrying a 'large boomerang' the other a bow and arrow, also a bag pack.

"Uhm…" The girl with the boomerang looked hesitant. The other seemed bewildered.

"Huh?" Gray asked.

"Your Clothes" The girl with a bow pointed with an either disgusted look or another look I am not able to explain. Gray looked at himself.

"Oh…" he replied with embarrassment. He was in his boxers again, and this time he can't change since he left his clothes in the guild. He shudders silently as the little boy with a fox tail tells the girl with a bow to shut her eyes. The other sighs, petting a small cat with two tails, as if she was used to such weird men. Her eyes were mostly glaring at their other companion.

"Well, such fine ladies…" A guy with a staff takes hold of Lucy and Erza's hands.

"Uhm…" Lucy was speechless.

"Excuse me" Erza didn't also have a say.

"Do not worry…I have no intention of harming you young ladies…I just wanted to ask you one question" he said. Both Lucy and Erza had their eyebrows raised.

"Would one of you be considering of bearing my children?" His Question froze both girls "Well, it would also work out if you two would consider, both bearing my child" he smiled.

'What is this creep talking about?' Lucy thought 'bear his child?'

Erza were still bewildered. The only time they got to their senses was when a large boomerang hits his head, letting go of their hands.

"You lecherous monk" The girl stated with a cold shoulder. The man considered as a monk just smiled "I was just asking…"

"Want to fight?" The silver haired guy twitched since Natsu still hasn't get over his obsession with his ears.

"Cool! Your ears are also moving!" Natsu exclaimed.

The guy was about to punch him when the girl with a bow stops him "Now now…Don't be so harsh"

Both groups looked at each other with the same thoughts…

'Who the heck are these weird people?'

How is it? It's kind of hard not saying their names…well, Hope you like it! Please review! I wanted a Final Fantasy somehow here, but I can't make it up…somehow these two worked out fine…Thank you for reading, Review please!