Chapter 5

The rest of the week went by quickly for both Gabriella and Troy. Neither of them spoke at school or at home. The only time they interacted was when they went on their night runs or at dinner. Their friendship didn't grow, but it didn't get worse either. Troy made the track team, and because of Gabriella's advice, he was expected to be the top male for the 400 meter sprint.


Gabriella didn't have to go to 7th period, so she was leaving at lunch to go home. As she walked closer to her car, she noticed a person standing there, finally recognizing who he was.

"Hey, Gabriella!" Chris said. "So are you excited for tonight?"

"What's tonight?" she asked earnestly. Chris looked at her. "OH! The party! Yeah! I'm not sure if 'excited' is the word for it but…"

"No worries, we'll have fun, Gabs!" he said as he put his arm around her. No boy had ever called her 'Gabs' before, except for him. Chris knew how to make a girl feel special. "So I was wondering if you wanted to grab a bite to eat before the party." He asked.

"I'm sorry, but I usually have family dinners, and they're kind of important to me, so…"

"Oh I understand. It's alright. I'll still pick you up at 8 at your place?" Realizing that Chris didn't know her new living situation, she became nervous.

"Yes! Yeah...uh... yeah, my place. I'll be waiting outside," she nervously responded.

"Cool. See you then," he said with a wink. Then he walked away to his car.

Gabriella had no interest in him, but she liked the idea that he was interested in her. She's only had one boyfriend before- Alec. They were together in two summers ago, but things quickly ended when he moved to Florida. That was the most experience Gabriella had with a boy.

"What was that?" a familiar voice asked behind her. She turned around to see Troy Bolton standing there with one hand in his pocket and the other holding onto the strap of his backpack.

"What was, what?" she retorted.

"That. That conversation with my man, Chris. I never knew you two had a thing," Troy smirked.

"Oh, Chris was just being a good friend. We've ran track together since we were little so he's like a brother to me,"

"So a brother is picking you up for a party tonight?" he asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"Well, kind of…" she began. "I didn't want to go, but he insisted." Gabriella felt like she was explaining to her father why a boy had just asked her to go to a party with him.

"Hm, interesting…. I'll take note of that," Troy said.

"No please, don't," she pleaded.

"I'll see you at home. I'm leaving right now, too."

"You don't have practice today?"

"There's a game tonight,"

"Okay then," she said as she opened her car door. Troy walked to his car with a weird feeling in his stomach, but he couldn't tell what it was from.

Bolton House

Troy walked in to hear music coming from Gabriella's room.

"Taylor Swift… good choice," he said to himself. He looked in his refrigerator but found nothing to eat. He checked the pantry to find random bags of chips. He ran up the stairs and knocked on Gabriella's door.

"Yes?" she asked as she opened the door.

"Hey, so, um, have you had lunch yet?" he asked nervously.

She laughed. "No, Troy. I got here right before you did!"

"Well, are you hungry?" he asked.

"Famished." Gabriella replied.

"Perfect, let's go to Chilis!" he said. He walked away quickly before she would reject him.

"Right now?" she asked. Troy stopped right before he walked into his room.

"Yes, unless you have something better to do?"

"Nope, not at all." She smiled.

"I didn't think so. Meet me at my car, I'll drive," he said as he smiled back at her.

Gabriella quickly turned back into her room to grab her phone and wallet and she went downstairs to Troy's car.

The car ride there wasn't awkward, but it wasn't eventful either. They listened to some music and found out that they both like Taylor Swift.

"Yeah, I heard you singing one of her songs in the shower!" Gabriella said laughing.

"Are you listening to me while I'm in the shower?" he sarcastically asked.

"Hey, I can't help it if the walls are so paper thin!" They were having a good time, laughing at each other and enjoying each other's company- just like friends.

Chili's Restaurant

"So what's your favorite food?" Gabriella asked, looking at her menu.

"I love Mexican food. But nothing can top Sushi. What about you? What does Miss Track-Star like to eat?"

"Sushi, without a doubt." Troy put his hand up for a high-five and she clapped his hand with hers.

