It all happened so fast... so fast Ayane had barely seen it coming. Days keep on passing by in just a blink of an eye and suddenly, without even noticing... spring time has finally arrived.

Final exams are already over and soon enough, Ayane prepares herself to graduation. Of course, her family is complete for the important occasion... her father, her mother and her younger brother Daichi are coming with her, all dressed in their nicest clothing for her big day. Her school uniform was flattened well by her mother and they were also planning to eat in an expensive restaurant later, but neither any of this excites her at all.

It's been weeks that Ayane hadn't talked to her closest friend in the world, the only sister she ever had. She's been missing her so much... the Yuri she's been with since they were young.

She hadn't said a word since Ruki has decided to break up with her for good. Those things about her on the internet and on the front page news, the ex-fiance she mentioned to her once and what happened when she went to PSC to talk to Ruki...

But yet again, Yuri hadn't said any word to her. She was also nowhere to be found. She didn't talk to her that much and after school, she'll just go straight home, not turning back. Whenever she goes to her house for a visit, it seems like Yuri's not in there. She was like keeping herself, hiding from her and Ayane resented it. But she resented Ruki more for breaking Yuri's heart just like that.

"Ayane dear, we're gonna be late. Hayaku." she heard her mother knocked.

She sniffed, as she put on her shoes and reached for the door-knob of her room. She went downstairs and after a family shot from her father's digital camera, they took off to her graduation.

Yuri wasn't there. She expected that. Her heart flutter, thinking that Yuri's mother didn't probably flew here from Korea to attend her daughter's commencement. Not to mention that bastard Ruki, Ayane thought. She's still a fan of the GazettE, but never a fan of Ruki anymore after what she did to Yuri.

"Hey, stranger." she heard a familiar voice in a distance.

She turned around and saw Uruha and Reita walking towards her. She froze upon seeing them. Her parents turned to them too and were both startled, as Daichi began to talk non-sense when he recognized the two strangers, who had visited in their house once.

Uruha and Reita bowed when they stopped in front of them.

"Uruha-sama, Reita-sama... w-what are you doing here?" Ayane asked in disbelief.

"We need to talk to you Ayane-chan." Uruha said. "I hope the graduation's not starting yet."

"Can we have a moment with her for awhile? Onegaishimasu?" Reita asked Ayane's parents.

"The GazettE ne?" Ayane's mother beamed at Uruha and Reita.

They were surprised that she knew them. Uruha and Reita nodded though.

"There's still thirty minutes before the program starts." Ayane's father said. "We'll just wait here Ayane."

"Sumimasen okasan, otosan." Ayane excused herself."Arigatou...?" Uruha was abashed for not knowing Ayane's last name to thank her parents.

"Hayashi." he was relieved that Ayane's mother answered for him.

"Arigatou Mr. and Mrs. Hayashi." Uruha smiled. "This won't take long, we promise."

Ayane then walked off awkwardly with the two of them, and stopped somewhere further from the crowded grounds of outside Osaka High. She wasn't expecting them to see her, not during this day of her graduation. Especially after she just confessed her true feelings to Uruha and Yuri's breakup with Ruki, and those false intrigues about Reita...

"It was really hard for us in going here, you know?" Uruha began, as soon as they were left alone. "The management is freaking paranoid because of those damn reporters, and Ruki's a cold-hearted bastard than ever."

"I came here to see Yuri-chan." Reita said. "Will she be here for the graduation?"

"She's not coming." Ayane told them. "I haven't seen her for a couple of days now, actually. It scares me, because I think she's been really depressed to these things that are happening around her." she added.

Reita has gotten even more scared for Yuri, thinking that these were all his fault in the first place.

"Do you have any idea where could she be right now?" he asked with fret.

"Maybe she's in her house." Ayane answered. "But I'm not sure if she's gonna go out and talk to you, because however I tried it still didn't work out."

But Reita wasn't listening. When he heard from Ayane that Yuri could be in her house, he ran off immediately leaving them both astounded.

"He was really worried about Yuri-chan." Uruha said, just after Reita disappeared from their sight. "I can't blame him if he's in love with your best friend."

"What are you talking about?" Ayane was stunned. "So you're saying that those things on the internet were half-true?"

"Reita's not admitting anything to us that he do like Yuri-chan." Uruha stated. "But I've known him for a long time, the type of girl he likes. I can see it on his actions and the way he worries for her."

"B-but Yuri-chan told me that she only sees Reita-sama as a brother figure." Ayane responded.

