Disclaimer: I own nothing. I only own Sam..unfortunately.

"Sarah?" Karen's startled voice sprang through the hallways of the house searching for her step-daughter.

Robert stood where he had been standing for the past hour—just a few steps away from the closed front door. He couldn't believe it. He didn't know where to start or how to find her. Where she had gone or who could've taken her.

A lot of things ran through his mind—too much to be able to focus on one topic. He just needed everything to calm down. He needed a second to himself to try to figure things out. He needed to tackle them one by one, but he was sure if he were to do that, he wouldn't be able to save her in time. His daughter. His only daughter.


It hadn't been twenty four hours, yet. So, there was no way of him being able to report his daughter as a missing person. He couldn't jump to conclusions. Especially about that boy Sam. Robert sat down on the sofa, taking in deep breaths to calm him. There had to have been a reasonable explanation for why she was missing. He rubbed his forehead. He couldn't believe he let Karen's paranoia get to him so easily.

She could've gone to the store to pick up some bread—Karen and Robert had forgotten to do their weekly grocery run, and it should not come as a surprise if she was hungry. He had to think reasonably and not jump to conclusions. He had a bad habit of doing so. Karen ran down the stairs, even her footsteps sounded frantic.

"Oh, Rob, what do we do, now? What if that boy took her?" She combed her fingers through her hair. "Oh, I knew that boy was a maniac!" She stomped her feet in aggravation and frustration.

"Karen," Robert rubbed his forehead, exasperated. "Sit, please. And think reasonably."

She remained standing. "Robert! Our daughter is out there, probably scared, cold, and starved. We don't know who has her right now. I can't—,"

"Karen," Robert cut her off this time, looking at her directly. "Sit down and calm down."

Karen's mouth snapped shut and she sat feebly in the armchair diagonal to him. She opened her mouth, unsure if she should speak or not. Robert continued to rub his temples with his eyes closed. Karen took that as a sign to shut up. She looked at her hands and twiddled with her thumbs, looking around every now and then, sheepishly.

Sarah's head was pounding. She touched her forehead, but instead of dry skin, she came in contact with a thick, wet substance. Her vision was blurry. She couldn't tell where or what she was in. She groaned, holding her head. If only this pain could go away, she whined.

She took a deep, calming breath. Sitting here complaining would do her no good. She had to find out where she was and get home. She could already tell by the thick musk of humidity that she wasn't in her house. She could feel the dirty, grimy floor below her. She fingered the ground. Dirt? Mud?

She squinted her eyes, trying to get her surroundings to come into focus. There were grey horizontal bars surrounding her. Her eyes shot open. She was in a cage! She held onto the bars next to her, using them as support as she hoisted her body onto her feet. She was about to walk to the opposite side, but was stopped short. There were chains around her ankles.

"This is just absolutely barbaric," she murmured as she looked around, trying to find a solution to her problem.

"Yes, it is absolutely barbaric, isn't it?" a familiar voice said in a mocking tone.


Sarah froze. She didn't dare turn around. He chuckled at her reaction. There was the sound of keys jingling, and then the gate opened. He didn't bother to close the door because he knew she couldn't run with those shackles around her legs. Then again, where could she run to? She had no idea where she was and he picked an area secluded from most of society.

He smirked, his footsteps created loud, squishing noises as he slowly walked through the wet dirt. "Sarah." He whispered. She shivered as she felt his breath on her neck. "Don't be afraid. I won't hurt you. Too much."

He created a trail with his fingernail from her wrist to her shoulder. Sarah bit down on her bottom lip, stifling and cries she may utter at the sheer repugnance of him touching her. She hated feeling helpless.

"No one can hear you scream, now, my dear." He sighed, breathing in the scent of her hair. "Take your clothes off."

"No," Sarah murmured.

"What was that?"

"No." Sarah said, more confidently. "I'm not going to."

"You stupid little—" he twisted her around so she was facing him and she cried out in pain from the shackles cutting into her skin.