"Good to know you have good taste in both music and food," he said smiling.

Their meals came, and after more small talk, a group of guys walked in. It was the basketball team, but Troy was too busy eating to notice.

"Troy, I think your friends are here," Gabriella said, putting down her fork.

"Huh?" he looked up to see Chad, Zeke and Jason. "Oh crap!" Troy looked around, trying to see if there was anything to hide behind. Gabriella realized what he was doing and immediately began to feel disappointed.

"We can go…"

"No that's okay-"

"Bolton!" Chad yelled over as he was walking over to him. Troy looked frantic, hoping that they wouldn't make fun of him. "Dude! You didn't tell me that you're coming to lunch here!" he said, not noticing that the girl he was with was Gabriella Montez.

He laughed nervously. "Yeah… it was sort of a last minute thing,"

"Well can we sit with you guys?" Chad asked, already sitting down next to Troy. When he saw who Troy was with, Chad realized that it wasn't a girl he knew.

"Ah-I don't know, Chad,"

Chad gave him a serious look. "Fine. See you tonight, Bolton."

"Of course." Chad got up and left to sit where the rest of his teammates were. Troy looked at Gabriella. "I'm really sorry about that,"

"No, that's okay!" she said with a smile. Gabriella was so understanding in every circumstance. "I understand, you wouldn't want to be seen with me."

"No, it's not that!" He sighed. "It's just, they're really into sticking with their status quo."

"And you're not?" she asked.

"Well, yeah, I am. But not with you. I mean, you're so nice and there's nothing wrong with you, but the guys just haven't had a chance to see that yet,"

"Troy, you'd be surprised. There are a lot of things wrong with me," she said laughing.

"Oh yeah?" he smiled. "Name one thing."

"I… would rather stay home and watch TV than go to the party tonight."

Troy laughed. "That's not something wrong with you. That's just who you are, and that's a really good attribute to carry."

Gabriella grinned. "Well thanks. So I'm assuming you're not going to the party tonight because your game?"

"No, the party starts after the game,"

"What time does the game end?"

"Everyone will probably be out of there by 9,"

"Nine? That's weird, Chris told me he's picking me up at 8…"

"So what is it with you and Chris? He seems to like you, a lot," Troy said, taking his last bite.

"Oh no, we're not like that-"

"Hey, trust me, I know when a guy's into a girl, but you… I'm not so sure if you're interested back? That's what I've been trying to figure out."

"Troy, I already told you before- he's just a brother to me."

"Alright, but let me know if you ever want me to hook it up for you two,"

"Believe me, I don't do relationships."

"So you're lesbian?"

"NO!" she exclaimed. "Gosh, Troy! I meant I'm not good with boys and relationships and that stuff. I'm… afraid of commitment." She looked sad.

"Well why is that?"

"I don't know. Once you give your heart to someone, they have the ability to break it and that frightens me."

"I know what you mean."

"I wouldn't think so, considering you've got a handful of girls you're interested in."

"I'm not interested, I'm just… encouraging them. I feel bad when girls throw themselves at me and I don't do anything about it. I mean, that thing with Amy the other day… that freaked me out and I feel terrible for embarrassing her like that!" He seemed to be serious about what he was saying.

"So Mr. Bolton's got a big heart, huh." He pridefully nodded. "Let me tell you from a girl's perspective: It's embarrassing regardless of what you do to them. You making yourself public with a bunch of girls make them seem as if they have no dignity."

"But they don't…" he said laughing.

Gabriella laughed with him. "Well then, that must say a lot about you!"

After more laughing and joking around, they came back home around 3:30. Troy had to leave to warm-up for the game tonight.

"So are you coming to my game?" he asked when they walked inside their house.

"No, I'm not into that sort of thing. Plus, Chris said he's picking me up at eight,"

"Oh okay… well if we win tonight, you better come next Friday!"

"That's a promise I can make," she smiled at him. "So I'll see you at the party tonight?" Gabriella asked as she walked up the stairs.