"That's what I've thought at first too, that Reita only sees Yuri-chan as his little sister." Uruha concurred.

Ayane didn't speak for a moment and there was an equally hollow silence between them. When Uruha break the silence, she then stared intently at the ground to avoid his lucid eyes, which captivate her every time she looks at them.

"I feel very sorry for Yuri-chan too." she heard him say. "I hated Ruki for believing the reporters and for dumping his girl friend without getting her side. It's so fucking unfair to Yuri-chan's side, forgive my language." Uruha exasperated.

"If it's possible that Reita-sama do really like my Yuri-chan, then I'll prefer him better for her rather than that Ruki." she stated.

"I agree." Uruha nodded.

There was another silence. Uruha was the one who spoke again this time.

"Congratulations on your graduation by the way." he said.

"A-arigatou Uruha-sama." Ayane said shyly, taking a single glance to him.

"So, what's your plan after High school?" he asked, half-smiling at her.

"College, I-I guess." she replied. "I'll be taking an Art related course."

"That's- nice..." Uruha beamed.

There was something in his mind that he wanted to tell her all this time, since she confessed her feelings to him...

"How's life?" Ayane suddenly just asked out of the blue.

"W-what life? My band life or my personal life?" Uruha asked back.

"Everything..." Ayane said softly.

He was surprised by her answer, that he couldn't help not to stare at her.

"I'm doing great." Uruha responded. "The new album is almost done and we're having another comeback concert tomorrow evening. I hope you'll be there."

Ayane just smiled at him.

"I-I hope you'll be there for me always, Ayane-chan..." he added.

That's what his been wanting to tell her... and Ayane seems moved by what he said.

"My heart is okay now because of you... and I want to thank you for that." he told her.

"Uruha-sama..." Ayane whimpered.

"I'm sorry for making you cry because of me and for making you wait." Uruha said with sincerity. "Ayane-chan... will you go out with me in our free time?" he finally asked her.

She couldn't believe that she's hearing these words from him now. It was so overwhelming, she felt that she's about to cry, and for a moment she was speechless... Uruha seemed to be really serious from what he said.

Yes, he was dead serious to what he told her. From that day she confessed her feelings to him, he just couldn't forget her. She was the reason why he finally learned to let go of his first love, that's why he owe his heart to her... but that's not just the reason why he'd started liking her... those times that they've been together, the way she spoke, her childish actions and that cute pale face blushed in pink and the curly hair... apart from that, she was sweet, but could be sturdy in times of difficulty and will always be there whenever you need her.

"Shall I repeat my questio-" he was interrupted by her.

"Hai, I want to go out with you." Ayane answered him sharply, without any hesitation.

Uruha smiled at her, while Ayane felt that her cheeks are turning red now. Nobody spoke, instead they watched a few petals falling from the Sakura trees... it was their quiet moment together, until Ayane panicked when she remembered the graduation.

"I have to go!" she said. "I'll see you sometime Uruha-sama, so re ja!"

"Matte!" Uruha stopped her, before she could even walk away. He then went closer to her and pointed something in the air...

"Look over there, you've gotta see it." he said.

"Nani? Doko?" Ayane looked away when suddenly, Uruha just kissed her lips...

Her heart skipped a beat... she couldn't move. If she's dreaming, she wished that she will not wake up. It was the first time that someone kissed her, and that person who kissed her was someone she's been wanting all her life.

"Did I just taste candy?" Uruha asked her the moment he pulled himself from her.

But Ayane was in deep shock and her mind seems to be floating on space. Uruha couldn't help not to laugh seeing her in this kind of state...

"Before I forgot..." he said, beaming."Here are the two VIP tickets for our concert at Tokyo Dome tomorrow evening." he took out the tickets from inside his jacket and gave them to her. "Try to bring Yuri-chan with you."

Ayane still couldn't speak, she just stare at the tickets in her hands.

"Be there." Uruha demanded. "Now, you may go or else you're gonna be late for the graduation."

Reita was glad that he was able to spot Yuri exactly when he arrived on her house. She didn't change a bit, except her eyes that look so sad.

He's been dying to talk to her all this time after those troubles he had caused her. He wanted to say sorry... most of all, he wanted her to know that what he feels for her is true.

When Yuri saw him, she stopped taking steps towards her house as he just stood there. He watched her intently, waiting for her to say something but when she didn't, he then approached her first with a smile on his face...

"Ohayou gozaimasu." he greeted.

"R-Reita-san... what are you doing here?" she asked him.

