A/N: Hope you like this story. It is a story that comes after ShadowMajin's Lamest stories. This chapter is dedicated to ShadowMajin.

This was it. It was time for him to step in. Time for when the boys became men then back to being boys again. He was the Sharpenator, not a Sharpenator, THE Sharpenator, and THE Sharpenator never fails in achieving his goal to get Videl. He had a plan, a very good plan. A plan so good, it was dripping in sweet, delicious goodness. He was going to win Videl over with… uhhh, his charm. Yes, his charm! And his handsome good looks too! And his incredible sex appeal! With these at his beck and call, THE Sharpenator would dominate the Earth!
How will he do that? Never fear! The powers that be will never allow it!"

A peaceful day at the lookout was all Dende wanted. To here the quite chirp of the birds, the rustle of the wind blowing through the trees! Oh how good that sounded. It sounded as good as... a triple ice cream scoop with chocolate fudge and rainbow sprinkles. Or maybe a nice strawberry shake with some french fries? Or maybe... ok enough ideas. Guess what? He isn't going to get any of those things.

I'm so nice aren't I?

Well Dende hadn't been feeling well so when Mr. Popo asked him what was wrong he said he was fine but then Mr. Popo felt his forehead it was burning up.

Now he is chasing Dende on a carpet around the lookout! Isn't that wonderful?

"Mr. Popo stop chasing me! Please I'm fine!"

"But you need the medicine!. Nothing can do you better."

"No, I won't take it! Never, not in a thousand year, not in a million, no trillion, years!'

Mr. Popo suddenly appeared in front of Dende (Cu Mr. Popo stare! Add the evil laugh!). His black hands reached towards him with the medicine in his hand. Dende's last words before the medicine was shoved in his mouth were NOOO! An earsplitting shriek tor through thee air that would mak any Namekian go Kami have mercy on his soul.

"Nii-chan! Nii-chan! NII-CHAN!"

"What's going on? Goten, ow, stop jumping, ow, on me!"

"Sorry Nii-chan, you are going to be late for your school thingy."

"Uh, chibis, wait, did you say I'm going to be late for school?"

"Yep, that's what I said."

"I've got to hurry!"

"Wait Nii-chan you are still in your underwear, you haven't eat you breakfast, and you stink!"

"Oh, well, I guess you're right, but a shower will take too long! And Goten, it's ate not eat."

"Then go jump in a lake."

"Good idea!"

"I didn't mean it literally! It was supposes to be a joke."

"It's supposed not supposes Goten. Now I think I'll go jump in that lake."

School was wild as always. The teens were making the school a tepee, they all got the sudden desire to win at everything, and most of all, Sharpner was trying to win Videl over with his incredible sex appeal.

Gohan walked over to the school building. It was the usual, clean, shiny, sparkling school.

Wait, wait, wait. Go back a paragraph. Wasn't it just a tepee type of school? Those teens, what can you do with them?

As he walked inside the building, he spotted Videl.

"Hey Videl!"

"Hey Gohan, what's up?"

"Yeah Mountain boy, where have you been?" (A dollar goes to whoever can guess who that was)


"Who what's wrong Mountain boy? You afraid of me? Want to go run to your mommy."

Gohan's hair started to flash yellow. His eyes turned turquoise (blue, green, blue-green, whatever you want to call it.) , and his hair stuck up like Vegeta's, except for a bit different. Nobody can beat Vegeta's hairstyle! (Big Vegeta fan)


"Ok, but I am not listening to a Mountain boy," Sharpner's voice sounded strong as he spoke but there was a hint of fear in his voice.

Gohan charged. His fist hit him square in the face. Sharpner flew back whose knows how many feet and crashed into the wall. He climbed out of the broken wall and threw a punch at Gohan. Gohan dodged quite easily and kicked Sharpner in the stomach. At the end of the match (which wasn't very long) you can guess what Sharpner was like.(coughcoughbloodcough)

"Um, Gohan what did you do to Sharpner?"

"Oh no, I didn't mean to do that!"

"Well I like his new look. It gives him that sort of… touch. It's a good look for Sharpner."

"We should really get to class."

"Good thing nobody saw that or else we would be in big trouble."

Gohan and Videl ran of to class leaving the poor, (coughcoughnotcough) broken, Sharpner behind.

A/N: Poor Dende. For you worried fans, Dende will be fine. It's just a lot of barf. He might be missing a spleen. I think he'll be fine. Flamers are accepted for my toast. Toast doesn't cook on it's own.