The Plaza and Delay

In the middle of the plaza, sitting still and staring down at his opponents, his oppressing presence continued to rule over the conscience of the other players. He clicked his tongue many times, tapping his heavy boots on the marble stones. The many players before him simply quivered and remained motionless, not even daring to breathe too loudly in case it would anger him.

"What a clever gal you are?" he boomed whilst he laughed in delight, the two discs in his hands grasped tightly. "That would make the perfect number 12 for me."

"G-give it back," a girl gasped, only managing to crawl a few inches closer to the man who stole her disc. It was so painful, she could barely even breathe, her abdomen felt as though it was crushed inwards. This man before her was truly brutal. Her partner who could still move a little used all his strength to stand back up. Holding a loose fist in the air, he aimed it at the man to no avail.

"So you decided to fight back," he hissed, the laughter and delight disappearing from him. Instead an angry glare replaced all as he grabbed the weaklings arm. "Your disc is mine." There was a loud clicking noise as the man completely twisted the arm back, breaking the bones within the flesh and disjointing arm from body.

"ARGHH!" the weakling cried as he dropped to the floor and lost consciousness.

The girl who was with him cried but no words could escape her lips as she was beginning to give into the pain. Something was caught in her throat, it was choking her and in no time she spat out blood.

The other player who had given his disc to the man continued to prostrate on the floor. He didn't move, watching the two team players suffer he was thankful he got off lightly. As long as he'd give up on winning he would at the very least keep his life. The other players who had already lost their discs to the same man, stood obediently as spectators. The atmosphere at the plaza had not changed since the beginning of the game, it was heavy and daunting.

"BRAVO," Nikaidou yawned whilst staring at the screen. "Ruth has got him another two discs."

"You sound displeased," Maggie said looking at Nikaidou. "We were expecting such results were we not? He is a hot winner for this round. In terms of violence, no one can compare to Ruth. Just look at him, a big muscular man with a terrifying face covered in scars. His presence alone marks his victory."

"Is that how you perceive the game?" Nikaidou questioned, walking over to the sofa and stretching himself on it. As much as he enjoyed watching these games, it was rather tiring staring at the screen for hours and hours. He wanted to sleep so much but was afraid he'd miss any amazing developments. He let out a heavy sigh, yeah right, Ruth has been dominating the entire game. He used violence mercilessly on all the players, stripped them off their discs, induced fear into them so that even without a disc they were to remain in the plaza under his supervision. He's become somewhat of a dictator. As if anything would happen to change his overwhelming victory now, Nikaidou mused, ah Ikuto Tsukiyomi, just when will you make another move? You've stopped playing and hid yourself after having successfully taken two more discs. I'm bored to death.

"Oh," a surprised Maggie gasped.

"What is it?" Nikaidou asked, not bothering to look at the screen, "did another little lamb wonder into Ruth's territory? They'll get eaten in no time."

"It's a lamb allright," Maggie replied, fixated on the monitor, "a sly fox in a lambs skin."

"Ikuto Tsukiyomi," Nikaidou gasped rushing over to watch, "now this is starting to look more interesting."

Below in the plaza, the gathered players remained as silent as ever but their attention was stolen by the wandering idiot who simply walked freely towards Ruth. It appeared in their eyes that another victim had turned up to join the losing crowd.

Ruth simply placed all 12 of his discs on the floor, before walking away towards his new prey. Unlike other players who grasped desperately onto their discs, Ruth had no need to. He laid them out as bait; if anyone had the guts, they were more than welcome to attempt to take them from him. That will give him a reason to chase them down and kill them. It was more pleasurable to beat down fighting spirits than one that has given up; this was simply Ruth's policy. He flexed his fingers and licked his lips, staring at the young man who just strode around the place like a tourist admiring the exotic scenery. Did he not sense the tense atmosphere? Ruth wondered, well it doesn't matter. I'll have some more fun before the game ends.

"Hey," the young man called, waving excitedly at Ruth, with a smile on his face. "Is this the place where losers gather?"

"What," Ruth muttered, taken back by his carefree attitude. Ruth stopped his advance and simply stood there, quite a distance yet away from him. The other players in the plaza like Ruth seemed to be surprised as well.

The young man kept walking without hesitation. He approached Ruth without fear and in no time closed their distance until they were only inches apart.

"I was getting irritated not being around people," he began, still smiling, "I saw lot of people gathered here and they all looked so gloomy so I decided to join them."

In an instance Ruth clutched the young man's neck in his fists, squeezing it with strength but not too hard, expecting him to gasp for air and show fear but instead, he kept smiling without showing any signs of suffocation. Ruth gripped his neck harder still and to his dismay the young man's smile only grew bigger. "What the..." Ruth hissed, throwing the man away.