"I need to talk to you." Reita answered.

Yuri doesn't know what to answer him. She wanted to avoid everybody connected to Ruki... that's what she promised to herself, since that last incident at PSC. But when she thinks about it again, she realized that this is going to be the last time. She'll be leaving Japan tomorrow evening and there's no assurance of coming back...

They both sat near the doorway of Yuri's house. The surrounding was quiet and the morning of the first week of spring is as cold as the last days of winter.

Reita swallowed hard, as he gazes at Yuri without knowing where to begin. He was somewhat afraid that she might just reject his feelings for her.

So instead, he asked her the same old question... "How are you?"

"I'm not okay." she answered.

He wasn't expecting her telling him the truth. He was thankful though, that she let him know her condition.

"Yuri-chan gomen ne. If it wasn't because of me you-"

"It's not your fault Reita-san." Yuri intercepted him. "It's all mine."

"No Yuri." Reita disagreed. "The fans are attacking you negatively and the reporters follow you everywhere. It's all because of those photos and Ruki..." he stopped, seeing Yuri looking even more sadly at the mention of Ruki's name.

"Gomenasai." he said softly.

Yuri smiled at him warily.

"How is he by the way?" she asked.

Something just pinched Reita's heart when he heard her question... why does she still bother to ask for that someone who doesn't care for her anymore?

"I don't care about Ruki." he replied bitterly.

"He's with that Kaori ne?" she said ignoring his answer. "You know, they look good together."

Reita was taken aback from what she said.

"What are you saying?" he narrowed his eyes to her.

"I mean Ruki's a rock star, with fans. I'm one of those fans, so there isn't any compatibility there." Yuri stated, hurting deep inside. "But Kaori... she's different and she's everything a rock star should be with."

"What's wrong with you Yuri?" Reita was slightly annoyed to her statements. "Don't compare yourself to Kaori and fans aren't taken for granted. Stop saying that."

But Yuri couldn't hide her weak side to him anymore. And Reita noticed that her eyes were seemed a little glassy, like she was about to cry any moment from now.

"I wish I haven't met him." she said, her voice breaking. "I wish I didn't confront him during that fan signing two years ago and I wish that I was never been a fan of GazettE!"

"Yuri..." Reita whispered.

He saw her cry again in front of him and he doesn't know, how to make those tears stop from falling in her eyes.

"I'm here Yuri-chan." he said. "I'll never leave you like what Ruki did."

And then all of a sudden he just said it to her...

"Aishiteru." he uttered, feeling the urge of holding her but as expected she avoided him.

"Hontou ni gomen Reita-san de mo... It's hard for me to forget Ruki." Yuri told him, wiping her tears with her hands.

It was hurtful, but still Reita tried to understand.

"Ruki... he could be cold sometimes and impassive..." Yuri looked away, controlling her tears from flowing out. "But he cares for the people around him. He could also be sweet in his own little way. He doesn't want to be called in his last name, because it makes him feel old and he also does surprising things like, popping out from nowhere without telling me."

Reita could never be defined by Yuri like Ruki and she's not the Nancy his been looking for... she was never been and will never be.

"Ruki... he's the first man I loved..." she added."I was never been in love and hurt like this before at the same time."

"You really loved him." he said weakly.

"Thank you for everything Reita-san. I'll never forget all the things you did for me and for the memories we had." Yuri thanked him.

Reita felt that it was like her farewell...

"W-we have a concert tomorrow, will you be there?" he tried to change the topic, even though it cuts him like a knife.

Her smile in pretense finally faded. It took awhile before Reita heard her answer.

"I c-can't." she replied.

"I understand if you really don't want to see us anymore." he said.

"It's not like that..." Yuri muttered.

"Then be there!" Reita snapped. "At least do it for Uruha and for me... as your nii-chan."

She glared at him. It was relieving that he still wants him to be her brother after she just refused his feelings for her... Does this already mean that he finally gave her up? She hopes so.

But she have to say her goodbye to him, and she's afraid that he's also the one who have to tell Uruha her gratitude for being there for her when she was down.

"I won't be there, gomen." she said, struggling to tell him the reason. "I have a flight to Korea... I'm not coming back."

Reita was stunned.

"K-Korea?" he stuttered.

"Hai. I'll be living with my okasan." Yuri said. "I will start my college in there too."

"D-did you already tell this to Ayane-chan?" Reita asked, still in disbelief.

"I don't want her to know about this yet, so please don't tell her." Yuri replied. "I'll just call her when I get there."

