Ok so here is chapter two. (It is set about 3 or 4 years after the first chapter) There wasn't going to be a second chapter but a couple people kind of wanted one and I got this idea while listening to music (and the ones in this fic are the ones I was listening to. The titles and artist will be listed in order at the end) Oh and since I forgot this on chapter one, I will put it here.

Disclaimer: Has Naruto and Sasuke confessed their undying love for one another on the show?

Has Shikamaru let down his hair in the show and proved, contrary to belief, that yes he can get even hotter?

Does Gaara have a boyfriend who is almost as sexy as him (almost because its impossible for him to find a guy sexier) in the show?

If you answered no to any of these then I do not own the show Naurto :*( Or any show/movie or music mentioned in this fic.

The Phone Call (cont.)

Naruto and Sasuke were seated at a table in an extravagant restaurant, deserted of anyone but them. The lights were dimmed to enhance the beauty of the dispersed candles. Rose petals scattered the pure white table cloth and sparkling blue eyes fixated on hauntingly alluring black eyes.

"Sasuke," Naruto purred. In return a blush graced his boyfriend's face and he couldn't help but think how delectable it made him look.

"Sasuke, I love you." He then stood up and walked the short distance to Sasuke's side of the table, waiting anxiously for Sasuke's silky reply to grace his ears.

"I love you too Naruto."

He smiled at the response and pushed a lock of raven hair behind a pale ear, leaning in to whisper "Dance with me." His soft lips so close that they brushed against Sasuke's cheek as he spoke. All the pale man could do was nod as his hand was grasped and he was swept away to the center of the restaurant.

Naruto slid his unoccupied hand around the others waist and waited for his date to place theirs on his shoulder. Flowing key strokes of a piano floated through the air, their dancing bodies gliding around the room while cloaked in the fluid melody.

In the blink of an eye, the room became larger, packed with bodies, and colorful lights flashing erratically. The beginning beats of "Down the Rabbit Hole" by Adam Lambert blared through the speakers, filling the club with an energetic feel. Naruto noticed their clothes were now changed from their formal attire to flashy garments that he must admit, looked very attractive on them.

He and Sasuke immediately fell into sync with the rest of the dancing people, the singers arousing voice started to resonate in the room, the first few lines of the song spilling out.

-"Break out all the mechanical

Step right up to the freaky intangible

Hands uncuffed, take the leash off this animal"-

Wrapped around each other, they swayed to the music. Enveloped in the presence of one another, relishing the feel of the heated contact…

"Naruto!" Sasuke called from the door way. Seeing no reply he walked over to the sleeping blonde.

"Dobe!" he called again, this time shaking Naruto's shoulder. Again, no reply.

"DOBE! Get your sorry ass up!" he yelled, punching the sleeping form in the shoulder.

Naruto quickly sat up in the bed, rubbing his shoulder.

"What the hell was that for teme?"

"It's after 1 and you were still sleeping." All Anger left Naruto and disbelief washed over his features.

"Seriously?" He looked at the clock next to the bed seeing that he was in fact serious.

"Yeah, now get up and get dressed." Sasuke turned to walk out of the room but stopped at Naruto's outburst.

"ooo wait! You wanna hear about my dream?" Sasuke contemplated for a moment but soon gave in because of the all too eager look on the blonde's face.

"Alright, what was it about?" He then sat on the edge of their bed.

"Ok so we were in this really fancy restaurant with candles, music, and everything and I was all cool and manly when I said 'Sasuke, I love you," then you were blushing while saying it back, by the way blushing is a very cute look for you." Naruto winked and Sasuke just rolled his eyes letting his lover continue.

"Then I swept you off your feet into this awesome dance to some piano music and after we romantically danced for a while the scene switched to this club where I showed off my tremendous dance skills! It was a really enjoyable dream!" He finished while smiling brightly.

Sasuke scooted a little closer on the bed and reached around the grinning man. "Quite an imagination there, seeing as I would be the one sweeping you off of your feet."

Naruto pouted, "Don't ruin my dream…" Sasuke smirked and grabbed the pillow his hand was on. "Hey, what are you doing with- ahhh! You love throwing things at me, don't you?" Sasuke didn't reply, instead, he kissed the top of the messy blonde hair and walked out of the room with a grin.

A little later, Naruto entered the kitchen, yawning and scratching the back of his head. He noticed Sasuke washing dishes so he snuck up behind him and wrapped his arms around the slender waist, his chin propped on a comfortable shoulder.

"You remind me of a wife."

Sasuke looked at the smiling face that was next to his. "Tch, one that can completely dominate you in bed."

The blonde's joking smile turned predatory. "Wanna bet?"

"Love to, but we can save that for after the party."

"Oh yea! Sakura's! What time does it start?"

"6 but we have to be there at about 5."

Naruto gave Sasuke a questioning look.

"Something about moving things around and me helping with cooking some food."

"Speaking of food, what's there to eat?"

