
Summary: Kevin is nearly killed and encounters a disembodied spirit claiming it needs a vessel, to save his life he accepts, it sounds simple enough, but dealing with Alucard is anything but simple.

Chapter One

Kevin was struggling to breathe; his gasps for air were becoming raspy. They'd been fighting against the Forever Knights; he'd been thrown through a window. Normally, that wouldn't be a problem, but he'd been impaled on a sharp shard of glass in the back, due to the impact, it had gone deep into his body and he could distantly hear Gwen screaming his name as she and Ben tried to reach him.

He tried vainly to keep himself awake, to stop himself from drifting into the eternal sleep of death. He wanted to stay the grim reaper's hand; there was so much he hadn't done yet. He was eighteen; he had his whole life ahead of him! He didn't want to die yet, he needed to live, and he wouldn't die like this! He refused to let his life end in such a pathetic state.

His eyes were shutting as his vision became cloudy.

"Gwen…I—I lo…ve…" he wasn't the emotional type, expressing his feelings weren't his forte but he wanted to say it before he left her forever.

"Kevin, please don't die, please!" Gwen pleaded with him.

Kevin tried to fight to stay awake, but it was no use, he felt himself drifting away.

Gwen gripped Kevin's wrist and felt for a pulse. There wasn't one. She listened for a heartbeat and she didn't hear anything.

"Kevin," she called out. "KEVIN!"

She felt the tears streaming down her face and didn't stop them. Ben did his best to comfort his cousin, but it was no use, Kevin Levin was dead.

Kevin found himself standing in a large white space. He had no idea where he was but it sure didn't seem like Heaven.

Before him stood a tall dark shadowy figure, all he could make out was the large red eyes and a sarcastic, sneering grin on its face.

Do you want to die? The voice inquired.

"No," Kevin told it, this had to be a dream.

Then join me, be my vessel, I have been gone from the world for a long time, and I need a host to reside in.

"What's in this for me?" he asked. He was always the opportunist. He might seem selfish, but he didn't want to die, which was a natural reaction, and he didn't want something nasty to just possess him willy-nilly either. Still for some voice to just say "Hey, I'll save your life if you let live inside your body" did not sound like his idea of a good time.

The voice laughed. A deep, resounding laugh that chilled Kevin to his very soul; and Ben thought he'd been a crazy psycho, but whoever this was definitely took the proverbial cake.

Power, I'll give you unlimited power. I've lived a very long time and if you allow me to inhabit your body, I will show you power you could never dream of.

"You don't sound like the type of guy that just shares with random people. Why are you asking me?"

A sense of whimsy, I suppose. I see that you and I are similar, I've been watching you for some time, and you sound like a fun guy to be around, and I do need a host to reside in.

"I'll do anything to not die, I can't leave her behind. I don't want to let go of her."

You have a woman do you, lucky boy. What's her name?

"Gwen," he replied. Kevin was unsure of why he'd answered, but for some reason there was no way he could refuse or protest against the voice.

If you want to stay with her I will make it so you can. Just accept my offer and become my vessel.

"The power, you're saying you'll let me have it. You're not just blowing hot air, are you?"

No, I will share my power with you, I will keep you alive, and with my power, you will not fear death, and as a vampire, you'll never again be treated like a slave. You will become one of us, wandering the night, powerful and singular. Become eternal and complete, accept me into your body and I will make you the most powerful being anyone has ever seen.

"The whole undead aspect sounds like a drag," Kevin muttered. "And whose blood am I supposed to drink anyway?"

It will all be taken care of once I am a part of you. You need not worry about your friends, especially this lovely Gwen you've mentioned.

"Shut up," Kevin growled.

I like you already, so, what's your name boy?

"Kevin Levin," he replied.

Do we have a deal, Kevin Levin? Drink my blood and accept me as a part of you.

"So what's your name oh dark and creepy voice?" Kevin asked sarcastically.

My master called me Alucard, so do we have a deal?

"Yes, I'll accept," Kevin watched in awe as Alucard bit his own wrist and blood appeared below where he was standing.

Drink my blood.

Kevin did as he was told and bent down and drank. It tasted disgusting, like metallic quarters.

But something inside him would not permit him to stop drinking, he felt the sticky blood on his face and neck and his clothes. He continued drinking. He thought he felt something enter him but he was unsure of what it was, maybe it was this Alucard creature he'd spoken to.

Do you feel better now? the voice asked him.

"Yes, but what about my body?"

We will return to it momentarily. You will wake up as if you've been asleep.

"What about you?" he asked.

Don't worry about me, just enjoy your life. Don't regret your decision. You refused to give up. Giving up is what kills people. Only those who refuse to give up are entitled to their time to trample upon the weak.

"I like the way you think," Kevin smiled. He felt his body jolt as he suddenly woke up.

Gwen looked at him, worried. "I thought I'd lost you!" She reached out and held him against her. She began to cry again, but this time they were tears of joy. Against all odds he'd miraculously returned to her.

"Don't worry Gwen, I'm fine." Kevin tried not to react to the voice emanating inside his head.

You have good taste in women, Kevin, Gwen really is quite lovely. Alucard couldn't help but admire the boy. She was gorgeous. She reminded him of Mina, the boy was fortunate to have someone who returned his feelings.

"We thought you were dead!" Ben said. He was amazed that Kevin had survived being impaled by a very large piece of glass.

