It'd been one week since Tori had seen Beck and Mel kissing.

Jade and Mel had spent most of their time together getting to know each other properly; it was creeping Beck out. Everyone got a shock when the pair would burst out in fits of laughter or when they'd approach arm in arm.

But today was the day the cast list was being released.

Jade was sure Mel and Beck would get the main roles and she couldn't help but be a little bit jealous.

"C'mon, let's go look at the cast list." Mel jumped up to Jade and Beck, more enthusiastic than usual.

"What you buzzing about?" Beck smirked.

"Have you looked already? No fair! You said you'd wait!" Jade whined.

"Just come look?" Mel was smiling uncontrollably; she was very close with Beck and she hadn't even told him.

They half-walked-half-jogged to the cast list and looked at the A4 paper with names.

Will … Beck

Alicia … Jade

"I got the lead?" Jade was genuinely surprised. "How didn't you get it?"

"I talked to Lane and asked him if I could be his Directing Assistant; I've acted before, I wanted to do something new." Mel smiled.

"You didn't tell him to cast me right? I don't want to be cast out of sympathy." Jade asked.

"Of course not! You did that on your own." Mel smiled. Beck smiled and mouthed a thank you from behind; he knew Jade wouldn't have been particularly happy if Mel got the lead.

Tori came up behind them and glanced at the sheet.

"Awesome! I got the role." She smiled.

"What? I got the lead." Jade stated.

"Yeah, but I got the role I wanted. See – I get to be the crazy old lady." Tori beamed. Mel laughed. "Mel your name's not on there?" Tori inquired.

"No, I'm Assistant Director." Mel informed; seeming genuinely proud of herself.

"Awesome! We can all learn so much from you." Tori smiled.

"Kiss up." Jade muttered.

"I like kiss up's." Mel slung her arm over Tori's shoulders.

"So Beck and Jade get to kiss and school, as part of rehearsals?" Tori inquired. Jade's lips met Beck's.

"Yep." Mel sighed. "But I'll tell them how to do it properly." Mel winked.

Jade and Beck pulled away and Jade raised an eyebrow.

"You're going to tell me how to kiss my boyfriend?" Jade asked disbelievingly.

"Jade I was kidding-"

"Are you saying I'm not kissing him right?" She argued.

"And Jade is back." Tori smiled, meeting Beck's eyes.

"I didn't think the friendship would last this long." He agreed.

"No Jade – I was making a joke." Mel kept her light hearted tone and linked her arm with Jade's, leading the group away.

It didn't look like Mel was leaving any time soon.

Okay that's about it. I know it's short but that's about all I had to say :)

I know Jade was really OOC that last couple of chapters but ya know, I'm the author, I can do as I please with the characters ;) haha.

So that's this fic finished. Please do continue to recommend, review and alert to your hearts content ;)

Thanks to all those who've reviewed so far. :)
