There is one person that is reviewing, and kind of making me go crazy! I mean, I know you are just saying, but it literally is making me go crazy. I love all of the other reviews. This is the last chapter. Hope you like it!

Chapter 7: All The Answers

(Normal P.O.V.)

The winx, their kids, and the boys are at Riven's apartment.

Musa and Riven have been feeling down for a little, but won't tell the others why.

"Mom, please tell us why you're so sad! Did we do it?" Alex asks.

"No, I don't want to talk about it," Musa says.

"Come, on Amy, you never tell us anything anymore," Stella says.

"No, can't you give it up?" Musa says starting to get annoyed.

"You know you can tell us anything, dahlin," Stella says.

"Well, dahlin, I don't want to," Musa says really getting PO'd.

"Why do you always act like that? You can never stop it with your stupid pride for one minute can you?" Stella asks.

"Pride? Pride! You think this is because of my pride? God! You are just like Faragonda, always thinking that it is my pride. I am freakin' betrothed and I can't do a damn thing about it! It is just so stupid!" Musa yells in the loudest voice she can get out. Musa bites back the tears.

"I am so sorry!" Stella says running up and hugging her.

"Do you know who to?" Bloom asks.

"No, I hung up on my dad before he could tell me, but I know it's one of our sister planets because my dad would never want me to marry someone he isn't comfortable with," Musa says.

"Well, find out who it is! Maybe he's cute," Stella says.

"That's all you care about," Musa says.

Musa has been feeling uncomfortable the whole time because she felt Riven eying her the whole time.

"What are you looking at?" Musa finally asks him.

"Nothing," he says. "I just want to know something," he says.

"What?" Musa asks.

"Why don't you girls want us to know?" he asks.

"Know what?" Bloom asks.

"Who you really are. I know, but the others don't," Riven says.

"Who are they?" Sky asks.

"Well, they are the winx club," he says matter-of-factly.

"What!" all of the boys yell.

"How did you know?" Layla asks.

"I have my ways," he says.

"No, she means who did you find out from," Tecna says.

"Well, I saw Musa-" he starts but get's cut off by Stella.

"Yes!" she yells.

"You just had to say it," Musa says pulling out her wallet and the others do the same.

They all get out $35 and give it to Stella.

"I guess there is no need for the disguises," Flora says and they all go back to their normal form.

"Why-" Sky starts but is cut off by Musa's phone ringing.

(Musa's P.O.V.)

It's my dad.

"I thought we settled this last time," I say into the phone.

"I thought you should know who you are betrothed to," he says.

"Whatever," I say.

"You know the Unix Realm?" he asks.

"Yeah...," I say wondering where he is going with this.

"Well, it is the prince," he says.

My jaw drops, and I hang up.

"Who was it?" Stella asks.

"My dad. I know who I am betrothed to," I say still in shock, but happy that it's him.

"Who is he? Is he cute?" Stella asks.

"Oh, he is the hottest guy I ever met," I say and I can see Riven getting tense.

He is obviously jealous.

"Who?" they all ask.

"You know, since Riven told you all something I didn't want you to know, I think it's only fair if I do the same," I say.

"You wouldn't," he says.

"Have you forgotten what I am like?" I ask mischievously.

"What does this have to do with who you are betrothed to?" Bloom asks.

"Well, you see Riven is-" I start to say, but get cut off by Riven's lips crashing on to mine.

I respond by kissing him back the same.

It isn't one of those soft, gentle kisses, it is a harsh, brutal, wanting, passionate kiss.

I put my arms around his neck to deepen the kiss, and he put's his around my waist.

Sadly, he pulls away due to the lack of air, and rests his forehead on mine.

"You miss me?" he smirks.

"You have no idea," I say.

"So, why do you want to tell them?" he asks.

"They want to know who I am betrothed to," I say.

"You mean...?" he asks.

"Yep," I say.

He picks me up and spins me around.

When he's done, he puts me down, and we kiss again.

"I am so confused!" Stella whines.

"Sorry to interrupt this moment, but we would like you girls to come with us," a familiar voice says.

"River," I scowl turning towards the voice to see the six wizards.

"Why don't you girls just come toward us, and no one will get hurt," Skylar says.

"In your dreams," Layla says.

"WINX FEELIX!" we scream and transform.

"You girls don't know your missing," Tim says.

"Luva Replay," I scream and a CD comes out of no where and it turns into hearts and hits the wizards.

"You combined your music powers with your feelix. How did you do that?" Bloom asks.

"I dunno. It just happened," I say.

"Girls, we don't mean any harm," Branard says.

"Why do you want them?" Nabu asks.

"We want their bodies," Nanu says.

"That's just wrong," Brandon says.

The other girls try combing their regular powers with the feelix, but it isn't happening.

"Do you girls remember the concert when Stormy attacked Musa?" Tecna asks.

"Yeah," we say.

"Well, let's use what she Musa did to strengthen our feelix powers," Tecna says.

"We sing?" Stella asks.

"No, you have your feelix powers taking action around you," Tecna says.

"Love is easy, wisdom is okay, friendship is easy, peace is easy, truth is easy, but royalty is hard," Bloom says.

"Maybe not since we have so much royalty around us," I says.

"How will I do wisdom?" Stella asks.

"I don't know, I am still surprised you of all people go it," I say.

"How about one of the guys give wisdom to the kids?" Tecna asks.

"Okay. Now, Lily, act with friendship towards Natally," Flora says.

"Nathan, do the calming yoga positions I taught you," Layla says.

"J.D., tell truth to Cody," Bloom says.

"I know what to do for love," I say walking over to Riven.

"Okay, everyone go on three," Tecna says.

