DESTINY by Marcher



Her screams echoed throughout the Throne Room! As her body visciously writhed against the torture, her distressed cries of agony resounded stentorian over the electric static of the force lightening. Leia blindly and hopelessly scratched at the walls searching for an escape, or at the very least something to latch onto and grip her fingers around in an attempt to endure the pain. It would seem that her father was her only chance of survival. But even he lay weak and defeated at the mercy of her brother's glowing lightsabre.

Then silence!

The source of her pain disappeared and she was let to fall heavily from her precarious position. The rise in her stomach ended when her body crashed onto cold floor with the sickly crack of her leg snapping as she landed. Anakin strained his head to look for his daughter, reaching a useless arm out to her in an effort to extend his feelings of love and remorse. Dragging her injured leg, Leia inched closer to the barren safety of the wall. The sight of her father offered no immediate consolation or promise of escape and she prayed silently that Han would forsake Chewie in favour of her. Her resolve was not limitless and she wondered dourly how much longer she would be able to withstand this onslaught without begging for mercy and offering Palpatine whatever he desired.

The Emperor sneered at the small girl lying helpless, "Your friends will arrive in time."

Leia raised her eyes to him, aware that her thoughts were escaping her control and her eyes fought away the mist which threatened to cloud them.

"I'm afraid there's nothing they can do for you." He continued with a tone so patronizing it stirred feelings of hatred in Leia's soul. "They will witness the defeat of you and your father and will follow you into death."

Anakin held his gaze on his daughter and the years folded back to a time long ago. Leia's face became Padme's. The same dark features, same beauty. Same strength and courage. His heart ached as the Princess summoned every ounce of her dignity and forced her emotions down deep within her. He watched as her eyes closed with determination. She drew deep breaths to control the pain which wracked each and every part of her body. Her twisted and bleeding leg made it impossible to defend herself in any other way, so she raised her proud features to The Emperor in sheer defiance of his will. Anakin's heart filled with a sense of true pride and he vowed himself to keeping Leia alive at all costs.

Luke steadfastly held his lightsabre against his father's throat, awaiting the instruction from his master to proceed. Instead, Palpatine ignored him momentarily and slowly made his way to the Princess. Tilting his head and smiling apathetically at her valour he derided her, "Poor, stupid girl! Foolish and replaceable. You'll only be mourned for a moment in time before you become an indistinguishable memory to your pathetic rebels!" She raised her head to the Dark Lord and stared back at him with contempt for his insult. Palpatine only held his eyes with hers for the briefest of moments before he stretched out his hands and resumed his unmerciful assault.


Han Solo's mind and vision were nothing less than savage rage and intolerable grief. His only genuinely trusted confidant lay still and lifeless aboard the very ship which founded their friendship. Not a word had passed his lips since Chewbacca's death, the pain in his heart too raw for expression. However, his face held a cold and impassive visage while his thoughts settled on revenge.

With Lando at his heels, Solo methodically paced the Millenium Falcon snatching weapons then silently tossing them into Calrissian's hands. No plan or discussion was necessary. By the unspoken code among pirates, Lando instictively knew exactly where they were going and what would take place. There was no fear, no trepidation, no concern for personal safety as both Han and Lando disembarked the Falcon. Reprisal would be sought and Chewbacca's memory would be honored.


A steady, deliberate pace brought both men to the foot of the Temple steps. Han's eyes raised to scan the very tip of the building and a cold fear settled over him. Leia. Chewie's death was already more than he could suitably deal with. Leia's would be impossible! He swore a damning oath in whispers to all those who would suffer if he was robbed of her as well.

The sun's rays beamed steadily down upon Coruscant but they were not enough to throw off the morbid chill in the air. With the Temple still seemingly devoid of guards, Han and Lando began their ascent to the main entrance. This time however, both held their blasters at the ready and maintained a fierce, unrelenting vigil for snipers and stormtroopers. Their unimpeded approach only served to further convince the Corellian that this folly of Leia's was nothing more than what he had believed it to be all along. A cold and ruthless subterfuge designed to murder them all.

