Authors note: So this is just a little fluff and stuff. The date is coming up next chapter; let me know what you think ;)

Ps: Any suggestions on an epic date?


Quinn yawned and watched lazily as the popcorn rotated slowly inside the microwave. After a quick glance at her watch, she pushed the button and moved as the small door swung open with a resilient ping. She carefully cradled the warm bowl under her arm and used her elbow to shut the door, she made her way to the fridge, yanking it open and grabbing two bottles of water in her free hand. Hands now full; she gently kicked the door shut and exited the kitchen.

She made the short trip to the living room and deposited the items onto the coffee table, plonking herself on the couch and popping a piece of popcorn in her mouth as she awaited Rachel's return. Cocking her head momentarily, she heard the sound of tiny footsteps rapidly approaching and giggled to herself.

Moments later, a mini tornado breezed through the room, clutching the DVD to her chest like a precious jewel and looking irritated. She spotted Quinn lounged on the couch and made a beeline for her.

"This is unacceptable!"

Quinn shifted guiltily and swallowed the rest of her popcorn.

"Your right I shouldn't have started without you, here have some" she offered her the bowl.

Rachel stared at her.

"What are you talking about Quinn?"

She lowered the bowl and placed it on the table before surveying the brunette.

"Um … nothing, what's wrong?"

"I have become unorganised! It took me over four minutes to locate my Funny Girl DVD!"

"That seems pretty fast to me" shrugged Quinn easily, imagining the millions of times she had gone to look for something in her apartment and given up in an angry huff.

"Maybe for you, but not for me, when I was in High School it was under a minute. In fact I had numerous copies stashed in certain safe points about my room just in case of emergency" she ranted, pacing up and down before an amused Quinn.

"Safe points huh, like where?"

Rachel was still muttering distractedly to herself, hands flailing as she imagined Barbara's disappointment should she ever decide to visit her house and request to see a copy of Funny Girl in under a minute. This was a disaster!

"Well there's the loose floorboards under my bed and that one hollow teddy bear and there's also …hang on" she stopped pacing abruptly, her eyes narrowing.

"Why are you asking me?"

Quinn tried to feign nonchalance, she bit her lip and shrugged.

"Quinn Fabray, you were trying to find my safe points!" gasped Rachel scandalized.

Quinn's eyes widened and she couldn't hold in the laughter any longer, snorting hysterically at Rachel's murderous expression.

"I'm sorry Rachel it's just really cute how nerdy you were, with your little "safe points" and multiple copies of Funny Girl"

Rachel looked scandalized, her face slowly turning red.

"I was not a nerd! And I'll have you know that safe points and cubbyholes are very helpful for-"

Quinn actually clutched at her sides, laughing so hard that no sound actually came out as she mouthed "cubbyholes" again and again.

Rachel stomped her foot and crossed her arms trying her best to glare at the girl who was now rolling back and forth on the cushions. Eventually, realizing that Quinn was too far gone to stop for a while, she took a seat and mentally prepared a list of advantages that came with having a cubbyhole.

Finally, after ten minutes Quinn's laughs quietened to the occasional chuckle and she glanced at Rachel.

"I'm sorry about that …you were saying?" she gestured for Rachel to continue, as she took a swig from her water bottle.

Rachel eyed her, making sure that she wasn't about to laugh again. Once she was sure, she crossed her legs and glanced.

"Yes well, as I was saying keeping cubbyholes are a certain hobby of mine, like you and your pictures. A home isn't a home to me without them it's like having a secret that nobody knows about."

Quinn went rigid, her face instantly smooth.

"Quinn?" questioned Rachel worriedly, leaning over her.

The blonde simply shook her head she seemed to be struggling with something. She held up a hand to indicate that she was fine and after a few moments, she blinked, still staring straight ahead, her eyes unmoving. She took a shaky breath and released it.

"Are you telling me that you still have these …cubbyholes?"

Rachel frowned, still hovering above her.

"Of course I have."

Quinn shut her eyes and took another deep breath.

"Of course" she repeated, and with that she descended into another fit of giggles, vibrating so hard that she fell off the couch and lay in the ground, clutching her sides and gasping for breath.