"There's ramen in the cabinet."

"Yes!" Naruto released his hold on Sasuke, bounced his was to the cupboard, and happily made his favorite food.

Everyone had already arrived at Sakura's and separated into their individual groups when Sasuke realized he made a mistake. He was seated on the couch in between Gaara and Neji who thought they were subtly glancing at each other when really they were just gawking at each other, making Sasuke annoyed by being in the middle of it.

He spotted Naruto, Kiba, Shikamaru, and Choji walking into the room from outside and he immediately went to join their company. When he reached them Kiba and Choji tried to stifle a laugh as they saw where Sasuke came from. Naruto asked, "Neji and Gaara doing that weird staring thing again?"

Sasuke nodded his head while Shikamaru mumbled "troublesome."

Temari then called the lazy man over, causing him to sigh before walking over, responding to her with a drawn out "yes dear?" and Kiba and Choji decided to go dive into the food, leaving the pair by themselves.

Sasuke smirked before letting his eyes roam over the blonde's form. Naruto noticed and immediately grinned. "Like what you see?"

Sasuke grabbed him by the belt loops on his jeans and pulled him closer.

"Hmmm, I'm taking that as a yes." He then leant up and pecked his boyfriend on the lips. "You wanna go make out somewhere?" Sasuke's eyes shimmered with mischief as he answered by pulled the blonde away to a more hidden location.

As they walked through their door, Naruto was exclaiming "it was hilarious how as the night went on, Gaara and Neji kept getting closer and closer until they were practically on each other's lap!"

"Finally they got together. It was taking forever," Sasuke sighed out as they both dropped onto the couch. Naruto threw his hand out to grasp the remote and turned on the TV searching for a Christmas movie.

"Not again dobe," groaned Sasuke.

The blonde glared at him. "Hey! I really like The Ultimate Gift! And it only comes on during the Christmas holiday."

That familiar defeated sigh passed through Sasuke's lips. "Ok, ok, whatever you want."

The blonde beamed and curled up to the paler body so that he may watch his movie in comfort.

Once his movie was over, Naruto noticed it was midnight. "Hey Sasuke, it's Christmas!"

He glanced over at the clock, "oh yea I guess it is…Where are you going?"

Naruto got off the couch and went into their room, coming back out with his mp3 player and speakers. Onyx eyes zeroed in on the music player and realization hit him.

"It's time for my Christmas present Sasukeee!" Naruto sang. Seeing Sasuke's displeasure he added "you do it every year, you should be used to it by now."

"Yea, I should be, doesn't mean I am. But alright find a song."

Naruto turned off the TV and sat up his mp3 player. After scrolling through his songs for a moment, he found one and looked up at Sasuke, snickering. "What about this?" He fast-forwards the song to the chorus and then let it play.

-"She wraps those hands around that pole

She licks those lips and off we go

She takes it off nice and slow

Because that's porn star dancing"-

"Hell. No."

"Alright alright, I wasn't really taking that one seriously anyways." He then went back to looking while Sasuke waited on the couch.

"oooo I like this one!" He skipped to about a minute into the song.

-"Oh, the way you touch

The way you touch me

Makes me feel alive

Oh, the way you melt me

The way we melt together

Melt into my eyes"-

"I like the song but I'm not feeling it for your gift."

The blonde deflated a little but went back to looking. He instantly found another

-"You're so hypnotizing

Could you be the devil

Could you be an angel

Your touch magnetizing

Feels like I am floating

Leaves my body glowing"-

"I am not doing this to a Katy Perry song."

Naruto busted out laughing at the repulsed look on Sasuke's face. "I can't believe you even know who this is!"

While the blonde continued his laughter Sasuke got up and took over trying to find a song. He found one he often listened to and played it. Slightly bobbing his head to the beginning beat to try and get a feel for it. Deciding this was the song he would use he made Naruto go sit on the couch.

After sitting in the middle of the sofa, he watched as Sasuke started to get lost in the music, and focused in on the clothes he wore, dark jeans with a studded belt, a red long sleeved shirt under a separate black t-shirt. He was cut off from his admiring when the lyrics hit him.

-"You let me violate you

You let me desecrate you"-

Blue eyes became entranced by pale lips mouthing the words.

-"You let me penetrate you

You let me complicate you"-

Sasuke leaned his head back and gripped his shirt, going along with the lyrics. Bringing his head back up, he locked eyes with Naruto, slowly pulling his black t off.

-"Help me. I broke apart my insides

Help me. I've got no soul to sell"-

Tossing the shirt aside, he reached his hand out as though he was grabbing the blonde and rolled his body to the beat. Pushing his palms flat against his body, he moved them down to the edge of his shirt, all the while swaying is hips.

-"Help me. The only thing that works for me.