Lando's blaster shots echoed in Han's ears as he spun around on his heels to witness two stormtroopers felled by his friend's precise aim. In alarm, the men stood back to back with weapons raised waiting for the onslaught, pointing their weapons high and low in a circular movement. There was nothing to follow. No further attack, no alarms, no army. Calrissian leaned into Solo and whispered uneasily, "We're meant to go in. You can bet anything you like there are hundreds of troopers just waiting for us out of sight, but they'll only show if we turn and run now."

Han cast his eyes around the area and agreed silently as Lando pointed to the interior of the Temple and continued, "Whatever's gonna take us out is waiting for us in there."

"You ready for it?"

Calrissian nodded in determination, "Yeah. I'm ready."


Their footsteps echoed throughout the halls. The eerie quiet only served to make their hearts beat faster as step, by foreboding step, they stalked the emptiness with blasters held at the ready. Still, this was not a time to abandon old habits. They crept in their approach to each corner and stopped with their backs to the wall as one, then the other, would spring into view offering cover for his friend to round the bend, but they were never challenged. Had they been ambushed and questioned, it would be doubtful if either knew exactly where they were going. The unspoken accord was that the general direction in which they were heading, was up.

Minutes may as well have been hours for the time it took Han and Lando to steer they way through the maze of corridors. The entire atmosphere of the situation, combined with Chewbacca's death, weighed heavily on their hearts and nerves. Before long, both men were sweating from the strain. Just as the continuing desolation of the Temple was appearing ludicrous, both stopped dead in their tracks on hearing what could only be described as primitive, agonizing screaming. It travelled to meet them from the far end of the corridor, a hundred metres or more away. The chilling, frightened cries of a woman!

"Leia!" Han broke into a sprint without even looking to Lando for confirmation, "LEIA!"

Lando took immediately after him, twisting around as he ran checking behind to make sure they weren't going to be trapped once they had reached the end of the corridor.

On his urgent approach to the door, Han scowled as Leia's screaming became louder. Unwittingly, he was yelling himself hoarse in protest of her pain as he charged forward. Even the appearance of Palpatine's Red Guards didn't sway him from his course as he proceeded headlong into death, firing blindly. Lando's warning for him to take cover went ignored as he charged forward. It was fortunate for Han that his friend's accuracy was better than his. The Corellian's shots ricocheted off the panelled walls or burned deeply into the framework, while Calrissian's aim was true and felled the guards from shots that hissed over Han's shoulders.

Almost tripping over the dead bodies, Han slammed himself into the doorway of the Throne Room cursing violently at finding it firmly sealed. Lando skidded to a halt behind him, instantly attacking the entry panel with a series of random numbers, all of which proved fruitless. From inside Leia's cries ceased abruptly and both Han and Lando froze. They eyed each other with worry and arrant dread! The Corellian shouldered Lando aside, urgently assessing the control panel for the door. "We gotta find a way to override this thing. How's your memory on Imperial codes?"


The Emperor's hands lowered from the Princess and once again she dropped to the floor, this time unconsious and near death. He drew his attention to the chaos from beyond the doorway. From deep within his throat a heartless, maniacal laughter surfaced. At first slow, then growing into something inhumane. Sideous peered down at the prone body of the Princess, offering a supercilious apology. "Your friend's have arrived, Your Highness. Such a pity you're in no state to welcome them." For the final time, he held his twisted hands over the girl and prepared to deliver the death dose of lightening.

Still struggling for air, Anakin watched intently as his former master approached his daughter, hovering above her like a gluttonous bird of prey. He would not allow the murder of his daughter. His opportunity for victory and freedom was right now! He rose to his elbows, stuggling through the pain which wracked his body and for the first time in many years, he drew deeply from the powers of the enlightened force. He looked up at Luke, saddened by the wicked smile etched on the boy's face. The red lightsabre held menacingly above him was no longer a barrier restraining him to defeat. Anakin raised his hand to Luke and the young Sith was flung across the room by a force push from his father. His lightsabre spinning away into the shadows as Luke slid along the floor crashing heavily into the colourless wall.

