Chapter 1.

Days had passed since the Brawlers last saw each other. Runo and Julie were still visiting each other, but Alice was all alone in Russia, ruling out her grandfather and Hydranoid. She missed them. She missed chatting with Dan and the others on the computer. She missed going on those little quests. She missed the feeling of belonging. She missed feeling useful.

Alice sighed. Never mind, she thought, they will be back soon, I can feel it. Alice trusted her gut. And plus, they had to come back, they had to. Alice tried to shove down any negative feeling. No. They'll be back safe and sound, you need not worry, she told herself. But whatever she did, she could not push down that increasingly morbid feel.

Suddenly, a powerless feeling shot through her. She closed her eyes tightly. Why couldn't she be there for them? Just sitting there like a spectator, how did that help? She was weak. She was helpless. All the help Dan needed was focused around brawling and she was too scared to strap on her gauntlet and transport over there. She was scared. She couldn't. She just couldn't.

Why am I like this? She berated herself, when I was Masquerade, I was never scared. Never. I loved brawling. I know the feelings of when he brawled. Why am I not like him? He IS me. How much more stupid can this situation get? Masquerade IS me, and I wish to be like him. I hid myself behind fear, I hid-

"You're right, Alice, you did hide. Question is, why?" a hard voice pitched up.

Masquerade. Alice cowered slightly. He never disappeared from her. Not completely. His essence, his personality was still alive. He just didn't have a physical body now. Alice tried to convince herself that Masquerade was just another part of her; the strength of her soul. But that never worked. She still felt different kinds of emotions from him. A part of you never did that. It was separate from everything else.

"I don't know," she whispered to Masquerade's question. "I just don't know."

"Why, Alice, WHY?" he forced the question. Alice cringed. The answer was there; staring blankly at her in the face. But she didn't want to say it; she did not want to feel weaker than she was. "Alice, tell me," forced Masquerade. "No," she whispered, "I don't want to…"

"Alice, listen to me. The first step to being brave is admitting the problem." Alice shivered. Those old words were so empty, until it was said by him, then the meaning radiated. How could he influence her so much? She spoke, trembling at first, but the strength slowly came as she spoke.

"I'm scared, Masquerade. I'm scared of brawling. I'm scared of what I did in the past, of what you did. I know it was negative energy from the silent core. But I can't help feeling responsible for the whole thing-"

"But the problem was solved. All the Bakugan came back."

"Don't you see, Masquerade? I caused the problem, and my friends had to fix it. I just sat back and watched. Like I am doing now. I'm useless, and moreover, I hurt people. I flung their Bakugan into the Doom Dimension; I caused people so much pain. Klaus… all of them. I know he forgave me, but deep down, he feels resentment. I took away his best friend. I took away everybody's best friend, I took away Drago. And because of that, I took away Dan too. Everyone was heartbroken. Dan was their spirit. I took away their spirit. Shun and him were best friends, Masquerade. Even though they did not speak together much, there was this special bond. And I could feel it. It was so silent, yet powerful. I broke that bond. I broke a friendship. This goes against everything I believe in. I let any kind of relationship pass. I let things be. But then, I put my foot in, and almost broke up Shun and Dan, not to mention Drago and Dan. I am a terrible person, Masquerade. And because of this, Shun hates me. His words made me leave the Brawlers, and I never actually got real confirmation from him that he doesn't. I wanted to be there for Shun the most, because he needs it. I can tell he suffers so much, whether it be family life… he needs his friends the most, they are like family, and I broke it up… I broke everything up…"

Tears wound their way down Alice's face. She didn't bother to wipe them off. She continued, "… now I'm scared of brawling. I'm scared I'll hurt them again. I'm scared of their hidden hatred. They say they forgive, but they haven't. I deserve this, Masquerade. I hurt them so much… I want to fix everything now. I want to mend the breaks. I want to help as much as possible."

"You are helping, Alice."

"How?" she retorted disbelievingly. "How, tell me Masquerade. I'm still here on earth, while Dan, Shun and Marucho are fighting Bakugan Resistance."

"You do help them, Alice. You help them by being cheerful. You're doing your best. You're doing everything you can. You're helping all you can. Now I'm going to help you. But just this once. You did not break anything up. Dan and Drago are still together. And Shun and Dan's bond is still strong. If ever, their bond is stronger, thanks to you. And you are there for Shun, Alice. You always were. Remember when he tried to leave the team? You stopped him. And they don't hate you Alice, maybe a little hurt, but they never hated you. Do you not see their happy smiles when you are around?"

"It doesn't matter. I am useless."

"Alice, you are not."

"How would you know?"

"Because I am you, Alice."

"You said the same thing to me ages ago, Masquerade. But you're not. I can feel all emotions and thoughts resonating from you. You are not me, Masquerade. It is just your soul is joined with mine, but you are a different personality. One that was created by negative energy, but now you aren't negative. You are a person. Trapped in my brain and body."