"I'm not going to give you the satisfaction of letting you control me!" She spat in his face.

He sneered and he kneed her in the stomach, causing her to fall onto the ground in a fetal position, writhing in pain. He grabbed at her clothes, trying to rip them off as best as he could, but she continued putting up a fight, kicking him.

Once most of her clothes were off, he started working on taking off his own. He had just slung his belt when he heard three slow, mocking claps behind him. Sam turned around, glaring. He came face to face with a man dressed in odd clothing, with very odd hair.

"Naturally, I am not an exuberant fan of… voyeurism, but I do have to apologize for the…" he looked back and forth from Sarah and Sam, "intrusion."

"Who are you?" He asked, annoyed that he interrupted something very important.

"You summoned me, did you not?" He tilted his head, placed his fists on his hips, and threw him a mock smile.

"What are you talking about?" Sam sneered. "You talk weird."

The man's demeanor fell and he suddenly looked very annoyed. His eyes grew dark, and there was an aura around him that made Sam flinch. He knew this was a dangerous man.

"The Goblin King. You summoned me." He took two steps forward, his boots barely making a noise in the mud. "By technicality, of course. You wished someone away to me. I am merely here to collect what you do not want." He held his arm out. "If you do not mind. I will be on my way."

Sam continued to back away from the man, jumping as he touched the steel bars behind him. He turned around, looking for Sarah and patting the ground where she was. He returned his attention to the Goblin King.

"Where is she? What did you do with her?" He yelled.

"Forget about her. I could give you all your wishes." There was a strange glint in his eyes as he reached out to show Sam a crystal ball. "Look, and you will see your dreams—everything you've always wanted!"

Sam, tempted and curious, leaned in to look inside the ball. The Goblin King cackled and threw the ball in the air. Suddenly, a swarm of bats started attacking Sam. Sam threw his hands in the air, trying to fight them off and as quickly as the bats had appeared, they had also disappeared.

He looked at the ceiling for any traces of bats, then looked at the Goblin King. Sam sneered at the man who had a smug, condescending smile plastered on his face.

"Give her back. I want her back. Right. Now. She is my property." Sam seethed.

"If you want her back, you must get to my castle in the center of my labyrinth." The Goblin King walked closer to him with his hands on his hips. Sam looked to see if Sarah was hidden behind him, but she wasn't. "Do not fret, human. She is safely put away in my castle."

"Where is this labyrinth of yours?" Sam asked, looking down on the oddly dressed King.

The Goblin King tilted his head and pointed behind Sam. Sam turned around, and suddenly the whole scenery changed. They were no longer in the dingy, dark dungeon, but on the outskirts of the labyrinth.

"You have thirteen hours. If you fail to reach the center of the labyrinth, Sarah will become one of us." He smirked, walking backwards and disappearing.

The Goblin King's laughter could be heard all around Sam. He turned around, looking for some sort of projector. This has to be some sort of new technology. He narrowed his eyes at the labyrinth. It looked as if the labyrinth was breathing—as if it were alive. Sam shuddered and began walking, attempting to look for the entrance.

Hi, everyone. So, it's been a while... a REALLY long, LONG while. I am disappointed in myself for taking so long to update. I've just found the chapter I was supposed to put up on my flash drive. (Thank goodness I found it. It had all of my other original stories there, too).
But yes, the long awaited Jareth chapter. I had a bit of trouble getting his character right. :/ I mean.. who can imitate a really awesome Jareth? (aside from David Bowie 3).
So, there's going to be more of Sam along the way-unfortunately. :( But it brings a bit more drama-not that it doesn't have enough drama as is.
In the next chapter, you'll be able to see interaction between Sarah and Jareth, our beloved Goblin King. This will be their first meeting after a really long time. I'm curious to see how it'll turn out, myself.
But yes, thank you for reading-and for reading this long A/N.

You all are the best. :)