The Emperor spun about to see his newest apprentice lying shocked and dazed. His lip curled with fury and instantly his eyes fell upon Anakin. Confusion had temporarily hampered Sideous' resolve, providing Anakin with the chance he needed. For the next few minutes Anakin would revive Darth Vader, calling on the darkside to defeat it's own evil. He raised his hands in hatred and summoned every ounce of his remaining energy through his body, releasing it through his fingers in Force Lightening, lifting the screaming Emperor high into the ceiling of his own Throne Room. His chest was collapsing through lack of oxygen, the pain dulling his senses making him impervious to the cries of his victim. The endurance required to destroy Sideous was immense. So intense, that he began to feel himself weaken under the strain. But just a single glance at Leia, her injured and broken body, conjured up memories of his own agony a lifetime ago at the hands of Count Dooku. It was enough to drive him on, holding Darth Sideous aloft and powerless until the screaming faded.

As if by the will of the Force, the doors slid open and Solo and Calrissian bolted into the Throne Room with weapons drawn. What they saw caused them to stop dead in their tracks and watch as Vader released his hold on The Emperor letting him crash to the floor of the very room in which so much death and destruction had been administered by little less than a single word passing from his lips.

Han searched for Leia, crying out in rage on seeing her lying twisted and still. He made a move to rush to her side when a flash of red caught his eye as Luke emerged from the shadows, yelling and charging in anger at Vader. For no other reason than blind fury of his own, Han raised his blaster, took aim and fired! Luke took the blast in his shoulder. The impact knocked him backwards, spinning him about. His feet fell from beneath him and he landed heavily on his side. Luke's anguished struggle with the pain in his shoulder failed to evoke any remorse in the man who was once his friend. As he knelt by his Princess and gently tried to rouse her, a single glance at Skywalker was enough to confirm his belief that Chewie's death, and now possibly Leia's, would lay squarely at Luke's feet. His present pain was fully deserved, although not a patch on what the Corellian would deliver should Leia succumb to Chewbacca's fate.

Lando stood over the dark, crumpled form of Anakin Skywalker, offering concern, "Lord Vader?"

The giant extended a black gloved hand accepting Calrissian's offer of assistance and awkwardly rose to his feet. "That name is not that of my true self. I have much to atone for."

Anakin stumbled across to where Luke lay and stood over him, staring. Luke watched anxiously as his father reached down and retrieved the boy's lightsabre. The blade ignited over Luke's body and hovered inches away from his neck. Luke's eyes flashed with fear, uncertain of what was about to befall him, while Anakin remained motionless and thoughtful. The younger Skywalker tried to blink the sweat from his eyes and his dry throat ached as he attempted to swallow. He tried to pull himself away by his elbows, but stopped, confused as his father abruptly turned from him and walked to where Darth Sideous laid slumped and weak, shaking as his ancient body struggled for precious breath. Luke, Han and Lando watched transfixed as the tall dark figure towered above his former master. In a single, swift motion Anakin wielded his son's lightsabre above his head, bringing down heavily across Palpatine's mid section, severing the evil lord in two.

Other than Anakin's labored breathing, not a sound rose from the Throne Room as the three onlookers held their breath in shock at what had just taken place, all contemplating the varying meaning it held for each of them.

Anakin staggered under the exertion to his suffocating body and Lando stepped forward offering his shoulder as a crutch. Following the instructions given him, Lando adjusted the settings on the respirator which hung over Anakin's chest and slowly the returned Jedi began to relax his body, relieved as the oxygen assumed it's uninterupted flow, gratefully accepting Lando's support while the pain receeded until he recovered the ability to support himself.

Their attention was drawn to the far corner of the room as Han's whispered voice filtered into their senses. He held the Princess gently, cradling her head in his lap, pleading that she open her eyes. Even from where they stood her condition looked grim. The single light above the pair illuminated her pale features and the sickening position of her leg. Anakin began a slow pace in the direction of the lovers. Although before he'd advanced but a few feet he turned sharply, once again delivering a powerful force surge against Luke as the boy attempted to raise himself from the floor and attack his father's back. This time he was skidded across the floor and rendered unconsious by the superior power of his enemy.

"Have you killed him?" Lando asked, almost afraid of the answer.

"No. He is my son." The sorrowful tone in his voice aroused a feeling of compassion within Calrissian. Like Han, he now found himself attempting to stare into that black mask in search of the man who, for so many years, had been lost behind it's facade. Anakin spoke without taking his eyes from Luke, "It's not too late to save him."

"Leia!" Han's voice cracked with emotion when her eyes fluttered slightly. Her head rolled into his chest and a strangled groan of pain crept past her lips. He turned his head toward the man whom, until moments ago, he would not believe was anything other than Vader and shouted, "She's alive!" He carefully lifted her, whincing at the strained cries she feverishly released in objection to being moved, then demanded from Vader, "Show me where the medical facility is in the damn place!"


