Disclaimer: Nope.. I don't own anything.. just the plot..
Hey everyone.. Its AngelForTonight.. Well, I do hope you like this story…
I woke up at six in the morning and I decided to go to Gryffindor tower to go visit Harry and Ron. Since I've been Head Girl, I barely have time to visit them.
"Hmm, I wonder.." I say quietly and open my trunk. I rummage through it and I find what I'm looking for: the invisibility cloak. Harry had given it to me when we arrived here at Hogwarts this year.
"I can't wait to see the looks on their faces." I say with a smile on my face. I come out of my room and in the Common Room of the Head's Dorm is non other than Head Boy, Draco Malfoy..Yes, Dumbledore made him bloody Head Boy!
" I'm just going to visit Harry and Ron.."
"Yeah..alright." He replies.
We have formed a truce when we have found out that we were going to be living with each other for the whole school year. And its been going well, actually. We have civil conversations now and then and we help each other with homework and such..But outside the Head's dorm is still the same, we insult each other and all. But now, he never says the word 'mudblood' anymore though.
I run up to Gryffindor Tower and I reach the portrait of the Fat Lady. I say the password and go in. I put the invisibility cloak on quietly and make my way to the Common Room. I notice Lavender and Parvarti on the red couch, gossiping I presumed.
'Why not? The boys are probably sleeping still.' I thought to myself.
I quietly make my way to the armchair next to the couch and sit.
"So like, I hear Draco Malfoy is single again." Says Parvarti.
Lavender squeals, "I know.. Who do you think will be his next girlfriend?"
"I don't know, who do you think it will be?"
"Well, I know that it has to be someone pretty."
"Duh. " I say to myself. Why would Malfoy date someone who isn't attractive? Goodness these two are daft.
"But I do know this.." continued Lavender, "I know that it won't be Hermione. Sure they are Heads and all, and sure they share a dorm and they spend a lot of time together and such, but do you really think Hermione would have a chance with the gorgeous Draco Malfoy? Come on Parvarti, the girl doesn't even wear make-up.."
"And her hair.." Parvarti included, " her hair looks like a birds nest. She could at least have the decency to fix it or something."
"Don't get me wrong Parvarti, but the chances of Draco Malfoy dating Hermione Granger is a big zero."
"Very true Lav." Pavarti said while nodding her head.
I couldn't bloody believer this! Sure, I am not a very emotional person, but they were talking rubbish about me. Out of all bloody people! I can take anything, but when it comes to looks, my looks..then that's when I get emotional!
I could feel tears well up in my eyes as I ran out and quickly went back to the Head's Common Room. I reach the portrait and say the password. I hurried in and quickly went to my room.
Draco had noticed that Hermione had come back and had headed straight to her room. He had just finished reading the Daily Prophet when he heard crying from her room. He got up from his chair and went to her door.
"Granger? Are you alright?" He knocked. No reply.
"Granger.? Are you okay?"
Still no reply…
He sighed then opened the door. As he walked in, he saw her on the bed. Her face buried in her hands. He walked over to her and sat on the bed.
"Granger, what's wrong?"
She looked up at him, tears still falling.
"Lavender and Parvarti. They were talking rubbish about me."
"Like what?" he asks as he wipes the tears off her cheek.
"They were talking about you..and that you were single again. Then they were talking about who was going to be your next girlfriend and such..and they said something that it could never be me because of how plain I am, and my hair. They said I was Ugly just cause I don't wear make-up."
"Well they are wrong Granger.. You are not ugly, you are pretty.. In my opinion, you are more prettier than them.." he said and smiled.
I could feel a smile and a blush creep up my face.
"Thanks Malfoy..You know, your really not that bad."
He chuckled then I hugged him.
We pulled apart a bit awkward.
"I think I have an idea." He says.
"What is it?"
"See, you want to get back at Brown and Patil right?''
I nod my head.
"Then what about this.. What if we pretend to date and all."
" Yes Granger. You and me .. I mean with this, those two will be speechless and will go ballistic.. And I haven't had any fun in weeks!"
I think for a moment then look at him. I smile and say, " Alright. I'm in.. What's the plan?"
The next day…
"Alright.. So tomorrow when we go for breakfast, we hold hands and I will drop you to your table.."
I nodded, "But Malfoy-"
"Call me Draco.. Since we are going out.. Call me Draco, alright Hermione."
"Alright, Draco, should we at least tell one person about this?"
"Well, since it is a big secret.." He stopped and thought about it.
"Alright," he said, " you bring one person here.. the one your going to tell the secret to..and I will go bring my person here too.. then we will both tell them the plan.. fair enough?'
I look at Draco and say, "Alright..Let's go.."
I get up from my seat and I trip on something. I fell a pair of arms go around my waist. I look at the person who had saved me…
… Draco.
His gray eyes staring at me, "Are you alright?" he asks.
I smile, " Yeah.. I'm alright..
Well, what do you all think? Should I write more? Or should I just stop right there? I want to know what you all think..
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