Title: (Super)Heroes
Rating: T
Warnings: Language, Violence
Summary: The flock settles down in NY, but when Kick-Ass and the gang show up, things start getting complicated: identities, relationships, secrets, and yeah… trying to save the world doesn't help much either. R&R!
Feedback: It's always loved and appreciated, guys.
Disclaimer:I own neither sets of characters. I just use them as barbies for my own liking.
Author's Note: There are so many things I'm looking forward to in this story now! It's been so long, but so fun to come back to it. I hope you guys enjoy. I'm trying to think of a different title; does anyone have ideas? I'll credit you if I use your suggestion!
"So what the hell even happened to Dave?"
Marty looked up from his comic at Todd. "You're asking too much of me, man," he stated before looking back down. "He probably hasn't stopped jerking off since his English professor's nip slip on Monday."
"Yeah, but see, he wasn't there for that, dude. He hasn't been around since Friday," Todd remarked. "Don't you think that's a little fucking weird?" Marty responded to his question with a shrug, "Maybe he decided to ditch Katie and bang Max. Neither of them have been here, now that you mention it."
"Fuck off, man," Todd exclaimed, furrowing his brows as Marty laughed. Of course, he was considering the same option last night when thinking about the fact that they weren't there. "Wait," he stated, putting his sandwich down. "If that's the case, then what about the rest of them? The other kids, I mean." Marty put down his comic book, giving out the heaviest sigh since they argued over which Marvel universe was better two weeks before. "Why do you care so much, dude? I thought you pussied out on Max."
"Well, I'm not worried about her," Todd replied. "I'm just saying this doesn't add up."
Marty stared off, debating what the next move should be. "We could always ask her," he proposed, gesturing over to Katie. Todd cringed at her messy makeup. Clearly some shit was going on as she was sitting alone, crying for what seemed to be the billionth time that week. "Maybe not, man," Todd replied. "She looks messed up. Besides, if Dave did cheat on her, she'd be the last person we should ask."
Marty gave it some thought. "Maybe he's dead."
Todd's eyes widened. "What?" Marty laughed, "It's obviously a joke. Chill."
"No, what if it's not?" Todd said in seriousness. "Think about it. Isn't it weird that the only people who left are him, Max, and her siblings? What if they ran into bad shit?"
"Uh, I don't know if you were there when Max absolutely obliterated that one varsity player last week, but I'm pretty sure that information alone says they're probably just fine," Marty said. Todd glared at him. "Or… maybe we can check it out, fuck," Marty says, holding his hands up in obedience. They jumped up, tossing their lunch and contemplating where they should go. It took a few minutes before Todd finally proposed:
"Doesn't that one girl have a cop for a dad? What's her name - Mindy?"
How long has it even been?
I winced as I quickly knocked down the barriers of the maze. It had been the seventh time I did this one, but they only just added the shock waves if I took too slow - whoopie. Iggy was one maze over struggling as well, though they gave him loud sounds to mess up his patterns.
How are you holding up, sweetie? I called out in my head, hoping Angel could hear me. We were separated by age, meaning I wouldn't be able to see her again until we got back to the cages. Even worse, I had no contact with anyone other than Iggy unless she was responding. Thankfully, though, she happened to be thinking about me at this moment.
I'm doing okay, she said, and I could almost hear the sweetness of her voice. I'm just a little tired, but I'm not failing anything, so that's good, right?
Of course, baby. I quickly jumped over the ledge, grabbed the bar and swung off to the finish line. I swear, if this were just in the real world, I would be 10-time olympic champion. It wouldn't be fair by any means, but let's be honest here: what ever is?
Gazzy says hi- ewww he told me to tell you he just farted, too!
I laughed in between my dry-heaves. At least they were trying to stay positive. I wanted to see them. I wanted to hold them and say that it was going to be okay, that this was only going to be a quick, temporary setback before we could be by ourselves again. But I was so tired. And hungry. I don't even remember the last time any of us were offered a meal other than by IV fluids. I looked at my arm, still bruised from the needles. All of this was pain I hadn't been used to in a long, long time.
Some of your greatest pains can become your biggest strengths, Max. Think of it as a reminder of that, the Voice cooed in my ear.
I rolled my eyes. You would think a place with such mad amounts of brainwashing and drilling would take a nuisance like the Voice out of my head, but of course not.
Thank you, Voice, I responded dryly. Where did you get that philosophy from: the newest "Eat, Pray, Love"?
"You have 15 seconds left to complete your maze, J4837," I heard a voice bark out. I swung around to see a guy struggling to get to his own finish line. He was wading through the water, waves pushing him back before he could even muster a few steps forward. There was no way he could finish in time with the technique he knew.
Max, think before you act, the Voice suggested. I wanted to tell it I was definitely weighing my options, but that flew right out of the window when I saw him get pushed under the water from all the pressure against him. He was definitely a reptile of sorts, but it was obvious he hadn't gained control of his body yet. Max, seriously, the Voice said almost commandingly, but it was too late. "5 seconds," the white coat called out.
In one motion, I swooped low by the water, reached my arms in and grabbed the slinky kid. His weight against the water made it hard to lift him high enough, though, and I lost my grip quicker than expected. Instantly, we collided against the ground, hitting the finish line just as the alarm sounded for time.
The white coats surrounded us, taking notes on the situation as they called for backup. "Are you okay?" I asked exasperated as the guy started coughing up water. He opened his eyes slightly when he regained his breath, yellow-tinted and snake-like. "Are you okay?" I repeated as I started to wipe away his hair. Suddenly, a hand firmly grasped my arm, yanking me back, My eyes widened as I spun around and laid a good punch on the white coat's face, sending him backwards instantly. "I was just asking a question!" I yelled at them, but as I turned back to the kid, two others pinned me down, slamming my face into the tile floor. I tried kicking my way out of the position, but there was no way to reach them at the angle they were at.
"The rules clearly stated that subjects were to finish their mazes on their own," a white coat began reporting, gesturing others to view the scene. "If J4837 could not achieve this, it was not a situation you should have entered regardless."
"Who gives a shit?" I cried out before a taser hit my side. Instantly I was down for the count, unable to get up on my own. Two of the bigger men picked me up and tossed me on the table as others did the same to this J48-something-or-other kid, who was obviously more compliant than me. He looked at me, tears in his eyes as he mouthed a small "thank you" to me. I smiled back, nodding, before getting tasered again and crying out.
"This situation has now been completely evaluated. Due J4837 not completing the test on time, the subject is to be punished by-"
"Woah, woah, woah!" I exclaimed, cutting him off. "He did finish it on time. Did you need a replay of that toss I did back there?" Another tase.
"Both the subject and subject M1020 are to be punished according to their skill sets. A final judgement has been made. All other testing subjects are now dismissed." As white coats swarmed around me and the other guy, I caught a glimpse of Iggy. He looked in my direction, a wide grin spread across his face. "Idiot," he mouthed as a guard hauled him along. I smirked in a delayed response, feeling alive more than ever. I looked at J, his eyes wide with concern. Smiling, I reached out and touched the back of his hand in comfort.
"You're going to get through this," I said as my hand was snatched away by guards. "Trust me." He gulped and slightly nodded in agreement before we got shuffled off in different directions.
A/N: OoooOoOoOoOoooh, new character! Now that I have an idea of where I want to go with this, a lot of the writing is coming easy to me. Hopefully you leave some comments or ratings for me to let me know how you like the new chapter! Thanks for reading, and I'll update soon!