Still in his isolation on Tattooine, Yoda stood and turned his back on the setting suns. His head sank low between his shoulders as he shuffled his way to his hut. Even the ghostly appearance of Obi-Wan did not give him cause to raise his head.

"It's over, Master Yoda." Obi-wan spoke softly. "After so many years of unmerciful suffering at the hands of The Emperor, the galaxy is now free." His words were offered in the hope of lifting the spirits of his Master and it troubled Obi-Wan that Yoda still carried the appearance of sorrow.

"Over it is." Yoda responded solemly. "Skywalker has returned, but at as great a cost as when he was lost."

"But Luke can still be saved."

Yoda nodded, continuing towards his humble dwelling. "Much has been lost these many years. Much suffering and death." At this, the Jedi Master raised his sight to Obi-Wan "Young Skywalker threatens us not. Not strong enough is he to walk the path of the Darkside alone. Return wiser he will. Hope we must, the galaxy can be united in the Force as once it was."

"The darkness has lifted, Master. We must place our faith in the future."

"Yes." Yoda entered his hut without turning to look at Obi-Wan, "But a victory this is not, Master Obi-wan. Only the end of the darkness."


Anakin led the party through the Jedi Temple in the direction of the Hospital Unit. Behind him walked Han, carefully carrying Leia. Lando walked at the rear, his blaster pointed into the back of the injured Luke.

The task of carrying the Princess such a distance was effortless. She weighed almost nothing. It was the critical state of her health which caused his concern and ill temper at the time it was taking to reach the facility. Leia was pyretic and disorientated. Han continually encouraged her to remain conscious and when she did look at him, her glazed eyes offered no recognition. He let out an insistant request to Anakin's back to move along with more urgency, then became furious on seeing a group of stormtroopers assemble ahead of them. "What's going on?" he demanded

Anakin turned slightly while keeping his pace, raising a calming hand to the Corellian. "Follow me." he advised.

He approached the troopers, giving them orders to disperse and resume their normal duties. "Extend the order that this group is now under my protection. Contact the Hospital Unit and have them prepared for our arrival."

The trooper nodded dutifully and proceeded to transmit the orders through his com-link.


Leia's treatment stretched into the evening and throughout the night. Han stayed beside her for as long as he was permitted by the Medical Officer and it was with considerable reluctance that he left. Lando firmly squeezed his friend's shoulder, suggesting it wasn't such a bad idea that he take some to tend to his own needs. "Leia's in good hands. If anything changes, they can call us."

Han stroked the Princess's head and sighed before rising to his feet. Lando stepped aside to allow Han to exit the room first before following. He briefly cast a concerned look over his shoulder to the Princess, then quickly joined Han before the Corellian could change his mind and return to her bedside.

Once into the corridor they walked lazily to the mess hall, both silent and each contemplating the series of events which, over the past weeks, had brought about so much change and taken an incredible toll on all concerned.

"Where's Luke?" Han spoke suddenly and without emotion.

"With Vader. I guess there's a lot to be sorted out."

Han pushed his hands into his pockets, angrily shaking his head, "This is all his fault! Leia and Chewie! None of this would have happened if he..."

"I'm sure it'll be worked out." Lando cut him off by placing a hand to his shoulder, "As much as you want to get your hands on him, I think this will have to be dealt with by higher authorities."

Han responded only with a scornful look.

"It's for the best, Han." Lando wasn't sure if his friend would accept his advice, but he needed to try. "The Princess is gonna need you to be around, not locked up for murder. No matter how much you think he deserves it!"

The Corellian stopped and stared at his boots attempting to force himself to see things from Lando's point of view. His emotions had never been tested like this and his mind was in turmoil. Finally, he simply huffed in disgust and continued onto the mess hall.


Luke lay on his back in Anakins private medical facility. His hands were manacled to the sides of the bed as a precaution as a human doctor examined him, while his father watched from the end of his bed.

Luke stared at the ceiling as the wound to his shoulder was treated, confusion and anger raging through his mind. The Emporer was dead, his father as deceitful as all others in his life and now his future was once again uncertain. The sound of Vader's respirator annoyed him and he directed his vision toward him and spat in anger, "You're no different than all the rest! What deception have you got planned for me this time?!"