"One, two, three," she says.

I crash my lips on to Riven and point my hands to the wizards.

I feel the love going through Riven and I, and coming out of my hands.

I don't even look at the wizards, I just keep kissing Riven.

I hear cheering, so they must be gone, but I don't stop kissing Riven.

"Mom!" I hear Alex, and Rider yell.

Harmony doesn't interrupt because she knows what is going on.

I break away from Riven, roll my eyes, and look at the kids. "What?" I ask.

"We won, you didn't have to keep it up," Alex says.

"You guys interrupted true love," Harmony says.

"How did you know it was true love?" I ask her.

"I don't know why, but I always had a connection to love. They did to, they just don't like it," Harmony says.

"Maybe my feelix powers went to you guys," I say.

"You have powers of love?" Riven asks.

"Yep," I say.

"Wow," he says.

"Well, can we go back to what you two are were so happy about?" Stella asks.

"Should we tell them?" I ask him.

"Nah, they'll find out soon enough," Riven says.

"I want to know one thing though," he says.

"And what might that be?" I ask him.

"Who's the father," Riven asks with the most serious face I have ever seen.

I hang my head. How am I going to tell him?

"You deserve to know," is all I manage to get out.

"Then tell me," he says in a soothing voice.

"You," I say in the softest voice I have.

"Who?" he asks apparently not hearing what I said.

"You," I say a little louder, but it is still softer than a whisper.

"I can't hear you," he says.

"You," I say a little louder making it a whisper.

He apparently hears this time because he backs up.

"Why didn't you tell me?" he asks in a hurt voice.

"I don't know! I was in a lot of pressure at the time. I am sorry!" I say feeling tears running down my face.

"Dad!" the kids scream and hug him.

"They knew?" Riven asks.

"No, but they do have sonic hearing like me," I say.

Riven hugs the kids. I haven't seen a better sight in my life.

"So does that mean that... they are ours?" Sky asks.

The girls all nod their heads.

"Kids, the one you have been staying with is your dad," Bloom says.

All of the kids run to their dad's and hug them.

All of a sudden, there is a knock at the door, but, whoever it is, does not wait for someone to open it, and opens it themselves.

It is two men dressed in royal clothing.

"Dad?" Riven and I ask in unison.

"How dare you hang up on me like that young lady!" my dad says.

"Sorry, I was in shock," I say.

"No excuse!" he says.

"And you! You hung up on me before I could tell you who it is," the other man says to Riven.

I am guessing that is the king.

"Look, I didn't want it," Riven says.

"You said didn't. Did something change?" King Richard asks.

"I found out who I was marrying," Riven says putting his arm around my waist.

"So you are happy about it?" the two dads ask in unison.

"Yep," Riven and I say in unison.

"Well, it is great that the Unix Realm and Melody will be united in harmony," Riven's dad says.

"Yes it is," my dad says.

"Wait!" Stella screams.

"What?" Riven and I ask in unison.

"Who is he?" she asks pointing to King Richard.

"My dad," Riven says.

"That is an understatement son," he says.

"This is my dad, King Richard of the Unix Realm," Riven says in a very uncaring voice.

Everyone, except my dad, Riven's dad, Riven and I, looks surprised.

Stella throws a pillow at Riven.

"What the hell was that for?" he asks.

"Why didn't you tell us?" she asks.

"I didn't want to," he says.

"Wait!" Rider, Alex and Harmony say in unison.

"What?" I ask.

"What does that make us? You two being a prince and princess?" Alex asks.

"That means all of you are the second in line for the throne. Then, when you get older, we will decide which of you is to become queen or king. But you will always be princesses and a prince," I explain.

"Oh," they all say.

"You know, you never told me who the father is," my dad says.

I hug Riven giving the answer away.

"You mean, I have grandchildren?" King Richard asks.

Riven and I nod our heads.

"Why am I finding this out know?" he asks.

"I just found out myself now," Riven says.

"What are their names?" he asks.

Riven is about to answer, but I cover his mouth.

"They kinda told you fake names," I tell Riven.

"What?" he asks.

"Well, we had to keep our identities a secret, and if you knew their real names you could easily find out who we were," I explain to him.

"I'm Alex," she says.

"I'm Rider," he says.

"And I'm Harmony," she says.

"I like these names better," Riven says.

"Thank you," I say.

"Oh, before I forget, the wedding is in a week," my dad says.

"What?" Riven and I ask in unison.

"We had this planned for a long time, it is the perfect time," King Richard says.

"Whatever," Riven and I say in unison.

"Well, we have to go back to the realms," my dad says.

"Bye dad," Riven and I say hugging them goodbye.

"Bye," they say and leave.

"Gosh! This day has been soo crazy!" Stella says plopping on the couch.

"Yep," Bloom says plopping down next to her.

"You know, I always thought that it would be somebody else to get married first. I thought that you two would be last," Stella says.

"That's mean," I say.

"It's just, you two fight too much," Stella says.

"Well, you talk too much," Riven and I say in unison.

"Whatever, I am hitting the hay, come on kids," Stella says going out the door.

Everyone follows Stella's lead and goes to their own rooms.

"Alex, take my room," I tell her.

"Why?" she asks.

"Now that your dad knows who I am, I am going to sleep in his room," I say.

"Okay," she says and the kids go to their rooms while Riven and I go to our room.

We change into our pajamas.

"I love you," he says getting in the bed.

"I love you to," I say laying down beside him.

That's it. Not sure if I like it much, but, eh it's OK. If you are sad that this is the last chapter, I am not sure if this will make it any better, but there will be a sequel about the kids lives when they go to school. But there probably won't be as much action as the winx club's, but there will be like drama maybe i dunn.