"I guess I had someone watching over me," Kevin smiled. Gwen was a little startled, Kevin didn't smile much. His smile seemed eerie and sinister. His teeth even appeared to be a little sharper, but surely it was her imagination.

"I'm happy to be alive," Kevin sighed. He rose to his feet. Kevin seemed a bit taller than before, but surely she was seeing things too. His hair seemed longer and his gait seemed different as he walked away.

"I'm going to bed," he said. He walked away, he felt invigorated, full of energy. It was as if he were truly alive for the first time. He arrived home and found his mom was asleep. He wondered if he should get ready for bed, but he did not feel like sleeping.

Tell me, where am I?

"You're in Bellwood, Washington, in the United States."

Far away from home, but I don't care. It's nice to be back in a body again, Alucard said to him. I made a wise choice choosing you as my vessel. I might be able to enjoy myself too.

"Don't you dare do anything to Gwen, if you do, I won't be happy. Remember this is my body you're in."

So you haven't slept with her yet, I am surprised. I'd think a handsome fellow like you would have made love to her by now. So she's a virgin is she? Virgin blood is the best. Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!

"My girlfriend is not a snack for you! And she's not your squeeze either!"

She's not yours either? I only jest, I but she is…very tempting…But we have other business to take care of.

"What's that?" Kevin asked.

I must contact my Master, Sir Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing. I serve her and I await my orders. Don't worry about yourself. I only need to go out and grind my enemies to dust.

"I see," Kevin conceded. "Do whatever you need to do."

Kevin felt part of his consciousness slip away but he was still able to observe what was going on. He thought it was fascinating that he could still see what Alucard was doing and he was a participant in what went on.

It was even stranger when Alucard began to speak as he picked up the phone. He heard his own voice as a part of Alucard's and when the vampire spoke, his voice was heard with the other.

Alucard used Kevin's body to pick up the phone, he dialed a few numbers, he'd have to cover his tracks as he contacted his master, but he didn't want to rack up the phone bill of his host's home either.

He waited for the phone to be picked up on the other line.

"Who is this?" the demanding voice answered. Whoever this lady was, she was very intimidating.

"It is I, my master," Alucard replied. "I have found a suitable host and I have returned to you at last."

"You have no need of a human host, you can could have come back and reformed your own body," Sir Integra said, she was puzzled by Alucard's choice to use a human host for his spirit. He didn't really need to, considering how powerful he was. It seemed unlike him.

"The boy amuses me, and this town seems very interesting," Alucard smiled.

"Where are you?" Sir Integra asked.

"Bellwood, Washington," Alucard replied.

"Your voice seems different," she observed. "I have heard that there is a young man named Ben Tennyson lives there. They call him a hero, but even he can't handle what you do. Since there are no vampires there, you must return to England immediately."

"As much as I would like to, my master, the boy's body is still unused to my power, and he would cause too much of a sir if he suddenly leaves, despite the fact that he's a Plumber, it would be too strange for him to leave unexpectedly. I cannot come up with a good excuse for his body to be gone for a long time."

"Wait," Kevin interrupted, "What is it that you do?"

"Since I can tell you're not Alucard, I shall explain boy, the Hellsing Organization protects England from vampires and supernatural monsters. It has been Alucard's duty for a hundred years. Alucard will hunt vampires and other monsters and you will kill them and wipe them from the face of the earth. Do you understand that boy?"

"I get you loud and clear," Kevin smiled; his teeth gleamed in the moonlight. "So you're saying that I get to kill monsters without anyone condemning me."

"Yes, that is your job, so tell me, what's your name?"

"Kevin Levin."

"Well Mr. Levin, it seems that you've become part of the Hellsing Organization. Since you can't come over to England right away, do you think that you can investigate rumors of vampires in your very own city?"

"In my own city….you mean Mike Morningstar," Kevin felt a sense of satisfaction come over him. "What do you want me to do?"

"Kill him, by whatever means necessary."

Alucard and Kevin both smiled. Alucard would be able to have his fun and Kevin had always wanted to give Michael what he thought he deserved, but naïve Ben wouldn't let him kill him. Gwen didn't approve either, but here was a woman that he had never met, giving him orders to kill Mike Morningstar. He'd never felt happier in his life.

"Alucard called you Sir Integra right?" Kevin asked.

"Yes," she replied.

"If you're a lady, then why am I calling you Sir?"

"Because it's my title, you little brat."

"That's alright with me Sir; I think we'll get along just fine."

"Tell me something Kevin, why did Alucard choose you to be his vessel?"

"He said it was a sense of whimsy."

"I see. Now go out and destroy the vampires and do what needs to be done."

Kevin let Alucard resume control.

So who is this Mike Morningstar?

"He's an old rival. He gets under my skin. He's an energy vampire who tried to suck all the energy out of Gwen and kill her. She managed to take her power back but I've always wanted to kill him. I hate his rotten guts."

A rival. I see. Did he also try to seduce your lovely Gwen?

"You could say that," Kevin snarled.

Now we get to kill him, Alucard said.

"Yes, this job is going to be fun. I think I made a good decision partnering with you."

An energy vampire. He's not going to last long against me.

"I hope it will, I want to make him suffer. He went after Gwen, and he's going to pay for it."

Alucard began to laugh, he hadn't had this much fun in ages. Kevin Levin was a very interesting young man and this partnership was going to be an entertaining ride.