"There is no deception, son. Only truth."

Luke sneered, "There's never been any truth in my life!"

Anakin approached him slowly, "I have done much which begs your forgiveness, Luke. Many things which cannot be undone." Luke turned his face away as his father persisted. "But your sister's faith in me has helped me find the right path. I could not let her be destroyed by the Emperor, just as I could not let him control you as he did me." Anakin reached out to touch his son's shoulder, but Luke flinched away. "I could not let you live your life in darkness as I have done. Trust me now! Stand beside me in the light and with your help I can make ammends for all that was wrong."

"Until you abandom me again!"

"No, Luke! I have found my heart with you and your sister. Your mother's memory has only been buried deep, not lost. I never had her courage, but I can sense it in you." The younger Skywalker hesitated before turning to his face to his father, at last becoming willing to listen. "When I last held my hand out to you, it was to tempt you to stand beside me and rule the galaxy. Now I hold my hand to you and beg that you simply walk beside me in the light."

Luke glanced down at the binders which restricted his arms, then again raised his eyes to his father. "Then trust me."

Anakin waved his gloved hands over the restraints. They clicked open, freeing Luke. The boy rubbed his wrists and painfully rose from the bed keeping one hand over his injured shoulder. "Where is my sister?"


"Hey. It's me." Han held his face close to Leia's, whispering to her as she tried to adjust her eyes to the light. As soon as the message had reached him that she'd began to wake, he wasted no time in getting to the Medical Facility.

"Where am I?" Her voice was weak. She struggled in an attempt to sit but fell back onto the bed.

"Don't" Han squeezed her hand. "Don't try to move."

She smiled at him and raised a hand to stroke his face before repeating her question.

"Still on Coruscant. In the medical wing of the Temple."

"Everything hurts."

"I know." Han leaned down and placed a soft kiss on the bridge of her nose. "But you're getting better."

"I remember lightening. And falling."

"Yeah, The Emperor." He hushed her, stroking her hair. "It's over now, you're safe. Vader killed him."

Leia let his words fill her mind. She breathed deeply, closing her eyes before asking, "And Luke?"

Han's face contorted slightly but he restrained himself from anger out of concern for Leia's well being. "He's wounded, but alive. Vader's got him somewhere."

The question on Leia's face needed no words for expression and Han reassured her. "You were right, after all. In fact, he doesn't even want to be called Vader anymore."

Leia smiled weakly, squeezing her hand inside his.

The door to her room slid open unexpectedly and both Han and the Princess turned to see Luke enter alongside Anakin. Han rose immediately, spinning around to face them, blaster drawn and aimed on Luke.

Anakin reached out his hand, calmly pressing on Solo's arm in order to lower his weapon. "There will be no need."

Han was less convinced, cautiously replacing the blaster into it's holster and moving closer to Leia, "Yeah, well the way things change around here lately, it's better to be safe than sorry."

Luke stepped up to Leia's bed, but Han stood tall and unmoving between them, scowling down at his once trusted friend. Unintimidated, Luke spoke equably, "I wish to see my sister."

Sister, brother, father! Of all that had gone on, Han found this whole secretive family connection to be the most absurd. He could only imagine what brought it all about in the first place. He stood aside, just barely, allowing Luke and Leia to see each other and bent down level to Luke's head and threatened quietly, "No false moves. Chewie's already dead and I'm not gonna lose her!"

Luke met Han's eyes with shock! "Chewbacca?"

Han dropped his gaze and moved away, unable to explain. Overhearing the intended secret, Leia raised her head and questioned Han, "Chewie's dead?"

The Corellian turned briefly towards her and nodded, his words refusing to come. He pointed over at Luke and muttered, "Just let him say what he has to and get him out of here."

Slowing trailing her eyes from Han to her brother, Leia felt a swell of grief engulf her chest. Meeting her brother's face, she whispered, "Luke?"

For the first time in many months, Luke's anger and wrath gave way to grief and despair. The knowledge of his friend's death seeping into his heart and flooding it. He shook his head in disbelief, whispering to no-one in particular, "It wasn't me." He looked over at Han's back and then to Leia, "I didn't kill him!"