"Yup! Wait!" Troy said in a loud voice. Gabriella stopped walking up the stairs. "Give me your number, since you know, we're like roommates now. Just for emergencies." He took his phone out.

"555-9283" she said. "Text me so I can have you in my phone 'just for emergencies'" she smiled once again, and then continued to walk up the stairs.

Gabriella went upstairs and called Taylor.

"Hello?" Taylor answered.

"Hey Tay, what are you doing tonight?"

"Nothing as usual, why?"

"Do you want to go to Sharpay and Ryan's party tonight? It starts at nine."

"Why are you going to that?"

"Because Chris asked me."

"CHRIS? Gabby, do you know how hot he is? I think he's right up there with Troy Bolton. God, you're living my dream right now!"

"No I'm not. It's not as great as it seems, but I just don't want to be stuck with him all night, so please come?"

"I'll bring Kelsi. See you tonight Gabby" Taylor said.

"Thanks, you're the best! Bye." Gabriella hung up. "Now what should I wear…" she said to herself. She pulled out a black, skintight minidress to wear for the night.

Basketball Game (Game 1 of Play-off season)

The score was 80-83 with the North High Bears in the lead. There was only thirty seconds remaining when Coach Bolton called for a time-out.

"Alright boys, we're right there. We've got four-hundred students in this gym tonight, and we want to have our school proud. Live up to the reputation we've built for so long to make it to the semi-finals next week. All we need to do is run two perfect plays and play some hard defense, understood?" Then he gave Chad a nod to lead the team's chant. Their thirty seconds of time-out was over and they went back into the game.

First three-pointer, Jason cleared easily. Now, it was 83-83. The last five seconds, Zeke handed Troy the ball. He remembered the deal he made with Gabriella, which motivated him to run up the middle to dunk it. The ball banked right into the net and the buzzer went off. Everyone on the home side went crazy as the team lifted Troy on their shoulders, giving him the praise for their victory. After a while, he realized why he had been happier than ever before- Gabriella would watch him play in their next game.

Bolton House

It was 7:58 p.m. Gabriella had make-up on and her hair straightened. She never got ready like this unless she went on a date, and even though she didn't consider it a date, she still wanted to look her best. She grabbed her purse and walked over to her old house. She didn't want to make Troy's reputation worse, so she waited on the driveway next to where she lived.

Chris pulled up in a shiny white Nissan 350Z. He got out of his car, greeted Gabriella with a kiss on the cheek and opened the passenger door for her.

"So, where are we going? The party doesn't start until later," Gabriella said as he drove away.

"Oh I know, I'm in charge of the party favors tonight so I have to make a few quick stops," Chris said with a suspicious smile.

"What are party favors?" she asked nervously.

"All the good stuff that makes the party amazing,"

"Sorry for sounding stupid, but are you talking about alcohol?" Gabriella asked worried.

"Yeah… and some other stuff,"

"Like what…?"

"Some weed and ecstasy, it's no big deal so don't get worried!"

" 'Don't get worried'? Not only is drinking illegal but so is E and marijuana!" Gabriella exclaimed. "Take me home."

"Gabs! It doesn't mean I'm making you take it!"

"I know but, still. Chris, that stuff messes with your health. With the pressure you're under, I just don't think that's necessarily what you need right now…"

"Don't worry about me, worry about yourself! I'll be fine this season." He said angrily as he pulled up to an empty parking garage. There was a group of five guys in the corner. Gabriella assumed that was where they were going to. She couldn't believe this was happening.

Evans' House

It was around midnight when the party was at its peak. The basketball team was surrounded by the sluts of East High; couples took up each corner of the house, making out like there was no tomorrow; one hundred teenagers were drunk or high- some even both.

Troy was wasted as hell, acting like the cool guy that he is, and Gabriella was sitting on a chair, sipping on her water as she watched Chris looking around for her. She saw Troy in the corner making out with a girl that wasn't Paige or Amy.

"Hey pretty girl, what's your name?" a stranger asked Gabriella. Clearly, he was drunk, or on some sort of drugs.

"I'm sorry, who are you?"