Help me get away from myself"-

Pale hands slid under the red shirt, lifting the hem up and sliding it over his head. His graceful fingers undid the belt, sliding it from the belt loops in one fluid motion and dropping it to the floor. Tracing the inside of his waist band, he licked his bottom lip while keeping his gaze on Naruto. The button was flicked open and the zipper slowly pulled down, the jeans now barely resting on his hips. He began walking towards the coffee table in front of blonde before leaping onto it.

-"I wanna fuck you like an animal

I wanna feel you from the inside

I wanna fuck you like an animal

My whole existence is flawed

You get me closer to God"-

Sasuke ran his hands through his hair and once again began swaying his hips to the music. He stepped on to the couch and lowered himself to where he was straddling Naruto. He lightly brushed their lips together before sliding his body down the fully clothed one until he was crouched on the floor. He stood up and let tanned hands pull off the remaining clothes. Those same hands took hold of his hips and brought him back to his straddling position.

Naruto pressed their lips together and moved them in a slow rhythmic motion. Sasuke's tongue pushed into the blonde's mouth, swiftly dominating the kiss. Roaming hands snaked under the blue eyed boy's shirt, tracing abs, gliding over sides, and brushing over nipples causing a small moan to escape the blonde, breaking the kiss.

A shirt was discarded over the back of the couch and Sasuke kissed down the exposed tan chest, then swirling his tongue around Naruto's bellybutton before delving in. After unfastening the jeans and slipping them off. Sasuke raised an eyebrow in question. "I figured underwear would just get in the way," Naruto breathed out, making Sasuke chuckle.

Caressing sun kissed thighs and spreading the boy's knees apart, he licked the underneath of the blonde's length and ran his tongue over the tip. Naruto's breath hitched and he threaded his hand in the obsidian locks below him. Sasuke, kissing back down, sucked on his lovers sack and ventured farther to his opening. While lapping at the hole he could hear Naruto's pleasured whimpers, urging him to apply more pressure with his tongue.

After trailing up his shaft once more, he then continued to kiss up to a nipple, softly pulling with his teeth and lavishing it with a warm tongue. Still gripping Sasuke's soft hair, he pulled him up into a lust filled kiss with licks and nips running together in a seemingly endless dance.

The raven ended the kiss but not before giving Naruto's lips a slow lick. Sasuke maneuvered the tan body so he was lying down and then followed suit, falling in between spread thighs, making their erections touch. Naruto bit his lip, trying to suppress a moan from the mixed sensation of skin on skin contact and the provocative growl Sasuke let out.

The pale man moved to trace his ball of sunshine's lips with smooth fingertips but they were instead sucked into the moist cavern. Sasuke sucked on the exposed neck until his digits were thoroughly ravished in a way that had him painfully hard. Now extensively coated, they drifted down to the blond boy's entrance.

He inserted one and a small gasp could be heard. A second one entered and he could feel hands grip his hair. Once the third was in, two pairs of lips eagerly smacked together. Naruto bucked his hips in a sign of impatience, Sasuke in turn smirked. After sliding his fingers out, he pushed into his lover causing them to moan in unison. Their bodies molded together, hips moved in perfect sync. Naruto's hands clutched the pale back and wrapped his legs around Sasuke's waist.

What started out as careful slow strokes evolved into short, fast thrust and the heat began building, every touch was sending bolts of electricity through their nerves. Sasuke, having long ago found Naruto's prostate, repeatedly hit it causing the tan back to arch nearly constantly. Mouths sealed together feverishly, tongues swirling together, stifling the cries of passion from their release.

Sasuke slipped out of Naruto and laid himself on top of him, their hearts were still beating heavily as the couple caught their breaths. Shifting more comfortably on the couch so that neither was crushing one another, they nestled together. Sasuke's back was pushed against the sofa's back with his arms wrapped around Naruto's golden body, blonde spikes brushing his neck.

"I swear this gift gets better every year." Naruto commented.

"Hn. So what do I get for winning the bet?"

"What bet?"

"Well, in the kitchen earlier today, after I said I can completely dominate you in bed, you said wanna bet, and then I replied save that for after the party. This was after the party" The raven joked.

Naruto pouted and muttered "doesn't count."

Sasuke just laughed until he realized the music was still playing and he heard…..

-" Kiss me, ki-ki-kiss me

Infect me with your love and

Fill me with your poison

Take me, ta-ta-take me

Wanna be a victim

Ready for abduction

Boy, you're an alien

Your touch so foreign

It's supernatural


"God Dammit Katy Perry!"

Ok I have nothing against Katy Perry. I love her! I just wanted to make Sasuke hate her ;p

But ok, so that was my first lemon. This fic also seemed very choppy to me….just like the open sea in the middle of a storm! Arg! (sorry, pirate moment)

I had writers block after writers block when writing this chap so bear with me =^.^=

now the song list:

Adam Lambert-Down the Rabbit Hole

My Darkest Days-Porn Star Dancing


Katy Perry-E.T.

Nine Inch Nails-Closer

Katy Perry's E.T. was also the song at the end