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Greeting cards have all been sent
The Christmas rush is through
But I still have one wish to make
A special one for you...
Kagome sat comfortably on her couch in front of the roaring fire, a cup of hot cocoa nestled between her two hands. The flames reflected in her sapphire orbs, and a stray tear slipped down her cheek. "Kami, I miss him..." she whispered aloud, eyes closing and a shuddering sigh escaping her pouty lips.
It was seven o'clock on December twenty-forth; the eve of Christmas, and Kagome was sitting alone in her empty house. Angry thoughts arose in her mind as she spent hour after hour longing for the one she loved the most. InuYasha Takahashi.
Merry Christmas, darling
We're apart, that's true
But I can dream, and in my dreams
I'm Christmas-ing with you
InuYasha, her husband of two years, was off on a business trip somewhere in the Americas, and, to Kagome, it was probably the worst thought-out time for him to go. But his power-crazy boss, Naraku Morikawa, had stated quite conspicuously that if InuYasha were to decline this trip, he would lose his job and all financial aide from the company. Kagome knew that the only reason he stayed was for her benefit, and although she tried to get him to stay by offering him a plethora of things (ie: back massages, a vacation to Hawaii, and hot, steamy sex that would make his toes curl), he made it very clear that he would go and do what he had to do to ensure that she and he could continue living in a nice house in a nice neighborhood with good food and warm clothing. She couldn't think of a response to that.
Even though he was leaving, he said that he'd be back in a week exactly. Kagome glanced down at her watch. It had been six days, twenty-three hours, and thirty minutes. Thirty more minutes until she would be able to feel her lover's warm embrace again. Despite her rather downcast mood, she smiled at that thought.
Her attention was brought to the beautiful, diamond engagement ring that was shimmering in the firelight. She could remember the night when he had changed her life forever as if it was only yesterday.
Holidays are joyful
There's always something new
But every day's a holiday
When I'm with you
"Oh, good Lord! InuYasha! I need your help! The guests will be here any moment!" Kagome shouted from the den, her body stretched to the limit to put the star on top of the tree. She was standing on top of a step-ladder and she still wasn't able to reach! For Christ's sake! " it...awe, crud!" she suddenly yelped as she lost her balance, falling off of the ladder and to the floor.
Luckily, before she made contact, she felt two strong arms wrap themselves around her waist and catch her just inches from the ground. Opening her twin pools of blue, her gaze connected with the deep, gray gaze of her beloved boyfriend, InuYasha. "Jesus, woman! Give me a heart attack, while you're at it!" he admonished lightly, yanking her to her feet gently and setting her straight. "If you can't reach, then just call me in to do it. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if you got hurt." He nuzzled her neck briefly before grabbing the star from her hand and placing it on top of the tree with ease.
Kagome grumbled something about her shortness before she was swept up into a loving, tender embrace. "InuYasha!" she squealed as he spun her. Both of their inky tresses tangled together as he threw her onto the couch, climbing on top of her and kissing her, hard. She groaned his name as his intentions became obvious, something to factor in being the hard bulge pressing into her abdomen. "Inu...InuYasha...what—what if the company a—arrives?" she panted, her speech being effected negatively by his mind-numbing kiss.
"We still have a little time before the guests arrive for the party..." he murmured against her lips, his hands snaking in between their bodies and working to unbutton her jeans, "...let's put that time to good use..." In one swift flick of the wrist, her pants were undone, and his hand made itself right at home in between her legs. A shudder ran the length of her spine as she felt his skilled digits work her into a frenzied mess of moans and groans. "You like it, Kagome? Does it feel good, pumpkin?" All she could do was nod as his lips dragged the neckline of her sweater downward, his mouth automatically latching onto a pert nipple through the cloth of her black bra.
"Oh, InuYasha!" she shouted, her hands tangling in his ebony locks as his lips and hands worked in tandem to make her lose her mind. Just as she felt she was going to explode, a sudden knock rang out through the house, and before either of them could have even thought to answer it, their best friends, consisting of Miroku Tsujitani, Sango Kuwashima, Kouga Matsuno, and Ayame Yukino came barging into the house without a second thought. Kagome squeaked, trying to yank her shirt back into place, and InuYasha growled, shielding his woman from the others to spare her some embarrassment. Of course, it didn't stop his friends from poking fun at them anyways.
"Oi, mutt! Keep it in your pants till we're gone!" Kouga teased, sticking his tongue out at InuYasha.
Miroku nodded. "Honestly, InuYasha, at least have the decency to take the lady in the comfort of your own bedroom..."
"You hentai!" Sango shouted, smacking him upside the head, then turning to Kagome and InuYasha and blushing. "Sorry to intrude..."