"Jordan, and I have to ask- why is a beautiful girl like you sitting by herself?" he asked sitting in the chair next to her.

"I don't know I just-"

"Gabriella, there you are!" Chris said.

"Yeah… here I am," she mumbled. "I gotta go, it was nice to meet you, Jordan."

"You too-"

"Gabriella!" she yelled over the loud music as she was dragged away by Chris. Jordan smiled, letting her know that he heard her.

"Where have you been?" Chris asked, pulling her away to a crowded hallway.

"I was just sitting there. Sorry, I needed some air to breathe."

"No that's alright. Is everything okay?" he asked sincerely.

"I'm okay. Go back to your fun! I need a little more air and I'll meet you soon."

"Alright, Gabi." He kissed her forehead and went back into the living room. She went outside to grab fresh air when she noticed that it was raining. She heard stumbling footsteps as she turned around to see who it was.

"Troy? Are you alright?" she asked, walking over to him.

"Who are youuu?" Troy slurred. He was too intoxicated to speak properly.

"Troy, it's Gabriella!" she said as he fell onto the driveway. The rain was beginning to soak up their clothes and hair.

"Ohhhh, that nerdy girl that lives with me nowww?" he managed to say.

"Come on, I'll drive you home." She tried to pick him up.

"Nanano, I have my own car, I'm driving home!" he yelled like a little boy. "You're a stranger, I don't even know you!"

"I'm Gabriella! I live with you! I'm that nerdy girl who makes you run with her every day!"

"OH! I know whoo you areee! Uhhh you know, I gotta admit yur freaking hot for a weirdo. And yur not even weird! I think yur so sexy, but I act like I dun like you cuz I dun wanna give you attention jusss yet." He was clearly out of his mind. Gabriella reached in his pockets to find his keys. "Oh so you wanna do that? Alrightttt!" He said as he grabbed Gabriella's head and pulled it into his. He gave her a sloppy, drunk kiss. He fell over, pulling Gabriella down with him. She quickly got up and wiped the taste of liquor off her mouth.

"THAT'S DISGUSTING TROY! We're getting you out of here!" She hastily grabbed his keys and dragged him to his car. She didn't even know where she was, but she was just trying to get out of wherever she was as fast as she could.

After ten minutes of driving and listening to Troy moan and groan about how much his head hurts, she arrived at a hole-in-the-wall burger joint. She chose that one because it had a sign that said that it was open 24 hours.

Troy began to regain his conscience after five glasses of water, throwing up in the bathroom twice and a hot cup of coffee.

"So where am I again?" he asked rubbing his eyes.

"Cousin's Burgers." Gabriella answered, taking a sip of her coffee.

"Why?" he stared at her with his deep blue eyes.

"Because I don't know where we are or how to get home," she answered looking at her drink.

"What time is it?" Gabriella looked at her phone.

"12:56. We should call your parents..."

"It's fine, my parents are probably asleep already." Gabriella just gave him a soft smile. "Hey, did I say anything embarrassing earlier?" he asked.

"Just a little."she thought. "Nope." She seemed bothered. She avoided eye-contact with him.

"Okay, just making sure. I mean, I don't really drink for liquid courage. I can just tell anyone how I feel drunk or sober, so I'm glad I'm still like that." He stared down at his hands.

"Yup, you're still like that." She said. Gabriella couldn't shake off what had happened between them. Why did he kiss her? Why did Troy Bolton of all people tell her she was pretty? And liquid courage? Did that mean he wanted to tell her what he told her all along or was it just a lie? Drunk people lie, right? "A drunken mind speak sober thoughts," she whispered.

"What was that?" he asked.

"Oh nothing. We should head home now that you're all good. I need help with directions, and no, you're not driving."

A/N: I'M SO SORRY! I didn't realize how busy my next few days would be. And I'm really busy for the rest of this week also, but I always continue writing, so bear with me if I take a little longer! This chapter didn't really come out the way I wanted it to, but I didnt want to keep you guys waiting longer so I'm just posting it now. Thank you for all of those who reviewed, I love you guys. I'll update as soon as I can, thank you for being so patient!