"But Yuri, she's your best friend... she has the right to know you're leaving." Reita reminded her.

"It's hard to say goodbye to the person you've been with since childhood." she responded. "Maybe she'll hate me at first, but I know that she'll understand it in the end, because she knows that it's what's best for me."

Reita didn't say a word. He now knows that of all the person who's hurt at this moment, that would be Yuri...

"Sayonara Reita-san." Yuri smiled. "Please give my thanks to Uruha. Good luck on your concert tomorrow."

That was it... she's gone. He will never see her forever. But wherever stage he'll be performing, he will owe every performance to her, to the girl he thought that was his Nancy and to a fan who tried to change a band.


Ruki lighted his cigarette, as he watches Kaori polished her nails in the sofa opposite him. It was actually tedious to see a woman getting her nails done in front of you, while she keeps on talking about the same old things like how you first met and the memories you'd shared together... stuff like that, it makes him feel fed-up.

She's been with him for awhile now, since she moved to his apartment and began living with him again after they broke up for a long time, and when Yuri became his girlfriend.

Nothing's changed about her. She was still the same Kaori who had loved him in the past. The same pretty face, her husky voice, her vanity, her sweetness and her annoying traits... at PSC, the co-workers were starting to get used with her holding him wherever he goes, as if she was to say that they're really back together. Even the pass became useless by now. The management is liking her now too, that they even allowed her at GazettE's recordings and on backstage during concerts.

Except his band mates and their personal manager.

He never saw her this happy before, but even though there's a saying that love is sweeter the second time around... something has changed with what he feels for her. Time and circumstances seemed to amend everything. And how much he tried to deny and forget, unlike Kaori... he's not happy to what were happening.

He wished at this moment that Yuri's the one who's with him and not Kaori. His been missing her so much, that's the truth. It hurts him deeply to see the girl he loves being taken away and dragged out like she was some stranger. He hated himself for letting that incident at PSC happen... he couldn't forget her eyes full of tears begging him to listen to her explanation.

He wanted to believe her though. But every time he thinks about the photos and when he almost caught his best friend kiss his own girlfriend, his anger intensifies and his jealousy for the both of them kills him... he just couldn't forgive all the lies and for being fooled, just like that.

"Takanori? Are you still listening to me?" he heard Kaori asked him, which putted him back from his thoughts.

"I said I'm going at your concer-"

There was a sudden ring of the doorbell.

"You have a visitor." Kaori frowned, as she stood from her seat and walked off to get the door carefully and slowly, or her fresh pedicure might mess-up.

"Akira-san!" she smiled at him deviously, upon opening the door and saw Reita standing there.

He was however, wasn't surprised at all in finding out that she was living with Ruki again. He didn't smile back instead, he just entered inside without any permission. He ignored her presence like she was a ghost and went to the living area where he found Ruki, sitting in the comfort of his sofa while smoking his cigarette.

"Look who's here my dear." Kaori said in the same tone, Reita always hated.

"We have to talk Ruki." he said, still ignoring Kaori.

"There's nothing to talk about." Ruki answered coldly, taking a single glance to him and then looked away.

They're just nothing but band mates now, not friends anymore remember? That's the consequence of choosing his girlfriend Yuri over him, Ruki thought.

"You heard him Akira?" Kaori mocked. "My Takanori doesn't want to talk to you."

Again, Reita ignored her.

"Why couldn't you just forget that single, stupid lie Yuri-chan and I made up during your birthday?" he stated. "The reason why she wasn't at the party is because, she was afraid that the moment you introduce her to everyone in the company... they'll just be disappointed because there isn't any compatibility between a rock star like you, and an ordinary fan like her."

"And then you came in the scene." Kaori interrupted. "You had this little chat with her in the cafeteria- that's when it all started. You took advantage with her so-called innocence, as she also took advantage to your brotherly gestures."

Reita was already losing his temper and before he could even control himself...

"Shut the fuck up Kaori! I'm not talking to you!" he roared.

Both Kaori and Ruki were stunned.

"I admit-" Reita said firmly. "that I like her. I wished that she's the one I first met rather than Fumiko or she met me first rather than you but... Yuri-chan didn't wish the same."

Ruki could feel that Reita was hurting when he said it. But even so, the things he told him wouldn't change his mind anymore.

"If I were you I'm going to save my energy for the concert tomorrow, rather than coming here and talk nonsense." he said, still trying to look emotionless like he really doesn't care.

Reita hated it. His calmness and his poker face, showing him without any trace of sympathy.

