Gunshots echoed through the night as he sprinted through the dense forest without any knowledge of where he was going, only knowing that his mind was telling him to get out of these as fast as he could. He continued onward, leaping over fallen logs and dashing through the undergrowth. Something kept telling him he wasn't safe yet, and he wasn't sure why. Hell, he didn't even know where was at the moment, all he remembers is that he should just keep running and that surviving was his top priority.

The gunshots never ceased to quiet as he thought he was getting farther and farther away from what he was sure to be of some sort of battlefield. "I can't seem to find my way out of this damn jungle!" the runner thought. He kept going in a full sprint that is until his face connected with what seemed to be another animal's arm. Sure enough, he was right.

There above him stood two animals, one a vulpine and the other another canine variety of some sort, which the runner classified to look like some sort of german shepherd. Each had a standard issue blaster rifle pointed at him as he lay there barely able to see from the force of the blow he took, barely even making out the commands the two were shouting at each other.

The runner kept glancing back and forth between the bickering duo of soldiers, this was certainly a situation that he wanted to avoid, even if he couldn't remember why he was running the first place. Just that something was practically yelling at him to get the hell out of there.

He waited until the german shepherd finally took his focus off of the runner who was now coming back after the fierce blow he received, and looked at his partner as they seemed to get more into a heated debate.

"He specifically said for him to be brought in alive, we can't just kill him or our asses will be roasted! Have you seen what they do to the people who disobey orders here? Let's just say I didn't sleep for a week."

The vulpine glared at what he thought to be his partner. "I don't give a shit what they do to us; this fucker has caused way to much trouble to be brought in alive! Don't you remember how many of us he has token out alone, not to mention his little gang combined?"

His partner was silent for a few seconds then took his attention back to the runner who was now fully brought back into the world of the conscious. "I don't know, that is still fucking risky as hell man…"

"Well fuck you, I'm gonna do it no matter what you say. Tell them you had no part to play in it, this little vulpine rat has done damage to me on a personal level and ill see that it's dealt back in that manner!"

The vulpine took his eyes off of the runner on the ground and looked to his partner, and the german shepherd did the same as they continued on with their argument. "Here's my chance to get the hell out of here… They haven't realized that I wasn't knocked unconscious from that blow to the head."

With all the fury he could muster, the vulpine runner leapt to his feet in one fluid motion, unsheathing the combat knife that was tucked away in his boot at the same time. The two soldiers now focused back on him, the german shepherd was too surprised to act yet, as his agitated vulpine companion raised his rifle instantaneously. Before he could even get a shot off, the runner kicked the rifle out of his hands and followed through with a deadly thrust with his dagger into the vulpine soldier's neck. The whole time his companion just stood there, watching as the man they thought they brought down just took out his friend within a time window of four seconds. Snapping back into reality, he raised his gun only for it him to be disarmed in the same fashion, but he was ready for the lunge his vulpine opponent threw at him. He dodged to the left, his back pressed against the trunk of a tree which hindered his movement farther backwards. The vulpine saw his opportunity and lunged again with the blade, only to be met with the trunk of the tree as the animal got to his knees and then dove into the vulpine's lower body, wrestling them both to the muddy ground of the jungle. The german shepherd got the first few blows in as he locked the vulpine's arms to his sides with his legs, disabling them as he got a few punches in on the other's face. His advantage didn't last long, as the vulpine was able to propel him over his head and landing on the shepherd's back. He struggled to keep him pinned as he groped around for his weapon, only to find a dense log that he picked up and used to bash the shepherds head in from the back. There was a good amount of blood running from the back of his head now from where he struck his opponent, and to make sure he was finished off, the vulpine picked up one of the rifles and shot him in the back of the head to further prevent any problems that might arise.

He continued onward, not knowing what his destination was or what he was trying to accomplish, just the fact that something was driving him onwards to the east.

After running through the jungle after what seemed like an hour of two, the gun shots started to fade. Obviously the small skirmish had ceased, or so he thought. It was as he realized that the shots has stopped, he heard several loud rumbles of what sounded like thunder in the distance. He looked up to the sky in the small clearing he was in and saw a whole armada of space fighters ascend into the atmosphere, followed by another descending upon them, engaging each other into a massive dogfight.

He stood there and watched in awe as hundreds of ships engaged with another, causing a symphony of lights and explosions to occur in the sky, making it seem like the night sky was beginning to fade, only to realize that it was nearing only midnight in the zone he was currently in. One thing was for sure, he didn't know exactly what the ships were or what they were used for, but he wanted one badly. Getting distracted was a bad thing and there was that feeling telling him to keep running, that lingering was dangerous, so he continued on blindly following his instincts.

The explosions of the battle continued around him, as he carried himself through the forest until one of the ships he saw in the air burst through the canopy about one hundred feet in front of him. It crashed into the ground, throwing up dirt and uprooting plants in all directions, as well as leaving a large area of the crash landing scorched badly. Something about the ship that he saw crash was vaguely familiar, and as of yet, anything familiar was something worth checking out.

