A/N: Thanks for the advice ShadowMajin! I was wondering why nobody has reviewed on my story if they like it? It's just a thought because I like it when people review my stories. It's gotten a nice amount of hits but no reviews. And the story is on the favorite list/Alert list of lll1234, Mad Reminant, real disaster, mex20 and WhyIsAnimeAddicting so I was hoping if somebody out of those people could review. Enough talk, on with the story!

It was lunch time at the baka infested school. The poor bakas (coughcoughnotreallycough) had to eat the cafeteria food. The disgusting food! The food looked like… like… Vegeta? No, I don't mean the food, I mean Vegeta was there with a hair net and a very annoyed expressing. The food he was serving… let's just say it looks like a person who ate so much they could explode threw up in it and something really had to go to the bathroom in something and I think the food was it. Every teen that got the food almost seemed to throw up themselves.

"But I don't want to eat-"

"I don't care a damn bit about the food! Just eat the fucking food!"

"But sir-"

"Now go away and take your baka ass with you!"

The student walked away looking very unhappy. As the student walked away Vegeta glared at him and the baka walked, I mean ran, away. Gohan was glad that he packed lunch. Partly because that would be a lot of cafeteria food to buy, partly because that that was the most disgusting, revolting, gross, acid-like food he had ever seen. After one look at the food Gohan thought he would puke. Maybe I should go talk to him about the food, Gohan thought.

"Um, Vegeta, what's wrong with the food?"

"I just put some random stuff and it. Why do you bother staying in this piece of shit anyways?"

"Well I have to stay here... just because, so… be Vegeta!"

No reply came from Vegeta, only a glare. Gohan went over and sat down next to Videl. Then Sharpner came up, completely unharmed from how he was last chapter. Completely unharmed! To Gohan's surprise, Sharpner did not seem afraid any bit. What is wrong with him, I don't know. As Gohan approached Sharnper, he couldn't help but feel nervous. What was this guy's name again? It sounded like...Sharmner, maybe? Lopner?

"Hey...uhh, Fartner, what's up?"

"Nothing much, just avoiding trash cans"

"Huh? What did you say about my name?"

"It's nothing. Now I have proved you can't harm me, nothing can!"

"That's great Sharpner, well now why don't you keep avoiding those trash can?"

"I will after I eat lunch."

When Sharpner got up he walked over to the trash can and dumped his spare food in it. But when he walked away the trash can, untouched, fell on him. Sharpner tried to get up but the trash can tried to devour him! Sharpner tried to struggle out of trash can but all it caused was him going deeper into the trash can. It was insane. Monkeys gone wild, Krillin tried to juggle knives until one went over his shiny bald head, Sharpner was completely unharmed when Gohan used Bros. Kamehameha on him. Complete insanity! Sharpner's struggles continued until Gohan and Videl went and helped him.

Sharpner gasped. "Stupid *pant* trash *pant* can…"

"What just happened?" Videl asked.

"The trash cans always do that to me. I guess you know my only weakness now. That's just great."

"Well that was strange."

"Is his leg supposed to bend that way? I don't think so," Gohan whispered to Videl."

"No, I know what a normal leg looks like."

Gohan and Videl rushed back to their lockers leaving Sharpner alone with his injuries. Well if you don't count the thousands of trash cans surrounding him. Poor, poor , baka.

A/N: Hoped you liked this chapter. Question For ShadowMajin: Is this chapter any better than the last one? Thanks!