A carefully placed spell

AN: Hey guys! This is my first story that I will ever have uploaded so reviews would be great! I'm hopeful that you all will like this story! Sadly these characters are not of my own creation, I give all credit to JK Rowling and am not making a single penny off of this.

Orange flames crackled in the fireplace as McGonagall paced in front of the great oak desk that normally held the sparkling blue eyed headmaster.

Suddenly orange turned green and Dumbledore stepped out of the grate with a glint in his eyes.

"Please tell me you didn't."

"I don't know what you're talking about." Dumbledore replied as he removed his cloak, wand still in hand.

McGonagall's lips pressed together in a tight line of frustration, "Why can't you just leave those poor girls alone Albus?"

Still feigning innocence Dumbledore cocked his head to the side, a slight smile forming on his lips, "What girls?"

Holding herself up higher, as if she could intimidate the old man, with nostrils flared the transfiguration teacher replied, "You know damn well what I', talking about. Its time you stopped playing match maker and started helping us with the order."

Bright blue eyes darkened, power seemed to emanate from the old wizard, "Don't tell me what my priority's should be, Minerva, everything I do is all apart of the plan."

Meanwhile hundreds of miles away an unusually bushy head of hair could be seen from atop a crimson trunk filled with spell books, a caldron, potion ingredients and a finely carved wand all atop robes.

Each item had been carefully placed back in place after careful inspection.

This girl was no ordinary person. She was Hermione Granger one of the best students to ever walk the halls of Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. Yet even for a witch she was not ordinary.

Besides smarts and a cunning nature she also held a unique bond with the boy who lived. A bond that would one day save both muggle and wizard worlds from destruction.

Had she been paying attention she would have felt the tingle of magic flow over her skin and the faint glow that emanated from her for just a moment.

Nodding her head in contentedness she shut the lid on her trunk, latched the clasp, and walked out of her room to spend one last night with her parents before leaving for the burrow.

While McGonagall and Dumbledore argued and Hermione sat with her parents red hair streamed behind the slender form of Ginny Weasly.

Quaffle in hand she proceeded to swoop around the trees that surrounded the burrow. In her mind each tree was a player on the other team.

Feeling her broom begin to vibrate she sighed in frustration knowing it was time to return to the real world. Annoying brothers, a nagging mother, and an overly concerned father. Not to mention the fact that her mind had quite suddenly been drawn to a certain know it all gryffindor girl.

Shaking her head as if she could displace these thoughts she dismounted her broom and went into the house to have diner with her parents, brothers and the recently arrived Harry.

The fact that she had once has feeling so strong for his astounded her. He was a nice enough guy and cute to boot, but Harry?

After a rushed dinner Ginny ran up stairs to tidy her room for the hundredth time. Everything had to be perfect. Straightening the sheets on both beds one last time she grabbed her sketch book and proceeded to finish a drawing she had started earlier that morning.

What had at first started out as a nameless face had slowly been turning into none other than Hermione. Smiling at the now finished picture she decided it was her favorite drawing yet. Tearing it out of the book she slipped it into the portfolio she had hidden in the bottom of one of her desk drawers.

As she laid her head on her pillow that night she was able to fall asleep peacefully knowing that Hermione was arriving the next day.

Jolting awake when the hinge on her door squeaked open Ginny was astounded to find none other than Hermione Granger standing in her doorway.

Blue eyes met brown and both felt a slight electric pulse jolt through their bodies. Shock passed over both of their faces. Neither spook a word of this anomaly to the other.

Realizing she had just been staring at Hermione for going on 30 seconds Ginny jumped out of bed and pulled the brown eyed girl into a tight hung squealing "Hermione!" as she went.

Yet again the weird electric pulse went through the girls both jumped back at the shock.

The rest of the day past without a problems. The boys flew around while the girls talked. Ginny often having to insist she would rather spend time with Hermione than flying with the boys.

Later on that evening Hermione stood in the bathroom staring at herself in the mirror. 'What the hell is happening to me? Shes my best friend and I love her, but I'm not in love her, am I?'

Ginny lying on her bed was think the same thing.

Again alerted to to a presents in her room by the squeak of a her door hinge she looked over to see Hermione. Without thinking Ginny had hopped out of bed and started walking towards the door, grabbed Hermione and pulled her into a crushing hug. Her entire body begged her to just turn her head at the last moment and kiss those soft pink lips.

Ginny rose from her bed. 'Oh my god the way she walks. Shes getting really close.' Suddenly she was engulfed in a huge hug. Every fiber of her being was screaming for her to kiss the slightly browned lips of the incredibly athletic girl whos arms where around her.

"Welcome home Hermione." Was softly whispered into her ear.

Those three words made her realize exactly that. She was home.