Disclaimer- If you haven't figured it out yet nobody who writes on this site owns anything myself included! That's why we write here so that we can read what we want to and not what we see on TV!

Rating-K+ if sorry I just couldn't help it there is one little bad word in here and it's a male donkey it goes along with the story I promise I'm not just trying to pollute your kid's minds.

A/N- This is the beginning of what will hopefully be a couple of stories about Lisbon and her nieces. All of her nieces are OC and one of them is based a little bit off of me. Sorry couldn't help myself! So hope you enjoy!

It was one of the few things she looked forward to at this time of year. The girls got to spend Christmas vacation at her house. The girls were her nieces Becky, Lilly, Kate, and Abby. Kate and Abby were twins, though if you didn't know them you would have guessed that they were all sisters they all look just like her well all except Lilly who looked more like her mother with blonde hair but had her Dad's green eyes. Kate and Abby were Tommy's two he and the girl's mother were divorced. Becky and Lilly were half sisters both of them were James' but neither knew who their mother was. They were all close in age Kate and Abby were fifteen and Becky would turn 15 in March, Lilly was the youngest and wouldn't turn fifteen until June. (A/N yes I know that her brothers are all younger than her so their daughters probably wouldn't be this old) She was like a mother to these girls and they were like daughters to her, she took a week off every Christmas so she could spend as much time as possible with them. She didn't get to spend as much time with them as she wanted to because she wasn't exactly on speaking terms with their fathers. They almost didn't get to come this year, they didn't get to come over that summer or over spring break but she did manage to talk her brothers into letting them come over for Christmas.

She loved the girls and they brought out the child in her which was nice because she always felt like she had been forced into adulthood when she became a surrogate mother for her brothers. She confided in the girls and told them everything; she told them about the team, she told them about her cases, she even told them about the time she slept with Walter Mashburn. But the one thing she told them that she had never told anyone else were her feelings for a certain Patrick Jane.

It had happened on accident one night the girls were over on spring break and they were telling her all about school and their latest crushes. The suddenly Lilly asked "Who is your crush Aunt Tess?"

"Yeah Aunt Tess we all told you ours now it's your turn," Abby had added.

She thought about lying but she knew she wouldn't be able to get away with it. So she leaned in close and whispered "Do you really want to know?"

"YES!" They shouted in unison.

"Okay so you know my consultant that I've told you guys about right."

"Yeah P-Patrick J-Jane," Kate replied.

"Well it's him."

"HA! I told you so!" Becky shouted "I told you Abby! I told you she talked way to much about him for him to be 'just a coworker'"

Abby grumbled something under her breath while Becky did a victory dance around the table. "What how did you know?" she questioned.

"No offence Aunt Tess but for a cop your a really bad liar. Every time you talk about him you would get this far away look in you eye, kinda like JD on Scrubs and you talk about him alot!" Becky pointed out to her.

"I don't talk about him that much, do I?"

"Yeah and it's usually stuff like 'Jane did the funniest thing' or 'You'll never guess what Jane did' but more often than not it's 'I'm going to kill Jane'. We've never even seen him and I still think we all could find him blindfolded in the middle of Chinatown," Abby sated plainly.

She realized it was true and thought that if a couple of teenage girls could figure it out why couldn't Patrick Jane, the mentalist. Maybe he had and he just didn't want to hurt her or maybe the girls knew her well enough to know what she was thinking.

She had left early so that she would have time to get the apartment clean before they got there. She hadn't gotten around to cleaning it since she had been busy working on paperwork and other things to do with the Red John case that they had finished almost a month ago. Jane had given her a weird look when she said she was leaving early but she thought Cho could keep everything under control. At least she did until about an hour Jane showed up on her front porch "Jane, what are you doing here?"

"Well, I saw you leave early and I was worried about you."

He had changed since Red John went to jail, he hadn't gotten his revenge but that was the way he had wanted it. He took himself off of the case and stayed as far as possible from it. Red John hadn't expected it and his plan slowly crumbled allowing the team to take him down.

But recently Jane's whole personality seemed to change. He was nicer to her and when he talked to her one-on-one he seemed almost nervous.

"Wait, you were worried about me Jane that's sweet but there's no reason for you to be worried about me."

"Well with it being so close to Christmas I thought you were coming home to sit on the couch and eat ice cream and watch movies like you do on Thanksgiving."

"Is that all you think I do when I home by myself. I thought you could read people Jane."

For once he seemed speechless not that it mattered because the doorbell rang right as he opened his mouth to try to fumble out a response. She ran to the door and opened it to a chorus of "Aunt Tess!"

"Girls! It is so good to see you it has been so long! I can't believe you're freshmen!" At first there was a mass of unintelligible chatter but when they got through the door and were able to look around it stopped and they just looked at each other.

