The November air held a chill that threatened a bitter winter. The park was empty save for two figures, on a bench. "We're late for the meeting, aren't we Kumagama?"


"Guess we should go then, hmm?"


"Canada." Sighing, the blond stood up, scooping up the polar bear in his arms as he did so. "Doubt they'd even notice I'm an hour late."


He ran in, panting heavily. He always sprinted to meetings when he was late, as if hoping someone would notice he was late. Sadly, as always, no one even looked up, so he just sighed and sat down. "We made it." He whispered, scratching Kumajirou behind the ears.


He didn't even answer that time, choosing just to try and listen to what was being said. Noting from the insane amount of doodles on the chalkboard, he hadn't missed much. Nations got very little done during world conferences. Most of the decision-making was done privately between the nations involved in the matters at hand at other times.

"So we'll have my bro do that, got it?" Canada blinked in surprise as America shouted the end of his 'plan'.

"Hey! Don't go deciding things without me!" He shouted, though with his voice, it was barely a normal speaking level, which no one heard. Typical.

"I do not think that Canada sounds very willing to cooperate with your plan comrade." Everyone looked startled at Russia's sudden interruption.

Suddenly, it was like Canada was just there again. A few people looked confused as they saw America's twin, but most nations were on good terms with him, and just had trouble 'seeing' him. Recognizing him was no problem.

"Hey Mattie! When'd you get here?" Canada decided to ignore the surprise in America's voice, and instead thought of all of his brother's faults. It was a long list, and it always seemed to make him feel better.

"Oh just a few minutes ago." He replied.

"So you didn't hear my awesome plan then!"

"No, and really Al, I'd rather not…" But Al was already on a roll, and there was no stopping him. Repeating his whole plan that had taken the previous half of the meeting. Canada's part in this mostly involved an army of Mounties and beavers, and ten thousand litres of boiling maple syrup. At the end, America grinned, and looked to Matthew for approval.

"It's November, Al."

"Yeah, so?"

"The sap doesn't start running until February at the earliest, so I can't get copious amounts of the good stuff until then, and even then I wouldn't waste it on one of your schemes. As for the Mounties, they're police officers for Christ's sake! Not militia! And we do not train beavers for combat." He paused to let that sink in. "So no, there is no way in hell that would ever work." He concluded, sighing for what felt like the tenth time that morning alone.

"Knew I could count on you bro!" America grinned, clearly having missed everything his brother had just said.

"I really don't think that will work." Russia interjected once more. "You clearly do not comprehend the meaning behind 'birth rate crisis'. This sounds more like an idiotic child's battle plan."

This was followed by murmurs of agreement from all around the table.

Canada had to suppress a chuckle as he watched America flounder around for a reply, and coming up with nothing. Finally, he settled on, "Dude I'm starved! Let's pack this up and go eat kay?" And without waiting for a reply, he headed straight for the door.

Other nations shrugged, and started putting away their notes, and following suit.

Canada sighed once more, and stood up too. As he turned to leave he saw Russia leaving, and ran to catch up. "Thanks for earlier Russia."

Violet eyes glanced coldly down at him. "What are you talking about America?" And with that, he shrugged him off and left.

The blond stared after him in confusion. "That has got to be a record. He didn't even remember me for two minutes." He murmured. "You and Al at least keep track for five."

"Who?" The bear asked innocently.


"Hey! Mattie! I'll be dropping by a little later kay? We can go over my awesome plane then?"

'Don't punch him Matt, don't do it. Act own age.' He desperately thought to himself. "Why Al? You do nothing but complain about the weather when you come to my house. Winter, it's too cold, summer, too rainy, or too dry."

"Is it a problem that I want to hang out with my favorite little brother?"

"Whatever. See you then I guess."


Glaring at America's retreating figure, Canada made his way to the parking lot, where he got an idea to save himself from having to explain over and over again to his brother that no, beavers could not help 'save' the world. "Hey, Japan?"

"Can I help you America?"



"Happens all the time. Could you distract my brother for a while? Just long enough to make him forget he's coming over to my house tonight?"

A ghost of a smile flashed across the smaller man's face. "Certainly."

"Thank you so much." He said, grinning. Maybe not everyone saw him all the time, but when they did, everyone was willing to help, everyone loved Canada after all. He grinned again at the thought, but the smile faded at the dark glare Russia had given him earlier. At least most people do.


"You helped out Matvey brother." Ukraine noted as she got into the car.


She frowned. "Canada. You know I don't like it when you do that." As a close friend of Canada's, she was one of the few who could remember him at all times, not always see, but remember.

"Right. It was just because America was annoying me. Don't think I'll make a habit out of standing up for every pathetic nation who can't do so or themselves."

"You know that isn't fair. It really isn't Matvey's fault. He didn't ask to be unnoticeable."

"That's what happened when you're related to that damned American. Anyone would fade into oblivion."

Ukraine simply nodded, accepting that her brother would always be this way, bitter, and uncaring towards even the sweetest nation. 'But still…' She mused, daring a sideways glance at Russia, who was now focused entirely on the road. 'He saw Canada even before I did. That means he had to be looking.'


Thanks for reading!

Well, I have writer's block…again. And am now detouring from a detour to heal it… whether it works or not is left to be discovered.

But onwards to this story! Reviews are what keep me going. I may be motivated to write more if I get reviews, hint, hint, nudge, nudge! ;)

And yes, once more I am writing RusCan. It's surprisingly hard to write, but I will persevere!
