Chapter 4

Kali and I arrived at the bonfire and headed down towards the rest of the crowd. Kali had decided to wear a red shirt and a black skirt. I added my favorite chocker to my outfit. It was a black chocker with a metal pentagram dangling in the center. It was the necklace a witch had given me a few years back to help me stay hidden from lower level demons that would be hunting me along with hell hounds.

Once we got down there, Kali headed for the coolers and began talking to some other friends. I sat down on one of the logs surrounding the fire and let the warmth wash over me. I closed her eyes and enjoyed the heat.

"You ok?" A voice said from behind me. My eyes shot open and I turned around to see Jensen.

"Yeah." I said. "I've just always liked warmth. It sometimes remind me of home, when it used to be a better place anyway."

"Where did you used to live?" He asked.

"Some place far away." Was all I said as I stared back at the fire.

"Well it looks like the fire likes you too." Jensen said, pointing towards the flame. Fire usually moves around but this flame was pointed right at me.

I tried to laugh it off. "Yeah, I guess it does." I waved my hand like I was waving off his comment but it was directed towards the fire. I was making the move in different directions without anyone noticing.

Jensen stepped over the log and sat down next to me. "So, are you having fun so far?"

I shrugged, "More or less. To be honest, I really shouldn't be here."

"And why is that?"

"I have some business I need to take care of." Without anyone getting hurt. I kept the last part to myself. "I'm going to go take a walk." I stood up and headed towards the forest of trees.

"Do you need any company?" Jensen asked, following behind me.

"It's a free country; you can do whatever you want." I sighed and continued walking.

I kept my head facing forward to make sure I wouldn't look over at him. It was all still too weird for me. It seemed like he knew something earlier today when he told me to take it easy, but that was impossible. When he had first arrived at the school, I couldn't sense anything magical about him so he obviously couldn't know about my situation. Could he?

"So how do you like Black Water?" I asked him to keep up a conversation since we had fallen into an awkward silence.

"It's very… interesting." Jensen said with a smile on him face. "I was thinking it was going to be boring since we only came here because of my dad's job, but it's been quiet entertaining."

"Samantha's keeping you entertained I take it." I said. "She really seems to have taken an interest in you."

"What makes you say that?"

"Seriously?" I asked and looked at his confused expression. "Think about it. You're new to the town and it's not like you're ugly or anything. You're fresh meat to girls around here."

"What about you?"

Hearing that made me stop dead in my tracks. I turned my body so I was completely facing him. "What?" I asked.

He smirked at my reaction. "Am I fresh meat to you?" He said taking a few steps closer to me.

"You wish." I rolled my eyes. I turned back around and continued my walk in the woods.

I heard a twig snap in the distance to the right of us. "Did you hear that?" I asked Jensen but when I looked behind me, there was no one there. "Jensen?" I called but there was no answer.

"Sorry, I had to take the boyfriend out. We wouldn't want him to freak out, now would we?" Said a familiar voice.

"Amon." I growled and turned to look at someone I had once known in hell. "You have a lot of nerve showing up here. What did you do to Jensen?"

"Oh so that's his name." Amon smirked. "I may have flung him somewhere in that direction." He said pointing to my left. Amon's black eyes- that matched the color of him spikey hair- were staring intensely at me. He blinked his eyes to reveal his meat suit's green eyes.

"So what, you just figured you could take the body of some local teenager and no one would notice. Someone is going to notice in a small town like this."

"By the time they notice it will be too late for him and you." He smirked and whistled into the night air. "You remember Helias right?" He said and soon enough his large hell hound was at his side, bearing its disgusting teeth at me.

"What do you want Amon?"

"The same thing every demon wants these past years. To bring you in and collect the prize."

"You honestly think it's going to be that easy?" I laughed at him.

"We'll just have to see." He said, gleaming a devilish smirk at me. "Helias, attack!"

The hell hound leaped towards me, claws outstretched towards me. I leaped in the air and jumped over the beast. I landed gracefully on the ground and grabbed a sai dagger that I had tucked in my boot. "Bring it on ugly."

The beast ran back at me and I got myself into fighting stance with my sai in my right hand. I glared down the hell hound and tossed the sai at it, nailing him square in the shoulder. He cried out in pain but it wasn't enough to make him fall. "Alright then, time to amp it up." I said to the beast.

It ran at me again but before it could get to me a lifted up my hand to create a fire vortex around me. Helios growled and circled around me, waiting for a moment to strike. Just as I was about to let my vortex down to attack, someone in a mask jumped out in front of the fire. He started slashing at the air around him.

"Well, well, well, who is this?" Amon said from where he stood and watched.

The newbie glared at Amon and slashed at the area where he could see a floating sai in the air. I brought down my vortex. "Get out of here!" I shouted at the guy. He slashed at Helios but not before the giant hell hound could lung at the guy. I noticed the hound was able to scratch the guy on his upper right arm. I glared at the hound and shot a blaze of fire at him to get him away from the guy. He cried out in pain once more from the burn from my flames and from the mystery guy's knife.

Amon cursed under his breath when he noticed that Helias was far to injured to continue. "I guess you won this round, Laria." He smirked. "But we'll be back. Ta ta." I lunged at him but it was too late, he had already disappeared.

I heard movement behind me and knew it was the mystery guy retreating. "Don't move." I ordered with a demanding voice. He did as I said but he did not turn around to face me. "Would you like to tell me who you are?"

"Not particularly." He said back to me.

"Then mind telling me what a human like you is doing in this kind of situation?" I asked. That was when the masked figure turned in my direction. I noticed the knife in his hand first then the pentagram necklace that he wore. "You're a hunter." I said in realization.

He didn't respond. He quickly ran away in the direction he had come in. I was about to run after him but then I remembered something. "Oh God, Jensen!" I headed in the direction that Amon had said he had flung Jensen in. I ran as fast as I could and found him lying next to a tree. "Jensen." I called. I ran up to him and knelt down on the ground beside him. I lifted up his head and his eyes began to open. "Hey," I smiled lightly at him. "You ok?"

"Yeah." He said and slowly sat up. "What happened?"

"You tripped over the tree root over there when we were walking and you hit your head on the rock. It was pretty graceful." I teased, hoping it would seem more realistic. "Come on, we should get back and put some ice on that." I said and helped him get back on his feet.

"Thanks." He said, and we started to make our way back to the party.