The young man managed to stand and still he continued to smile.

"Who are you?" Ruth questioned, ready now to show his worst. Up until now, he had not met another player who could continue smiling at him after he had touched them. This guy annoyed him.

"Ikuto," the young man replied, the smile fading, "I was hoping you could finish me off there. Why did you hold back? Wait...I understand."

Ruth clenched his fists now but he didn't move, simply observing Ikuto for the time being.

The other players were watching in disbelief. There was actually someone who could make Ruth hesitate, even if it was for a few seconds.

"You want to take my disc first right?" Ikuto said, directly getting to the point. "Well, I'll tell you now, I don't have one. I lost it to my partner."

A lie, Ruth thought, well doesn't matter, I'll beat you up and search your corpse myself. Ruth started to smirk, walking towards Ikuto again, ready to shed more blood.

Its over now, the other players simply thought, some looking away, having had enough of watching Ruth torment his victims.

"To prove I no longer have the disc," Ikuto continued calmly, "I'll show you." There was a light thud as clothes dropped; Ikuto had stripped, he had taken off his shirt and jacket. With an uncaring attitude he tossed his clothes to the floor. "I would take off my other clothes if you'd like. However I think it is definitely clear I don't have a disc for you to take."

Ruth gritted his teeth, amazed by his actions. The extent to which Ikuto would go to prove himself; it was clear he had nothing. It was pointless going after a player without a disc, however, Ruth was agitated at the fact that Ikuto seemed so prepared to confront him. He wanted so much to land a blow on Ikuto yet why can't he seem to move. Why was he still stunned by his actions?

Seeing Ruth not react, Ikuto put his clothes back on then once again he approached him. "I don't have a disc, but your more than welcome to hit me," Ikuto said grabbing Ruth's fists and placing it over his heart, "I want you to kill me."

"WHAT?" Nikaidou shouted, his eyes not leaving the screen or Ikuto. "What the hell is he doing?"

Maggie laughed, "is this your favourite, Ikuto Tsukiyomi right? Sure his actions are weird but now he's asking to be killed. He's a real joke."

Nikaidou ignored Maggie's laughing and continued to stare at the monitor.

"Please kill me now," Ikuto said again, this time in a more pleading tone.

"Why?" Ruth questioned, somehow his anger and irritation slowly fading.

"I entered this game with my girlfriend," Ikuto began. "She betrayed me once we entered this round. She took the disc and now she's hiding somewhere."

"So you were betrayed and now you feel like dying?"

"No," Ikuto almost shouted. His expression became serious and in his eyes, there reflected a similar anger to what Ruth always had in his eyes. Ikuto directly looked into Ruth's eyes, "I don't seek death because I was betrayed and feel upset. I want to be killed here before I decide to take revenge on her." Ikuto's grip on Ruth's fists became stronger, "I've been watching you Ruth. You're the perfect man to kill me because you are ruthless."

There was a few minutes of silence before Ruth cracked up laughing, lightly pushing a surprised Ikuto away from him. "Kill you," Ruth shouted hysterically, "I absolutely have no interest in killing you now or even laying a finger on you."

"Why?" Ikuto gasped, "You enjoy torturing people don't you? Is it because I no longer have a disc?"

"It's because the best way to break you is not to kill you," Ruth answered truthfully with a smirk. He took his seat on the fountain again, fully relaxed. As soon as he stared into Ikuto's eyes, he saw a part of himself in him. It was a feeling but, Ruth was certain, Ikuto wouldn't be able to restrain himself from hurting the girl who betrayed him. His anger may just lead him to a path of destruction. It's not so bad to be a spectator of a tragedy once in a while, Ruth mused; besides, it's no fun to kill or hurt those that are willing. I'll let you off Ikuto so put on a great show for me later.

"If you won't do it then I'll find someone else…" Ikuto said turning to leave the plaza.

Ruth punched the edge of the fountain, breaking a lump of marble off and chucked it at Ikuto. It landed only a few inches next to Ikuto's feet smashed into pieces. "I said I wouldn't do anything to you Ikuto," Ruth shouted, "I never said you could leave this place though."

"You plan to keep all players in the plaza so you can keep a watch over their actions," Ikuto began, fully aware of Ruth's intentions, "because no one can hope to go against you," he took a glance at the beaten up couple on the floor who were on the verge of death. "Well if you want to keep me here, you need me dead."

"She will come," Ruth said, "your girl will eventually come here. All players need more than their own discs to win. Now as you can see, nearly all the players are gathered here. That means if she wants to win, she will have to come here for more discs."

"What are you suggesting?"

"You just don't want to hurt her right?" Ruth continued, "But I may have the urge to. It's wiser for you to stay here and prevent me from doing so, of course unless you act first."