"Nonsense? You're calling this nonsense?" he narrowed his eyes to him resentfully. "Yuri-chan is suffering because of you! Because of what you and Kaori did to her! How could you dump her like that? She didn't do such big mistake for you to treat her so badly!"

"We already broke up Reita." Ruki intercepted. "You don't have to tell me these things because I'm done with her. She's now all yours."

Cold hearted bastard.

"Damn you Ruki!" Reita raced forward to him and grabbed his shirt tightly, making Kaori panic.

"Yamete!" she went in between them and tries to control Reita's temper towards Ruki.

But Reita wouldn't let go off Ruki. He was facing him intently, his eyes full of hatred.

"How could you do this to Yuri-chan?" he snarled. "How could you be so heartless, living here with this suppon and showing the world out there that your both back together while Yuri-chan is in pain? How could you?"

They went quiet for a moment, as Ruki tries himself not to dwell on over these things Reita's been telling him. He doesn't want it to change his mind about Yuri. Because like her, he was in pain too... in so much pain for being hurt by her and for hurting her.

"Let go of my shirt Reita." he told him. "If you have nothing else to say, please- just leave."

Reita was losing hope, he felt weary. All he wanted was to convince Ruki, to change his mind... he was the only one who could stop Yuri from leaving but it seems like their friendship will have a gash forever.

He finally loosened his grip to Ruki, as he pulled himself away from him.

"Yuri-chan still chose you instead of me." Reita said weakly. "She didn't accept my feelings for her, because you were hard to forget, that's what she told me... she even defined who you are in front of me, every detail of your personality. She said you were the first man she loved and that you and Kaori look good together."

Ruki didn't expect that. It made his heart flutter, as the memories of Yuri and the moments they shared were coming back like it all happened yesterday.

"She's leaving to Korea tomorrow evening during our concert." Reita said. "She's not gonna come back."

Ruki was startled.

"I hope you'll regret this for the rest of your damn rock star life." he said through gritted teeth and walked out.


There was something in the floor near the door and Yuri walked over to take it. She went still for a moment, finding out that it was a VIP ticket at GazettE's concert which is set tonight... the same time of her flight.

And then she felt frosty tears on her cheeks as she realized that Ayane could've slid the ticket on her doorway. She realized that they had rarely seen each other these days. She haven't talk to her for a long while now. She was not even answering her calls, worst of all, she didn't inform her that she's leaving and not saying goodbye.

And then she thought about Ruki. She wanted to see him for the last time, to hear his voice... if only she could be there, but it's time for her to go. It's better to leave this way rather than to be hurt upon seeing the person she loves.

She wanted to disappear in his life as if he had never met her. But those memories they had, both bitter and sweet... she'll never forget every moment of it...

Her bags were packed and ready. Her room was left the same as it was like she was always been there. She rolled her eyes around the little house she lived since she was young and where her father and her mother were once there living with her too. After all, she's going to miss the place, the quiet neighborhood, her school, the Sakura trees, the cold Japan morning and all the people she had met.

She goes outside and waited for the taxi. It didn't take long before it arrived. She looked at her watch for the time. Her flight is an hour away...

Everything was all set for tonight's concert and the rehearsal is already done, but the GazettE's manager was having a problem with everyone in the band. It seems like their personal problems are getting into their performance and he fears that it may affect the real show later.

They were having a hard time with each other. An awkward silence hollowed the member room as the staff work on with their hair and makeup. Kai couldn't take the situation anymore, so he decided to start a conversation with his band mates.

"If you guys wanted to say something directly, you better should start talking right now..." he said.

"Yeah right." Aoi smirked. "Go on Rei-chan, tell us all that hard feelings for Ruki." he took a glance at Reita sitting in the opposite corner.

Reita wanted to hit him hard on the face for calling him that stupid name again, but he just ignored him.

"How about you Ruki?" Aoi turns to the vocalist sitting beside him. "Want to say something to the blonde hair boy with the noseband?" he teased.

But Ruki wasn't listening. He just kept on checking the time in the wall clock reflected on the mirror in front of him. Yuri's flight is less than an hour away.

He couldn't stop thinking about what Reita told him that she's leaving to Korea since yesterday, when he went to his apartment... so she decided to live with her mother and take her college there. But then again, why should he care? Leaving Japan is what's better for her, what's better for the both of them. She could start a new life, as he goes on with his career, moving on with Kaori.

But she's not coming back. And the bitter truth remains that she's still the one his heart beats all this time.

