A/N: I want to thank each of you: for your unwavering support, and for your kindness and understanding.

I wish you and yours all the best through the holidays!


This fic was written for the Love Takes Shape Challenge at First Tweak.

Each drabble will be 100 words, and there will be six parts to this story.

I hope you like it.


Un-break My Heart

Summary: The breaking of a heart takes moments... un-breaking it takes time.

He held her heart, but didn't want it. He cradled her soul in his hands, though he knew nothing of the preciousness of his possession. But Kagome held her tongue, because speaking of it meant admitting her weakness.

In her dreams, it was Inuyasha who held her body. He was the only man she would allow to have intimate knowledge of her flesh, the only being who would hear the passion in her voice, or see wantonness in her behavior.

In her reality, however, he was the half-demon who loved another.

He held her heart, every shattered piece of it...