"I understand," Ikuto said, a smile unseen by anyone else spread on his face. Letting me stay in the plaza will be your first mistake…

"Splendid," Nikaidou said, gob-smacked, "Ikuto really is splendid."

"I don't understand," Maggie voiced, "what did he just do? What did he achieve?"

"He's won," another Judas Game regulator spoke up.

"Iwagaki," both Nikaidou and Maggie said.

Iwagaki pressed a few buttons on the keyboard changing the camera view. "Ikuto Tsukiyomi has won this game."

"There's still 48 hours to go and in my eyes he's far from winning," Maggie argued, "he's got 3 discs but may I remind you, he hid them somewhere. If anyone finds them whilst he's dealing with Ruth, he's lost. Furthermore, he'll need to retrieve his 3 discs by the end of the game and he's now a trapped mouse in Ruth's cage."

"You must be blind Maggie," Nikaidou commented, "Ikuto's plan is already under-way."

"Just enjoy the show Maggie," Iwagaki also commented, "see a true swindler at work. He's already grasped the hearts of the game."

Maggie bit her lips, quite confused still with what her two colleagues meant by Ikuto Tsukiyomi already winning the game. Was there something she missed besides his obvious lies and attempts to get close to Ruth? Even if Ikuto can stay in the plaza and manage to make Ruth give up on hurting him, there was nothing he could do. There was no way Ikuto can steal the discs from Ruth, which is the only plausible scenario Maggie can picture Ikuto trying to do.

"Maggie let's make a bet?" Nikaidou proposed, sitting near the big observation monitor, "I'll bet Ikuto wins this game."

"HEY," Iwagaki raised his voice, "the office doesn't allow any betting."

"Verbal betting should be fine," Maggie sighed, "I still bet on Ruth then."

"I'm not a part of this," Iwagaki said, "we should probably be concentrating on these two though."

The screen switched to where Amu and Kukai was, which surprised the regulators.

Amu and Kukai had somehow ended up back near the entrance where Amu and Ikuto had first entered the stadium.

"See, I told you it was the other way," Amu complained. "We have to walk all the way back towards the centre again and we were so close to it before."

"That's strange, "I swear I was going in the right direction," Kukai said in deep thought, "why didn't you stop me if we were going the wrong way?"

Amu literally leered at Kukai now, her face gloomy, "please recall what happened earlier. I shouted at you and even attempted to drag you back in the right direction but you insisted this was the right way. Then all of a sudden you complained I was way too slow and picked me up. You started running and simply ignored me even when I shouted into your ear. Now we ended up here."

Kukai looked away, "really, so….I guess it was my fault."

"IT IS YOUR FAULT," Amu shouted, leaning against the closed door and sitting down for a rest. She let out a heavy sigh, resting her head on her knees. Amu had decided to work with Kukai Souma not because she trusted him, but it seemed at the time to be more beneficial than being alone. Kukai never asked for his disc back from her nor did he show any signs that he wanted to take it back, however, she can't let her guard down. She won't let anyone take the disc from her again.

Kukai sat down beside her. "I guess my sense of direction really is bad then," he muttered, "not that it matters. See," he pointed at the digital clock, "we've still got plenty of time."

Amu looked up at him and simply frowned, then she rested her head on her knees again. A obviously guilty Kukai was frantically trying to apologise to Amu and telling her not to worry whilst she simply blocked him from her mind as she began to think. There is 47 hours and 35 minutes left of this game and she's only managed to get one disc and a temporary partner who has the worst sense of direction ever. Could she even win? If Ikuto hadn't betrayed her, would she still be in such a predicament? No, a part of me still wishes to rely on Ikuto Tsukiyomi, Amu breathed, I can't get rid of the feeling that if I was with Ikuto now, I'd have no worries about winning...I've got to stop.

"Amu, were you listening to me?" Kukai asked tapping her shoulders.

Amu looked at Kukai, her expression still displeased.

Kukai gulped a few times, "well you see, we've been wandering around for quite some time so I'm dead tired."

"Whose fault do you think it is that we're tired?"

"I know, its completely my fault so... I'm seriously sorry," Kukai said earnestly.

"I forgive you," Amu sighed. It wasn't like she could change anything being mad at him.

"Thanks," Kukai smiled, "mind if I took a nap, keep watch for me."

"As if anyone would come back to the entrance," Amu sighed again as Kukai started to drift into his little nap. Most of the players should be gathered at the plaza; that was what she saw before falling off the roof. She never had the chance to confirm though. After meeting Kukai, she had been running around in circles through the streets. If he wasn't heading in the wrong direction then he'd be complaining about hunger. Kukai actually ate a lot for his slim physique. Amu couldn't even remember how many times they stopped in a bakery of shop for food; so much time was wasted as Kukai insisted on paying or leaving money, he even wanted to wait for someone to show up to sell the food to them. There were times when Kukai wanted small naps like this which again wasted so much time; they had to find a safe place then rest for god knows how long before Kukai wakes up and decides to continue the game. The only thing she could be thankful of was she didn't run into another player, but then that also meant she wouldn't be able to get more discs.