"Please boys… be in the condition to perform and leave the fans satisfied." Ruki heard the voice of their manager. "This is your only chance to avert them from all the controversies you've been into."

"Rei-chan is the only one who's controversial here." Aoi commented.

"Aoi! Zip your goddamn mouth for fuck sakes." Uruha exasperated.

"I'm not talking to you dumbass." Aoi said irritably.

Everyone in the room could feel that there's a tension starting to rise between the two guitarists. And before it'll make the matters worse, the manager already tried to cut it off.

"The fans is now entering the venue, please behav-"

"You're the dumbass here Aoi!" Uruha stood from his seat, making the hairspray slip from his stylist as he was still supposed to fix his hair.

"You have a problem with me?" Aoi stood sharply from his seat too and walked closer to Uruha.

The other people in the room were all looking at them now, except Ruki.

"Are you pissed off because I'm mocking Rei-chan?" Aoi narrowed his eyes at Uruha. "Tell you what... he deserves more than that. Because he's the asshole who chose that chibi friend of yours over Ruki!"

Kai went over to break the fight between them this time.

"So your teaming up with that heartless bastard? Is this what it's all about? Getting on sides?" Uruha retorted. "I'm on Reita's side then! You're right for saying that he deserves more- Yuri-chan deserves him more than that Ruki over there, who could get easily fooled by what he only sees and hears without trusting his own girlfriend!"

Ruki was caught there.

"Guys cool down please." Kai pleaded.

"Alright, it's my fault." Reita suddenly spoke. "I'm sorry for destroying our friendship and for falling in love with our vocalist's girlfriend but... there's no use of fighting about any of this anymore. She's leaving Japan now and she's not coming back. So please, just prepare yourselves for our concert tonight instead." he stated, as he stood from his seat and walked out from the room leaving them all speechless.

Ruki decided to follow him, but he didn't see him anywhere. He thought that maybe he was in the restroom, but he stopped when he spotted Kaori with her friend Nori who just came out from the female's.

"I'm glad Ruki allowed you to come with him on GazettE's concert." he heard Nori say, as he hid in a near distance to listen.

"Of course! I'm just making sure that he won't stop the bitchy chibi's flight to Korea." Kaori replied.

"What? She's leaving?" Nori nearly yelled.

"Hai! She's out of my Takanori's life finally!" Kaori exclaimed in victory.

"I'm so happy for you my dear Kaori." Nori beamed. "You were able to get him back after those photos you shown him. I can say that our strategy was really effective!"

"Hai! Thanks to your friend working on the photography department at PSC." Kaori smiled. "He took the right shots making those photos look like there's really romance between Akira and that Yuri."

Ruki suddenly felt warm blood rushing on his face from the things he heard. Uruha was right... he could get easily be fooled, he was so fooled that he didn't even trust his own girlfriend. How could he be so blind? What has he done to the girl he loves? How could he be so hard on her when the truth is, she had loved him all this time.

He hated Kaori for deceiving him. He should've believed Yuri rather than her or the photos and those reporters. He was feeling so sorry for Reita too... and now, Yuri is leaving. He will never see her again once she flew to Korea. Yes, Reita was right too... he will definitely regret the things he did to Yuri for the rest of his life. He will regret that he was the reason why Yuri left and that he didn't stop her.

But he will stop her no matter what. Nothing and no one could block his way from following Yuri. Not even the concert tonight, or his band mates or their manager. Neither Kaori nor those damn reporters. He won't let her leave him just like that... not in this way that he finally found the girl of his life.

He raced back to the member room, gasping for breath as he asked for his manager's car keys.

"What are you gonna do with these?" the manager asked him confusingly as he grabbed it from him. "Don't tell me you're leavin-"

"Please tell the organizers that the concert has been cancelled." Ruki noted. "Excuse the band for our fans too."

The manager, Uruha, Aoi, Kai and the staff in the whole room were all dumbfounded. And before he walked off he added...

"Aoi, tell Reita I'm sorry for everything but Yuri is still mine." he said.

Aoi stared at his band mates in disbelief, as Ruki wished that he would still make it to Osaka airport just in time.


Yuri was getting impatient with the heavy traffic on the way. She's been stuck on the road for almost half an hour now, and she fears that she might not be able to make it to her flight.

It's getting late and she just couldn't stop thinking about Ruki and the concert that would start sooner... it made her head hurt.

"Damn... it's still not yet moving." she heard the driver said, who was referring to the traffic. "I'm afraid that I can do nothing about this mess Miss. We need to wait a little longer."