"What if I am, Alice? What can you do about it?"

"More than what I'm doing now."

Alice got up, and walked firmly to the house. "Alice, where are you going?" asked Masquerade. "To get Hydranoid, my gauntlet, and supplies," came the stiff answer. "What?" asked a confused Masquerade. "I am going to Vestroia, to get answers and after that, I don't know."

"You're going alone?"

"I have you." Alice briskly walked. Masquerade felt her emotions. She was serious. She was going. To where she did not know. He voiced his doubt. "How are you going to know where you are going?" he asked. "I'll trust my gut," said Alice simply. Masquerade's lips mirrored uncertainty. "Alice, this is not like you. You cannot do this. It is risky. What about your grandfather?"

"He will understand, Masquerade. He will get that I have to find myself. Please don't object. I feel helpless. A big part of me is rooted into Bakugan, and yet I'm scared of it. I have to tame my fear. I have to be useful, and most importantly, I have to find a way to get you out."

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm going to find a way to have you out of here. You deserve your own life and soul. You are a changed person, Masquerade. You cannot live like this forever. This is possible, Masquerade. Nothing is impossible. And I know what you are feeling. If you are gone, what of me? I will still be Alice, and your impact on me will still be present. You would have left some of your essence behind as a form of my conscience."

"How can you know all this?"

"I trust my gut."

Masquerade knew there was no stopping her. There was no turning back. He never objected a challenge. But he was worried for her. He was worried for something other than winning for once. "You would do this for me?" he asked softly. "Yes." The voice was so quiet and unsure, but the platform of it was solid. "Thank you," he said. The words were foreign to his lips, but at least he now knew what they felt. "You're welcome, Masquerade," whispered the same voice.

"Alice, I will help where I can." Masquerade's voice lost the tentative feel. Now he was strong again. He was always strong. "Thanks, this means a lot to me" said Alice. "I'll need all the help I can get. Now if you excuse me, I have to go find Hydranoid." Masquerade nodded curtly. The Darkus Bakugan and Alice were inseparable. His 'parting gift' with Alice bonded well.

Masquerade let Alice's emotions slide past him. He still had so many questions, but just Alice's emotions wouldn't do. He needed answers. From her. "How will you find your way around Vestroia?" he asked. "Hydranoid will help me. He said he has been missing his old home," perked Alice. "Alright, then what about Dan and the others? Aren't they in Vestroia too?"

"Yes," she said patiently, "but I need to go alone. They're my friends, but they wouldn't understand. Shun might understand a bit, but I can never be too sure. I want to do this on my own. I'll stay away from their paths when I'm in Vestroia. "And how exactly will you do that?" sniped Masquerade. 'Easy,' said Alice. "Grandfather Michael has been trying to improve the gauntlet technology. He put a tracking map in mine, so now I can lock on and see anybody's gauntlet signature. "And you know this works because…?" said Masquerade.

"Because if I can see Runo and Julie's location from miles away, I think I'll be able to see Dan's and the others' too. Plus, Grandfather's inventions never failed me yet," said Alice, trying to sound brave. But inside she was puffed with doubt. Masquerade noticed this. "And how do you know you can do this?" he asked softly. Alice caved. "I don't, but I know I have to. That will is stronger than the weakness. I can never do anything alone, Masquerade, but I'm not alone, am I? There's you and Hydranoid… I'm not alone."

Masquerade was slightly startled. Alice regarded him as a bigger part of her than he had thought. He was needed for company, and not just for bravery and mercilessness, which was what Alice usually pulled him out for. Like that battle with Shadow Wolf, and the one with the mutated Bakugan. She needed him for his chracteristics, but now it was more…

"Okay," he said, his head bent low. 'When do we start?"

We?, thought Alice, he believes in me? Sometimes I wish I knew what he was thinking, but I can't. He keeps his mind away, as I do mine. It's only safe. Better for the both of us. But there is no way to conceal my emotions from him, or his from me. These are the drawbacks of sharing a body and brain.

"We'll start tomorrow, Masquerade," said Alice briskly. "I'll need to pack, and Hydranoid is going to have to hear of this."

Masquerade merely twitched in answer. Alice sighed. Their bonding time was going to be full of surprises.

This is my first Bakugan fanfic, so please, be nice. I'm sorry if the characters seem a little OOC. I'll try my best to keep them to the show. Though Masquerade won't seem so... harsh. Also, I'm a big fan of Shun/Alice, and I might somehow put that in, but I'm not sure otherwise. Depends on how many people want it. This is not about a Masquerade/Alice romance. it's mostly about Alice. But read if you are a fan of either. Again, sorry if some details are not to the show. If anything is out of place, please don't hesitate to tell me. I'm also open for any suggestions etc. Please review!