Here's a drabble for all of you, in the Christmas/Holiday spirit. Don't ask where I got this idea because I have no clue where it came from, it just happened. I'm scared Don might be a teeny bit out of character. Cries

Disclaimer: Santa didn't want to give me the rights to TMNT for Christmas this year. It saddens me…

Red vs. White Berries:

"That's holly."

Mikey looked away from the Christmas special to look on Don, who was sending the television an exasperated look. It was awesome to have a brother was a freaking genius. He invented awesome stuff (be it weapons or something to make life easier), and he knew just about anything about anything. He also fixed everything that his other brothers broke—even with all the toaster experiments that his orange masked turtle did that resulted in the toaster either bursting into flames or exploding (leaving Donnie muttering about getting a toaster oven while fixing said toaster).

However, there were downsides to having a brother as smart as the techno turtle. Ruining the peace and quiet while watching television happened to be one of them, one that happened quite frequently, much to everyone else's chagrin. (Though, all four of them were guilty of it…)

"So?" Michaelangelo shrugged.

"They called it mistletoe," Donatello stated, "but it has red berries."

Well, there goes enjoying watching happy feel good holiday movies with his favorite brother.

"Why should that matter?" Mikey asked. Honestly, he wanted to know. Because he really couldn't see where Donnie was coming from.

"Mistletoe has white berries."

"Uh-huh," Mikey nodded.

"Honestly, if someone is going to make a Christmas special with mistletoe, then they need to get it right. Or else the couple will look like they're just kissing under holly, not mistletoe. It's completely incorrect."

"Just watch the special Don," Mike stated flatly, "besides I doubt this is the only Christmas special that uses holly for mistletoe."

A Mikey-like pout crossed the purple masked turtle's features and he slouched on the couch, staring holes into the screen.

When the next Christmas special come on, Mikey was wondering if it was going to use holly for mistletoe like the last one.

Please Review!

Constructive criticism is welcomed; flames that are cruel and unusual will be used to fuel my fireplace.

So there it is. Very short and to the point. It's probably not that well written, but it's about something that sort of irks me about Christmas specials (as much as I love watching them), so I'm happy with it.

Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays to you lovely readers.

Question time: What are your favorite Christmas/Holiday specials?

I would have to say mine are: Frosty the Snowman, Nester the Christmas Donkey, and The Little Drummer Boy.