"Um… Aunt Tess is that…" Becky questioned they all knew exactly who it was but wanted to hear her say it.

"Yes, girls I would like you to meet Patrick Jane he was just leaving."

They started whispering and giggling like the school girls they were. Jane noticed that they seemed to keep looking at the two of them right before a stream of giggling would start.

"Well, were going to go put our stuff in the room it was nice to meet you Jane," Becky the elected spokesperson of the group of teens said and then quickly added "we've heard nothing but nice things about you hope to see you again soon." She then gave a pointed look at Lisbon before they quickly went upstairs.

She knew she was in trouble before she even turned around to face her consultant "So what have you been telling your darling nieces about me," he said with a grin that would have made the Cheshire cat jealous.

"Well, well I uh…" was all she managed to stammer out before he stopped her.

"Lisbon if you don't want to say I'm sure the girls wouldn't mind telling me what you've told them."

She blushed up to her roots and she found herself unable to look him in the eyes instead she looked at his hands which is when she noticed, the ring it was gone. She quickly looked up at him and stammered out "Jane, wh-where is your ring. Did something happen."

Now it was his turn to blush. "Well that was part of the reason I came over here…"

He was interrupted by the sound of giggles coming from the staircase. The girls came downstairs unable to stay away any longer.

"Are you and Jane dating?" Abby deadpanned.

The girls looked shocked that she had said something so bold.

"You can't just ask that!" Lilly told her.

"Well since you girls all know me maybe I should learn who you are," Jane said.

He saw one of them open their mouth to answer but she was quickly silenced with an elbow and a whisper from the girl who was obviously in charge.

"Aunt Tess has told us enough about you for us to know that you can figure it out yourself," Jane noticed it was the same girl who had spoken for the group when they first arrived.

"Alright let's see here. You're," he said pointing to the one who had been speaking for the group "the leader of the group but you're by no means the oldest. You act like a mother to Lilly, I saw your name on your bag," he said in acknowledgement to her amazed look, "and based on the bruises on your arm I'd say that you've taken a beating or two for her. So you to are sisters but, from different mothers I'd say based on your hair, right. Lisbon has told me your names before I think let's see so your Becky right."

"Right," she said begrudgingly.

"You have a double dose of Lisbon in you that's for sure," he said with a laugh then he turned to the twins, "well you two are obviously sisters you're the caretaker of the two," he said motioning toward Abby "so I'd say you're a little older then Kate, again name on your bag. You aren't taking beatings for your sister but you do protect her in school don't you Abby"

Lisbon was in shock she turned to Becky first "Is James hitting you?"

She looked down unable to look her Aunt in the eye "He only does it when he gets drunk. But I make sure he never hurts Lilly. It doesn't happen often I-I was gonna call you if it happened again but I was afraid to."

She then turned to Abby "And what does he mean you protect her in school?"


"It's because of her stutter isn't it," Jane questioned.

"It usually isn't bad and she only talks to us and her friends so nobody noticed until she had to do an oral presentation in class. She got nervous and she could barely speak she got really upset and started to tear up. So this jackass started picking on her and so did several others in the class now it's a daily occurrence."

"I-I was-s to, to embarrassed to s-say any-anything," Kate added.

"Oh, girls come here; you know you can tell me anything. Now come on let's get something to eat and we can watch A Christmas Carol."

The girls smiled and nodded feeling better now that they had told Lisbon about what was going on with their lives.

"Wait," Lilly said "you never told us if you and Jane were dating"

Before Lisbon could say anything Jane grabbed her pulled her close and kissed her when they finally broke apart the first thing they heard was Becky whisper "I guess that's a yes."

When they all loaded up in the car Lisbon whispered to Jane "What was that?"

"What was what Teresa?"

"That kiss it came out of nowhere."

"Are you going to try and lie to me and say you didn't enjoy it?"

She blushed "No I'm just wondering where it came from and you never told me what happened to your ring."

"Well if the kiss in the middle of your living room wasn't obvious enough for you. I got rid of my ring shortly after we caught Red John. But, I had been thinking about doing it for a while I realized that it's time that I let go and move on with my life and I want to move on with you Teresa."

A chorus of aws filled the backseat. "Oh, shut up," she mumbled.

He kissed her again this time on her forehead and whispered "I see why you like spending so much time with them. They're like a bunch of mini Teresa's."

She laughed "Yeah and you just met them wait till you get to know them."

A/N This is the end of what could be ch1 or the whole story so R&R and tell me what you think if you hate it I'll stop but if you like it tell me and give me some ideas of what you want to see next I'm always open to suggestions. Sorry if Jane and Lisbon seem a little off I do my best. I am currently working on some NCIS and a Psych/Mentalist thing so if you have any ideas on either of those feel free to share and Merry Christmas!