No-one spoke. Only the even beat of Anakin's respirator penetrated the consuming, sorrowful silence that filled the sterile hospital room. Once again, Leia let her head fall into the comfort of her pillow, closing her eyes in a vain effort to prevent several tears from squeezing through her lashes.

Luke rested his uninjured arm against Leia's bed, leaning heavily to support himself. "I'm sorry." His rueful apology, so soft as to be almost unheard. Han's mocking snicker only made Luke hang his head lower. Leia placed a gentle hand over her brothers and let it lie there, at the same time he felt the firm pressure of his father's hand come to rest on his shoulder. With the death of Darth Sideous, Luke had slowly felt the weight of the Darkside lift from his soul. It was like a heavy veil being pulled back from his eyes, allowing in light and emotion. The Force darkness was losing it's resistance to block out the feelings of love and friendship, honour and respect. Luke removed his hand from beneath Leia's, bringing it atop his father's, his words laced with regret, "I don't think I can pay for the damage I've done."

"My debt is greater and more grievous. Your sister offered a faith in me which had so long been absent from my life, and one that was strong enough to save me from the Darkside." Anakin took a firm hold of Luke's shoulder, moving the boy to face him. "I offer you that same faith. Join us and live!"

Looking down at Leia in her ill and weakened state, his heart was warmed by the smallest of smiles she offered him. Han, although, refused to offer him anything other than his back. He remained staring away from the group, his arms firmly folded across his chest.

"Captain Solo will forgive in time." Anakin reassured gently. "You must accept his grief and anger over the loss of his friend and set your mind to other tasks."

The young Jedi nodded sadly. Stepping away from his sister's bed he offered her a parting look of thanks tinged with regret and followed his father out of the room. As soon as the door slid shut, Han quickly moved from his obstinate position and sat beside the Princess. He grabbed hold of both her hands, pressing them between his and leaned in to kiss her. Pulling back slightly, he examined her face and announced with a gentle firmness, "You need to sleep, Your Highness."

"But Chewie?"

"Sshh. Not now." He ran a hand over her eyes to close them. "I can't just now."


"I once said that your father was a good friend."

Luke recognised the voice of Obi-wan and stood mildly startled as the old Jedi appeared in the hallway.

"I am now convinced enough to stand by that again."

Vader felt a wave of relief and forgiveness at his old masters words, absolution had been given to him from the one he admired and respected most. His turning was now complete.

"I never spoke of the Jedi prophecy, Luke, but the Jedi believed that a chosen being would bring balance to the force. We thought it was your father. When he turned to the dark side, however, Yoda and I were concerned that perhaps the light side was causing the imbalance. I see now, thankfully, that we were wrong and that the prophecy has been fulfilled."

Luke looked at his father, struggling to beieve Obi-wan's words. Prophecy? Chosen one? Why had he not heard of these things before now? "You lie! I will not be drawn into your lies again Obi-wan."

Obi-wan held Luke's gaze. "Use the force Luke. Search your feelings and you shall find the truth."

Luke closed his eyes and tried to clear his mind of all that had taken place.

"Trust him, Luke." urged the old Jedi "You must see that he is the chosen one."

Luke strained to hear the midi-chlorians. He felt the struggle within, of good and evil, and through the turmoil a faint voice could be heard; "Chosen one." Then again louder. "Chosen one." And finally, un- mistakeable, "CHOSEN ONE!" All of Luke's feelings, hatred, greed, power subsided. He knew the truth. He accepted it.

Luke's eyes opened and he turned to face Anakin. "Forgive me father." he pleaded.

"No, son. It is I that must be forgiven."

Obi-wan smiled at the reconcilliation. "Years of pain and suffering, caused by the shroud of the darkside shall not be easily dismantled." He said "But this is a start."


Our sincere thanks to all the lovely people who have read and reviewed. Ruth Ruse, Renee, Pitdroid, MBooker, Eviefan, Ellbee, Jennifer Lee, The Drunken Wookiee, Silver Hawk, Liz, Martian Aries, Ophuchi, Raelene, Alana, Sparkling Diamond Satine, Slytherinefirebolt, Moyima, Krystal Citrine, Mer, DancinEvy, Leap of Fate, SMWhit and Darth Angel and to everyone else who popped in to read but not review. It took us a while.....but we got there in the end and had fun along the way.

Thanks again M&G