"Sir our ground forces are being decimated and we still have yet to have any confirmation on Forsaken's location!"

Several men sat in the bridge of a ship that was shaped in a half circle, with a holographic display of the battle in the middle of the ship, as well as several other computer terminals where several of the crew was working vigorously. From all of their actions and body language, the General could tell that this battle wasn't going in their favor. They were losing fast, and he knew there was no hope of a retreat or surrender. This was their last shot of winning their freedom, to be free of the tyrannical hold Corneria held over the star system of Lylat.

The General sighed and took a seat in the chair directly in front of the holographic display of their ground forces converging on each other, as well as the air battle taking place in front of them.

"Tell them to take the fight to the skies, the battle for the ground is already lost. Try and give me a com channel to Forsaken and his squad, if we are going to succeed in winning this revolution, they would most definitely need them in the skies."

The com officer on the far most right terminal nodded and frantically got back to work, his fingers sliding over a holographic keyboard trying to hone a signal to the directed squad. At first there was nothing but static, but finally a signal was patched through. "Signal online sir!"

The General nodded and spoke. "Forsaken we are withdrawing our troops from the area, we are being decimated on the ground and are going to retreat into the space battle for one final assault against their capital ship. We need you in the air at once, the battle is shifting fast in their favor and you are the only ones that will be able to rally enough morale to strengthen our soldiers even more to keep fighting!"

No reply came back, no sound, no nothing, yet the com channel was still green. After a few seconds there was nothing but a bone chilling laughter emitting from the speakers.

"Sorry General, yet I'd hate to say it, but your little 'elite' squad of soldiers are feeling a bit under the weather at the moment. Oh and by under the weather I mean a laser bolt between their eyes. Your final hope is dead, face it General you've lost. You have no more Forsaken and his squad that you so heavily relied upon for help, and if your retreating fleet is being decimated as we speak. If you surrender now, I'd be happy to tell you that my Lord will grant you a swift death for treason, but I can't say the same or your crew at least."

The General's face was something that none of the crew had ever seen before. He was always composed; never showing fear or doubt and right as of now, it was plastered all over his face. Yet he continued onward with a rebuttal to the unknown assailant that had stolen his squad's communicator. "The day I would surrender to the likes of you little bastards would be the day I would turn against everything I stand for! I say for myself and as the forces I represent that we will not surrender and we will fight you all to the death if we have to!"

"Very well then, have it your way General." Then the green light showing the com channel was active was now red, which showed the transmission was ended. The General glanced around at his crew as they all had blank faces, staring at him and nodding in respect to his decision. They were willing to die for their cause, which made the General proud to have lead such men into battle. "Open a com channel to all of our remaining aircraft and soldiers. I have one last message to give to them."

The com officer nodded and got to work, opening all existing channels that they had programmed in their database to all their forces outside of the flagship. "The channels are online sir."

The General stood up and cleared his throat for his final speech he was going to give to his men who were proudly serving him to the end. "Men, I know you have all looked up to me as your superior officer and commander, yet on this battlefield today, there are no superiors. Here we are all equal men fighting for one cause, and that is to be free. We will fight to our death if we have to, and I will do so alongside all of the men that have proudly served under this banner of the Rebellion. Remember this today men that even if we fail and perish, that what we fought for, the right to be free, will never perish. It will live on as that if we do die trying to save it, we know that it can never perish as it will live in within all of us; there will be a time again when people will look to us as an example to fight for and that our deaths will not be in vain. Let this be our defiant last stand, that people deserve to be free and that no animal will suffer under the reign of another!"

The com channel was filled with high morale cheers and roars. They knew they were going to their dooms, yet it was for a worthy cause. This won't be forgotten, freedom can never be destroyed or locked up for too long.

General Peppy Hare sat there in his chair aboard the refurbished Great Fox II with a smile on his face, even though he was going to perish from the advancing enemy forces. He watched as each one of his remaining forces was wiped out one by one, until nothing remained but his flagships. When the enemy finally reached them, he had one final thought. "Well James, I had a good run buddy. Can't wait to see ya soon…"

A few seconds later he watched as the shield levels were depleted and the ship was hit by the main cannons of the enemy's flagships, sundering the hill and ripping apart the bridge. He died hoping that their deaths wouldn't be in vain, and that someone would look to their example and act as a beacon of hope in the dismal world that they live in.

Author's Note

Well it's one of my shortest chapters I have ever written, and probably not one of my best intros as it is pretty damn vague to say the least, but hey its supposed to be that way. All will be explained in due time… The next chapter will be waaaay longer hopefully, just want to see if this might be a good idea or not to follow through with! Anyways, I'm back now after a way too damn long hiatus if you people even cared about my other stories or even bothered to read em, then you either don't care about my bickering at all or just want to read more of this story and skip this stupid ass footnote that no one barely takes any time to read at all lol. Yep I do the same thing… Anyways next chapter should be up soon, hopefully!