Yuri sighed, as she leaned her head against the windshield. She glared up to the dark sky, yet filled with shining stars. The Osaka weather for tonight seems good.

The driver noticed her all quiet and maybe annoyed that she won't catch the airport. So for her not to be bored he then hit the radio on and tuned it exactly to some modern station.


Yuri froze as the music started... the familiar beautiful voice, the same sentimental lyrics and the distinct melody.

"A simple lie filled up everyday...We lost meaning of heart we knew...With raised voice I am searching for the words to hurt you...Falling tears build up-"

The song was so sad and lonely, making her remember the last time she saw Ruki. All the heartache is tearing her heart apart, she couldn't help but to cry.

"Miss, are you okay?" the driver asked her through the rearview mirror upon seeing her face in tears.

"I just really want to leave..." she answered, sniffing."This traffic is getting so slow."

Ruki drove even faster, fearing that he wouldn't get a chance to stop Yuri's departure. Time is ticking, making him panic that once Yuri's gone, it'll be forever and he doesn't know when to start his new life again without her.

He tried all the shortcuts he knew to get to Osaka immediately, passing all the pedestrians and vehicles ahead of him. He doesn't care if he'll get reported speed-driving or he could hit anything on the way. Nothing can stop him from getting his girlfriend back to him. Anyway, he's a good driver though... everyone who knew him knows that he drives the fastest among all the members of GazettE, and could maneuver around traffic without being caught.

But behind his black Volvo, an unsuspicious looking white van continues to follow his destination. He didn't take notice of it going after him since he left the venue of their concert... three people are inside that van; a male driver, who's into online news about the famous. Then another male photographer, who's pro in his field and a female blogger, who's such a diehard enthusiast about Visual Kei... all of them are dying to get into the private life of one of the rock stars in Japan.

"What are we doing in Osaka?" the 30s-something driver wondered at his two colleagues, upon noticing that they were already in Tokyo's boundary.

"That's what we're gonna find out." the woman next to him answered.


"What's happening here?" Aoi asked Kai, when he spotted him on what seems to be a commotion next door to the member room.

"Suppon is freaking out that Ruki left." Kai answered him in a whisper. "She's interrogating the poor organizers about it."

Aoi laughed, making the on-lookers' staff look at him.

"Loser." he muttered. "Do you think Ruki would be able to stop Yuri from leaving?" he inquired, ignoring Kaori's rants.

"I don't know Aoi-san." he replied. "But I wish that Yuri-chan would still forgive Ruki for breaking her heart."

"Where's the dumbass by the way?" Aoi changed the topic, suddenly observing that Uruha isn't around anymore.

Kai chuckled, knowing that he was talking about their lead guitarist.

"He left with Reita." he replied. "They look happy, maybe because the concert has been cancelled."

"Yeah..." Aoi smiled deviously. "I noticed too Kai-kun."

"Ms. Ayane Hayashi!" Uruha called out, walking towards the girl in her Kurorori outfit.

"Takishima Kouyou!" the girl called back, turning her head at him. "I've been waiting for almost an hour! What took you so long?"

"Sumimasen." he went closer to her. "The management's been scolding us. It's all Ruki's fault."

She smiled.

"I got your text message, while I was joining the other fans leave." she said. "Damn I hate Yuri!" she exclaimed.

"I couldn't believe it too, when Reita told me." Uruha responded. "But we can't blame Yuri-chan. Besides, it's what her okasan wanted for her."

Ayane's smile faded, when she thought about her best friend not coming back. And then, she began sobbing... Yuri didn't even say goodbye.

"Hey..." Uruha was astounded. "Ruki won't let her go Ayane-chan. Trust me, you crybaby." he comforted her and hugged her tightly.

"I hope so Uruha-sama... I hope so." Ayane murmured.

Meanwhile, Reita was making his way back home at Kai's apartment, when his phone suddenly rang upon entering the condominium building.

He ignored it. He was just too tired to talk to anyone at this moment. So many things had happened today, that all he wanted is to put it all to sleep.

Not until he finally arrived at the apartment...

Another call, he just ignored. And then his phone vibrated. He just received a new text message.

He decided to check it out.

"I'm back here in Tokyo, let me see you. I'm so sorry, please let's talk."

It was from Fumiko. She's been contacting him all this time. He doesn't know what to do.

It took a long while before he thought about answering back... she's been too away from him since they broke up.

"Not now, I'm exhausted. Maybe next time? I don't know when."

