First of all, this was inspired by a story I read named, "Alternate Final Days of the 74th Hunger Games." However, mine is scheduled to have a different ending than the one that the person who wrote that has planned. Much different. And if you know my favorite Hunger Games character, you may figure it out.


I lie in wait in the cold. Cato is next to me, his arm around my shoulders, keeping me warm. I know Fire Girl will be here, getting the medicine for Lover Boy. This is the perfect opportunity to take her out. And I know I will. I almost had her at Day 1 but that brat got away.

The sun begins to rise an hour or so later. I can hear the mechanical hum and I see the ground move apart to reveal the table. I see the bags: 2, which is for Cato and me. 5, which is for that red-haired girl. 11, which is for Thresh. Then, the tiny bag with 12 marked on it, for Fire Girl.

Once the table stops moving, I see red-head dart out of the Cornucopia and grab her bag. Soon, she's speeding off towards the woods. Heh. I knew she'd pull something.

Then I see her. Fire Girl is running towards the table. "Cato, cover me." I whisper, and without waiting for his reply, I jump from the bush and run towards her. I take a knife from the lining of my jacket and throw it at her. She deflects it with her bow and fires at me.

I try to dodge but it hits my left arm. I yank it out and throw it aside. She just reached the table and it putting the bag on her wrist. I grab another knife and throw it. She turns to shoot but the knife catches her above the eye and I have my chance. I pounce and slam her down, my knees keeping her shoulders down. Time to savor this.

"Where's your boyfriend, District 12? Still hanging on?"

"He's out there right now. Hunting Cato." Then she screams, "Peeta!"

I punch her in the throat and survey the area. No sign of Lover Boy. I turn back to her.

"Liar." I grin. "He's nearly dead. Cato knows where he cut him. You've probably got him strapped up in some tree while you try to keep his heart going. What's in that backpack? The medicine for Lover Boy? Too bad he'll never get it."

I open my jacket and take my knife with the special curve. "I promised Cato that if he let me have you, I'd give the audience a good show."

She tries to push me off, to escape, but she can't. "Forget it, District 12. We're going to kill you, just like your pathetic little ally… what was her name? The one who hopped around in the trees? Rue? Well, first Rue, then you, and I think we'll let nature take care of Lover Boy. How does that sound? Now, where to start?"

I wipe the blood off of her face with my sleeve. I decide what to cut up first. Maybe her forehead? Eyes? She tries to bite my hand, but I grab her hair and force her back down.

Then, it comes to me. Her mouth. "I think…" I purr a little as I say this. "I think we'll start with your mouth."

When I say this, she clamps her teeth together. I trace the outline of her mouth with the blade. "Yes, I don't think you'll have much use for your lips anymore. Want to blow Lover Boy one last kiss?"

In response, she spits blood on my face. I glare and wipe it off. "All right then. Let's get started." However, before I can begin, I see Thresh running towards me.

I curse under my breath. Fire Girl is distracted by Thresh as well, so I take my knife, twirl it, and stab it into the side of her head. Then I jump back as he tries to attack me.

"What'd you do to that little girl? You kill her?" He screams. He tries to hit me with a rock, but he misses each time. "You stab her like you stabbed this girl here?"

I see District 12 crawling away quickly, but even if she makes it to Lover Boy, she'll die. I turn my attention back to Thresh. "Yes, I did. Oh, she was loud. I had to cover her mouth to avoid attracting attention. When she bit my hand, I stabbed her down the throat." I tease.

"Die!" He slams the rock at me but misses again. I'm about to reach into my jacket to get a knife when the spear pierces his throat. He falls back and the rock flies out of his hand. I sidestep to avoid it. Then, the cannon fires.

"Cato!" I beam. I throw myself into his arms. "You saved me!"

"Of course I did." He gives me a kiss in response to this. "He was trying to kill you."

"Nice job." I laugh. "So, what about Fire Girl? Think she'll make it to Lover Boy?"

"Doubt it." He says, and then he releases me. "I saw you stab her in the side of the head. Even if she does, she'll die, and I'll take care of Lover Boy."

"Sure. So, what should we take from him?" I look to him. He doesn't have anything on him, actually. Just the bag with 11 on it.

"His bag. I think he has something good in it." Cato goes over and rips the back off of Thresh's shoulders. He unzips it. "It's a bunch of water bottles. Guess that plain doesn't have much water."

"Oh well. Let's go." I grab our bag from the table and we return to our camp.


I scramble frantically through the woods. My head is throbbing erratically and blood is flowing down my face. I'm seeing stars as I try to navigate through the trees. I managed to take the knife from my skull, but I don't know how long I'll live.

I have to get to Peeta. That's the only thing I can think. If I can save Peeta, we'll have a chance. District 12 might win.

I see the river and throw myself into it, washing the blood from my skull. I take Rue's socks and wrap them around my head. It helps.

I'm woozy by the time I make it to the cave. I slip through and dump the bag's contents onto the floor. A slim box is in it. I open it and find the needle. If I can just get to Peeta…

I stumble over to him. He's still sleeping. I try to put the needle in his arm but I'm starting to see double. The blood is rushing through Rue's socks and dripping on his arm. In a last ditch effort, I grab his arm, pull it up to my face, and jam the needle in. As soon as the presser goes down, I fall back, unable to keep myself up. I struggle to stay alive, but then, everything goes black.

Somewhere in my endless sleep, I hear the cannon fire.