My targets daughter
A/N: This idea just came me and I thought I should try it. Please give it a chance and I would love you forever if you left a review on how you thought of it. :)
Rated M for Violence,Coarse language, and Mature themes.
Disclaimer: I don't own Degrassi
I'm Elijah Goldsworthy. I'm 19 years old and working with the mob. I've always wanted to be in the mob ever since I was a little boy, I just loved the thought of a thrilling experience of shooting someone's face off or collecting money. I know I might sound insane, but I'm far from it. During the day I'm just sarcastic, witty, charming Eli. At night I'm dangerous and exhilarating Elijah Goldsworthy. I've gotten every job done without any discrations. Little did I know my next job would change my whole view on everything I did.
Elis (POV)
I walked in my boss' office on a Saturday night, finding out what my next job is. I stopped in the middle of the room, waiting for my boss to turn his chair around so I can see him. "Elijah, come here my boy", said Franco, my boss, while standing up from his chair with his arms extended out towards me with a heavy Italian accent. Franco Vecchio was the head of the mob I was working with. He was Italian. Tall, black hair, with a big belly that stretches out wide. I loved Franco, he was like a father to me, always caring and loveable, but get on his bad sideand that loveable caring man can turn into your worst nightmare. "Franco", I smiled and went over to him and gave him a friendly hug. He released me and smiled wide. "So, my boy, you ready what I have in store for you", he said sitting back in his black leather chair. He gestured for me to sit down in the chair facing him and his desk. I obliged and smiled confidently. "Of course boss". I said with equal confidence in my voice. "Alright so I need you to take out a man for me", he said seriously. I was about to say "No problem", but he raised his hand stopping me. "This isn't just any hit, it needs to be planned, this man stole a lot of money from me and doesn't think I know". He said still seriously. I stared at him intently waiting for him to continued. Franco sighed sadly. "I trusted this man, we were friends for a long time and he betrays me like that", he scoffs. Looking down at his folded hands. I looked at him sincerely. "I won't let you down boss," I said my voice suddenly dangerous. He looks up at me and smiles. He opens his drawer on the inside of his desk to take out the file of my next job. He gave me the file. I opened it to see a picture of a man that looks in his 40's with dark brown hair and wrinkles. I flipped the picture over and looked at his profile. Randall Edwards. 45. Wife Helen Edwards, 42, two daughters Darcy Edwards, 21, Clare Edwards,18. I scanned the rest of the profile than closed it. I stood up as did Franco. "Randall Edwards won't even see it coming", I said dangerously again and exited his office.
A/N: What did you think? Let me know please. :)