Amu closed her eyes for a little rest as well. Unlike Ikuto, Kukai really did fall asleep when he took naps. She could relax a little. Her eyes may be closed but her mind was still pretty much awake. Images of all the places she had been to just continued to pop up in her mind, the streets that she and Kukai kept running around in..."WHAT?" Amu gasped, thankful she didn't wake Kukai. She felt her heart almost stop beating the instant she realised it. She moved away from the sleeping Kukai. "I-I've been..." Amu stood up, still slowly backing away from Kukai. Now that she thought more carefully, Kukai had no intentions of playing the game from the start. His attitude was laid back and carefree. Whenever Amu seriously tried to talk about how to play the game, he would change the subject. Also he was never lost, he deliberately went in the wrong direction every-time they were getting closer to the plaza. Why? Amu can't help but question, he only has one disc after he gave her his other one, he can't possibly win but...his actions, they are as if he can win without playing the game, what about me? It was possible Kukai just wanted company but then, Amu would have wasted precious time. She can't be wrong this time, Kukai was definitely preventing her from going near the plaza where the other players are. He was delaying her on purpose. What should I do? Amu panicked. When she finally thought she found another player she could work with, it turned out like this. She turned facing the streets. She'll have to leave him no matter what. She can't afford to lose the game here. If he won't play its his problem. He can't blame her for abandoning him.

"The disc," Amu muttered, biting her lips, "if I can take Kukai's disc, I'll have two." Never did she once think that she'd be in the position to betray someone, nor do the exact thing Ikuto did to her. How did Ikuto feel whilst betraying me? Amu wondered as she quietly approached the still sleeping Kukai. Her hands slowly outstretched, reaching for his coat pocket, did Ikuto hesitate, did he feel the same guilt I'm feeling now? Amu saw the disc and having made her decision she grabbed hold of it. "No," Amu whimpered.

As soon as her hands grasped Kukai's disc, Kukai's hand gripped her wrist tightly. He opened his eyes staring at her, his face serious and businesslike for the first time. "Did something happen Amu Hinamori?"

Amu couldn't move, she could only stare back at Kukai, "y-you were awake..."

"You woke me up when you searched my coat for my disc," Kukai said.

"You're hurting me," Amu said, "let go. I won't take your disc, I promise I'll leave."

"Leave...why?" Kukai questioned, "you were serious about betraying me weren't you?"

"You can't blame me," Amu said more loudly, "you, you had no intentions of getting any more discs. I-I can't afford to lose. You forced's you I should be questioning..."

"So you found out," Kukai smirked letting Amu go as he snatched his disc back from her. "You finally realised I was deterring you from meeting other players."

"Why would you do such a thing?" Amu questioned, backing away from Kukai. She clutched her bag tightly, "I don't understand."

Kukai sighed, standing up, "listen I-"

Taking Kukai by surprise, Amu threw her bag at him taking the chance to escape into the streets. Run, keep running towards the plaza Amu urged herself, knowing she couldn't turn back.

"AMU," Kukai shouted, running after her. "I CAN'T LET YOU GO." He was a much faster runner than she was and in no time, he caught up to her. "AMU STOP BEFORE I USE FORCE."

Impossible, Amu thought, ignoring Kukai's warning as she focussed on running forward.

Kukai did as he promised though, he grabbed Amu's arm hardly and pulled her back, tripping her legs so she fell to the ground as he pinned her still.

It's over, Amu thought and she still didn't understand Kukai's actions and why he'd do such a thing. What would he gain?

Tightening his grip on Amu, Kukai shouted clearly, "I MADE A DEAL WITH IKUTO. DON'T GET IN THE WAY."

Amu's eyes widened as she took in Kukai's words. A wave of emotions filled her and for the first time, she cried because of someone other than her family or Tadase. Her tears that wouldn't stopped were caused by him and she hated her weakness. She no longer resisted Kukai's hold of her. "Ikuto Tsukiyomi..." Amu cried in anger, "why...even though you're not besides me, why do you still posses me...why must you dictate my actions...Why must you break my hopes and chances at winning? What have I ever done to you?"

"Hey," Kukai said softly, loosening his grip a little. "Calm Down."

"IKUTO," Amu cried more loudly ignoring Kukai, "IKUTO TSUKIYOMI, COME BACK AND FACE ME...give me a reason...give me a reason..."