This wasn't a happy ending. Even as they walked hand in hand through Hyde Park, Alex knew that this was a bittersweet finale to a romance that should never have happened. Her last memories of 1982 had been horrific ones. All she had cared about was little Sam and seeing him safe in his father's arms. The doctors had rushed her away soon after. There had been a confusion of noise and pain… and then she had woken up.


Her joy at being reunited with Molly had been tainted by the knowledge that she had left behind a child that she would never know… until now.

Alex couldn't have said what had drawn her here this evening. She'd recognised the name of course, but even then she had still been under the impression that Sam Hunt couldn't possibly be real. Seeing him tonight had quickly disabused her of that notion. There had been no doubt in her mind that he was Gene Hunt's son. But the last person she had expected to see was the man himself. She'd tried to slip away unnoticed but had been stopped in her tracks by the words,

"Hello Bolls."

When he'd taken her hand and suggested that they go for a walk Alex had consented without a second thought. Her mind had frantically tried to calculate how old he'd be, but the overwhelming impression was of how good he looked. Even though his blonde hair was streaked with grey he still cut an impressive figure. His eyes however… the steely glare had been tempered by age and sorrow.

It was a beautiful night. They didn't talk at first. The whole experience seemed too powerful to put into words. When they did speak it was of old friends and colleagues, not of the situation they now found themselves in. She learned that Chris and Shaz had married but Ray was still a bachelor. Viv, unfortunately, was no longer with them. For some reason, Alex felt that Gene had been profoundly affected by his friend's death. It had been shortly after the funeral that he had decided to take Sam back to Manchester.

"I thought I was dreaming," Alex attempt to describe what had happened as they sat together on a quiet bench. Gene seemed to think for a moment as he lit a cigar.

"Maybe you were," he replied eventually.

"An out of body experience?"

"Many women have said that about shagging me, Bolly."

Alex giggled, burying her face into his shoulder. If she closed her eyes she could pretend that nothing had changed.

"I ran into Sam Tyler a few years back," he went on. "It was…"


"Weird… but he was making sense for probably the first time in his life and then… I heard he jumped off a building."

She nodded. Sam Tyler had died in both places and Alex had no idea what happened next. Was there another world for him to pass onto? Or had he used up his chances and there was nothing more than oblivion?

"Leslie Johns…" she reminded him.

"Sam disappeared."

"And then came back to you."


"How do you know all this stuff?" Gene asked.

"I was his psychologist."

"Poor buggar."

They fell into silence again but Alex knew what was going through Gene's mind. She wasn't surprised when he eventually asked,

"Didn't you want to do the same? Come back I mean?"

"I was dead in 1982, Gene. I couldn't ... and my daughter is here."

"And your son was there. You left him, Alex! A baby!"

There was anger in his voice and she was suddenly reminded what a hard, uncompromising bastard he could be. His accusation hurt.

"I didn't have a choice," she sobbed, hating herself for crying in front of him.

"Do you have any idea how hard it was?"

"God Gene, I brought Molly up by myself so don't come crying to me just because you had to change some nappies! I'm sorry I couldn't be there! I'm sorry I bled to death! And I'm sorry I came here tonight to see a son who doesn't know who I am and his ungrateful bastard of a father."

Their shouts were drawing attention and with effort, Alex tried to calm herself. This wasn't her 1980's dystopia where she'd had to scream to be heard. Alex stood, walking away from him, closer to the waters of the serpentine. Before long she felt him approach, his hands resting on her shoulders and gently turning her so she stepped into his embrace. He would never say the words but Alex knew this was Gene's way of telling her that he was sorry. He brushed a kiss on her forehead.

"He knows Alex," he said softly. "I told him all about you but I had no pictures… nothing. I took him back to Manchester where no one even knew your name. It was easier that way."

Alex pulled back, realising that this had been a horrible mistake. She had a life. Sam was a grown man, he didn't need her.

"It's late," she mumbled, "I should go. Molly was expecting me back hours ago."

Her nervous babble brought a frown to his face and she could feel him mentally distancing himself from her.


"It was lovely to see you again Gene, and you've done a great job with Sam… really."



"I'm an old man, Alex and you're still…"

"Still what?"


Alex blushed at his honest compliment. With her tear stained face and dishevelled hair, she didn't feel beautiful.

"We never had chance, did we?"

Gene shook his head.

"I'd need a bucket of Viagra before I could give you a good seeing to."

But Alex couldn't bring herself to smile. The age difference didn't matter but Sam did. They had to protect their son from this madness.

"Just go," he was almost pleading with her now.

Taking a step towards him, Alex placed a hand on his cheek before kissing him softly.

"Goodbye Gene."

No… this wasn't a happy ending but as Alex made her way home to Molly, she tried to convince herself that it was a new beginning.