He's not ready to see her just yet. He wanted to move on first from Yuri and then he'll think about seeing her again.

"It's not easy to forget someone who isn't like you Fumiko." Reita whispered to himself.


"Oh no!" Yuri sighed in dismay, after the taxi driver dropped her at the airport 15 minutes later.

She just missed her flight... there's no way she's spending another day in Japan and buy another ticket for a reschedule. She then immediately made an overseas call to inform it to her mother, but the line seems busy. And as she was walking out from the airport, an un-noticeable car just parked over in a distance...

Ruki rolled his eyes around. His heart was beating relentlessly. He couldn't see her anywhere. Did he just miss her? Was she already gone?

He froze. He'll die in regret for letting her go and it's all his fault... until his eyes caught a familiar looking girl in her red coat, half-sitting on the ground with her luggage and a backpack.

Was he dreaming? But she looked exactly like the pretty girl he met on a spring eve two years ago, during his band's concert.

He walked closer to her. That voice... it's been awhile since he last heard it. She was humming something... he swallowed hard when he realized, that it was the chorus of Gentle Lie.

Ruki cleared his throat. "I didn't know you like that song." he said.

Yuri stopped humming upon hearing the voice behind her. When she turned around, she almost choked...

"R-Ruki...?" she stuttered in deep shock.

He beamed at her and offered his hand to get her back to her feet.

"So you don't want to leave me, after all?" Ruki snickered.

But Yuri avoided him. She stood up by herself instead.

"I missed my flight, but I'll still leave." she grimaced. "That's what you want, right?"

She walked pass him, but Ruki stopped her.

"Gomenasai." he said. His smile faded, seeing Yuri this way.

"That's what I've told you many times." she replied, her voice breaking. "But you never listened."

She wanted to go, but Ruki was holding her arm tightly.

"If you leave me I'll die..." he nearly whispered.

"Let me go." Yuri said weakly, as tears began streaming from her eyes.

"No." Ruki refused. "I'm so sorry for not believing in you. I'm so sorry for distrusting you and for hurting you so bad. I'm so sorry about Kaori too and to what we did to you back there at PSC. I'm such a fool, a bastard and I don't blame you if you still hate me."

He waited for her to speak, as he looked deep into her glassy eyes. He hated himself, seeing her vulnerable like this and for being the reason why she's hurting so much.

"You're a rock star Ruki and I'm just a fan." Yuri finally spoke. "We can't be together. We're not meant to be."

She tried to release herself from him. But with only a few steps away, Ruki abruptly grabbed her back and crushed her to him.

"I don't care." he said through her shoulder. "You're the girl that I love and I want to be with you forever."

Yuri cried. All her emotions are now flowing out, feeling her heart quiver as she buried her face to Ruki's chest.

"Even if you'll still go to Korea or to wherever place in this world, I will find you and the moment I see you, I'll never let you go again." he stated.

Yuri couldn't believe she's hearing these words from him... it made her happy and contented being back with the man she first love, and probably her last.

The wounds of the bitter moments from yesterday are all starting to fade...

"Oh-my-god... it's Ruki of GazettE and his girlfriend!"

Ruki and Yuri both jumped when they saw a suddenly group of observers gathered around them.

"Ruki! Reporters!" Yuri gasped, as she buried her face back to Ruki's chest, so that her face wouldn't be seen.

The photographer from the van following Ruki all the way to the airport, has started taking shots. While the others kept on asking questions, until more and more people noticed the commotion. And before Ruki knew it, he and Yuri will be the tomorrow morning's front news.

"What are we gonna do Ruki?" Yuri asked in fret. "If the management knew about this-"

She paused when Ruki pulled her from him.

"What did I tell you?" he smiled at her, as she was feeling abashed that her face has gotten slightly shown. "I don't care Yuri. Let the whole world know that you're my girlfriend."

And then he kissed her... Yuri could feel the shocked reactions of the people around them, as the photographer kept on clicking his SLR.

She never knew that Ruki has such soft and sweet lips and like him... she doesn't care now anymore too, if everybody, whether the PSC or the GazettE fans will know her identity.

It's just... she's Ruki's girlfriend, the hater turned fan who fell in love with a rock star.


A/N: Yosh! This fanfic is finally over!(^_^) I'm so happy that I was able to put all the characters in place on this last chapter! Sorry for making it too long: D Anyway, please read my next fanfic too! It's connected with chapter 8 and it's all about Kai, I hope you'll like it! Thanks a lot for reading! Aishiteru3