"Y-yeah..." said the equally as red Ayame, "...we didn't mean to barge in on you guys or anything..."
InuYasha growled again. "Oh, forget it! Food's in the kitchen! We'll be there in a second..."
They all nodded, and InuYasha only barely heard a faint, "I should think it would take more than a second for them to finish," from Miroku before a loud, demeaning *SMACK* resounded throughout the house.
Sighing to cover up his laughter and shaking his head, InuYasha stood, helping Kagome to re-button her jeans before grasping onto her hands and pulling her up and into his body in a soft, friendly hug. "We'll finish this later," he whispered in her ear before letting her go and walking into the kitchen with their friends.
Kagome shuddered, following closely behind him; she couldn't wait until he made good on that promise.
An hour later...
"Okay...I am officially stuffed," Kouga groaned as he pat his stomach. Ayame laughed, pecking him on the cheek. He blushed significantly at the action.
Kagome laughed along with the rest at his embarrassed look, then turned to InuYasha, who was acting far too serious for her liking. "Yasha? You okay? You're not acting like yourself."
The man whom she loved with a burning passion glanced up into her eyes, and she almost fainted at the deep, strong emotions swimming in his cloudy orbs. "Kagome? Would you come with me, please?"
Nodding dumbly, she followed his lead as he stood, walking over to the entryway to the dining room. She was only mildly surprised when he stopped in the middle of the threshold, right directly under the mistletoe. Shooting him a questioning glance, he simply shrugged and leaned in to peck her on the cheek. She closed her eyes, reveling in his warmth, and she expected the kiss to go further, but unfortunately, he pulled away before that could happen. Opening her eyes to question him about his motives, she was met with a big, honking diamond in her face. Her stormy-blues flicked to his face, and the beginnings of a smirk settled on the handsome lips she longed to kiss. "You know what I'm gonna ask, so how 'bout it?" he asked simply, getting down on one knee.
If one were within a fifty foot radius of their house, they would be able to hear her scream.
"YES! Oh, InuYasha! Yes! Yes, yes, yes!" she cried happily, swooping down and wrapping her arms around his neck, kissing him deeply with as much love as she could muster. He replied in kind by snaking his arms around her waist and anchoring her to his chest.
They broke apart after a few moments of bliss. Wiping the tears from her eyes, he sat her on his knee, sliding the ring onto her finger and nuzzling her neck. "Kagome Higurashi, will you promise to be my wife, and love me forever?"
The grandfather clock in the hallway struck twelve, signifying the beginning of Christmas Day. "InuYasha, I will love you forever! I will always stay by your side, no matter what!" she vowed as they shared another kiss. A kiss that marked the beginning of their new life together as a married couple.
The lights on my tree
I wish you could see
I wish it everyday
Logs on the fire
Fill me with desire
To see you and to say...
A smile graced Kagome's lips as she recalled that fateful Christmas Eve. '...and I've never been happier since,' she decided. InuYasha was loving, tender, and caring toward her, and even with his demanding job as a lawyer, he always managed to make time for her. He made her feel like a princess every moment of the day, and she was totally, completely, and fully in love with this man.
"Now if only he would come home! I miss him so much, I think I might die!"
"...if you do, I'll be awfully lonely..." a gruff voice stated nonchalantly from behind her, making her jump. Spinning around, her eyes welled with tears as she took in the sight of her love, her precious InuYasha, leaning against the door frame casually with his hands in his pockets. "What? Do I not get a hug, bishoujo?" His teasing fell on deaf ears, however, for Kagome was already running toward him, barreling into him with such force, it knocked him to the ground. They both laughed as they shared a loving kiss; the first one in a week. "I told you I'd be here in a week exactly," he whispered, just as the clock struck twelve.
That I wish you a Merry Christmas
Happy New Year, too
I've just one wish on this Christmas Eve
I wish I were with you...
Laughing lightly and snuggling his warm, muscular chest, Kagome took his lips captive in another searing kiss, this time escalating to the point where they were both flushed and panting when they parted. "I missed you so much, koishii," she breathed into his ear, and he shuddered.
"Wanna show me how much? I've gone a whole week without any loving, and I'm desperately in need of some alone time with my sexy little kitten..." he murmured sexily, his nose nuzzling her neck. She laughed as he picked her up, carrying her off to a place much warmer than anything she had ever experienced. She was in love, and she was more than happy to accept the fact that she would be spending the rest of her life with this wonderful man; the man who made it feel like Christmas every day.
I wish I were with you
Merry Christmas...darling...
Think I should make it a two-shot and include a lemon in the second chapter? Well, review and tell me if I should.