Summary: Garrett Fowler wants something. The music box will be able to help him get it. Implied slash.
Disclaimer: I don't own White Collar or any of the characters. I merely borrow them for my shameless amusement.
Warning: Implied one-sided slash (Fowler wanted Neal Caffery) BUAHAHA. Yes, I went there. Short and simple.
By: Lost-Remembrance
Kate was merely a piece to the puzzle. She was a necessary pawn. Fowler hated dealing with the treacherous woman. Just the thought of her made his skin crawl. He thought of the ways that she had successfully used Neal Caffery, bending him to her will, with such skill and flawless manipulation that he couldn't help but be in awe.
Neal Caffery. That was what this was all about.
He leaned back in his chair and stared at the open folder on his desk. This particular file had kept a current residency since he had first laid eyes on the suave blue-eyes conman.
His phone buzzed and he looked down at the ID of the caller, seeing it as his wife. A smile crossed his features as he thought of the lovely woman. He felt nothing but affection for her, but couldn't help the guilt that flooded him when he thought certain things about Neal Caffery. She deserved better than him… someone who could give his entire heart to her.
Sighing, he put the phone down and let the answering machine take the message. No doubt she would want to know if he would actually be coming home for dinner. Things were strained, especially when Burke had entered into the equation and began digging into him and his life. Julianne had no been happy about that incident, assuming she would be free from this scrutiny considering she was a wife of one of the high-class Bureau workers.
Everything was going according to plan; Caffery was free from jail. He was so close to convincing Caffery to lower his guard and that Kate was the root to solving all his problems. Once Caffery took that folder containing his new name and identity, he would effectively be hidden from the searching eyes of the Bureau… and he could easily be taken without a soul noticing.
Kate didn't give a damn any way. She took one look at the money and agreed without a look of remorse at shamelessly using her former lover.
The music box was an added bonus, to keep Caffery's mind twisting and turning in the logic and thought processes that left most baffled. He stared down at the photo and couldn't resist touching the bright blue eyes. It had been taken yesterday by the surveillance team Fowler set up.
Burke had been an unexpected obstacle, trying to bend the man's mind to put his thoughts to simpler and less intricate puzzles. It was a shame and a waste. So much potential being wasted. Caffery was a work of art by himself—physically and mentally.
A knock at his door alerted him to a visitor and pulled him from his thoughts. He pulled his fingers from the picture. "Sir," the door opened, "The team is ready to leave."
Fowler nodded and shuffled some papers on his desk into a pile. He stood, glancing down at the file containing everything (both legally and illegally obtained) the agent had on Neal. He flipped the lid closed and pulled open a drawer, placing it gently in it. Other baubles and trinkets rolled around as he shut the drawer, locking it and pocketing the key.
He nodded to the agent and grabbed his jacket. "Let's go." He closed his office door behind him, knowing it would also lock once shut, keeping his secrets safe and away from prying eyes. Caffery would be his.