It took another ten minutes of Rachel huffing angrily and throwing popcorn before Quinn composed herself enough to resume her position on the couch.

She smoothed her outfit and eyed Rachel before taking a measured breath.

"I'm sorry; I don't know what came over me."

She glanced at Rachel who stuck her tongue out and pouted, turning to face the wall, making what she thought of Quinn's little outburst very clear.

She sighed and reached across the pouting girl to grab the DVD, shuffling across the carpeted floor she popped it in and grabbed the remote, careful to dim the lights on her way back.

After a final glance at the pouting girl, Quinn settled into the couch and hit play.

Rachel huffed loudly as the opening credits rolled.

"Come on Rach, watch the movie with me" pleaded Quinn coaxingly. She saw Rachel's shoulders sag and smiled. "I know how much you love it."

She could almost hear the battle of voices going on in her head.

Barbra or pride! Barbra or pride!

Eventually, very slowly the tiny girl turned around and crawled towards Quinn, cuddling into her side and sighing in contentment when Quinn wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her closer.

Quinn kissed the top of her head and happily returned to the movie.

Rachel turned to glance up at her and glared amusedly.

"This does not mean that I forgive you" she mumbled before smushing herself closer and facing the TV once again.

Quinn simply smirked, knowing that Rachel would more than likely forget all about it by the end of the movie.


After the movie, Quinn stretched and sighed heavily causing Rachel to frown up at her.

"What is it?" she asked.

Quinn turned to face her, the corners of her mouth drooping a little.

"I really have to go home."

Rachel's eyes widened and she practically jumped into Quinn's lap, effectively trapping her.

"No! Stay here!"

Quinn smiled a little and pecked the pouting girl on the nose.

"I have to go sweetie, there's a bunch of stuff I need to do before we go back to work on Monday."

Rachel whined and her frown deepened.

"Stuff …? I'm stuff do me!" her eyes widened immediately as she realized what she had said.

"Oh my …Quinn I didn't mean to imply that we should-"

Quinn chuckled and cupped her cheek, nuzzling closer.

"You are adorable" she breathed, causing Rachel to blush lightly, "and I would love nothing more than to stay here with you on this couch forever, but we have to go back to reality sometime"

Rachel nodded sadly, knowing that there were so many things they still had to decide on, like telling all their friends and whether or not they were going to come out to the media. Her head swam as she thought about how hard this was going to be, but feeling Quinn's thumb rubbing random patterns on her palm, it made her realize that it was definitely worth it.

She quickly pressed a kiss to Quinn's nose and sighed dramatically.

"I guess you're right, I really should be doing something constructive." She crinkled her nose adorably and Quinn nodded quickly, getting up before she changed her mind.

She helped Rachel to her feet and they both made their way to the door hand in hand.

Rachel pulled open the door and pouted miserably.

"I guess this is goodbye"

"For now" corrected Quinn, leaning in to gently brush her lips over Rachel's.

"For now" echoed the brunette, eyes closing momentarily as she felt Quinn's hand slip from her own.

She heard the door swing shut and her heart ached.

She didn't know it was possible to get this attached to someone; she needed Quinn like she needed air. She stood there for a moment, breathing deeply, trying to summon the willpower to do something, anything that provided a distraction from Quinn's absence.

Finally opening her eyes and turning away from the door, the brunette took one step and froze. She heard something outside; slowly rotating she crept closer and strained her ears for anymore sounds.

She heard someone sigh and started.

"Q-Quinn is that you?"

A beat of silence and then;


"What are you-?"

"I'm scared" admitted Quinn in a small voice.

Rachel frowned.

"Scared of what exactly?"

She heard another sigh and the sounds of Quinn sitting against the door. She sat too.

"I'm scared of this Rachel."


"I'm scared of the fact that I only got as far as your front step, before I had to turn around. I'm scared that nothing else seems to matter right now, because I can hear your voice and it's the only thing that makes me feel safe."

Rachel sighed and ran her fingers through her hair. She held a palm against the glass panelling and her heart thudded when Quinn placed hers against it. She could almost feel the heat through the cool glass.

"Most of all, I'm scared that I haven't even left yet and I already miss you like crazy."

Rachel smiled and pressed her palm further into the glass.

"I miss you too."