Well, here it is…the final chapter/epilogue. I hope you've enjoyed the rollercoaster ride through Springer Land. Remember to stay seated until the ride has come to a complete stop. It's been a blast! Sorry it wasn't up yesterday like I'd planned, but some unavoidable thingies came up. This is the chapter that earns it the M rating. Yay! :D

"Look, I don't know what you're saying…at all…and you have a family to get back to. Why don't you get some sleep and I'll talk to you later about all of this. Maybe then I'll understand…"

Derek kisses him. Hard. After several long moments, he pulls back looking into the young geniuses large, disbelieving, eyes.

CHAPTER SIX: Physical Therapy/Epilogue

"There. Does that clear things up?"

Spencer blinks a few times, his eyes refocusing, mind visibly reeling. Finally, he finds his voice.

"A-a little. But I could definitely go for some more clarity." Spencer smiles, leaning forward.

Derek grins then presses his lips to Spencer's once more, the slender man gripping his shoulders, pulling him close, bodies pressing tightly together. Even as the far off bells chime, signaling the arrival of the new year, Derek is tangling his fingers into Spencer's hair, both men opening their mouths to the other, tongues mingling, kiss deepening. Long after the rest of the city has finished cheering, toasting and making their resolutions, they finally pull apart just enough to look at one another.

"I…love you Spencer." Derek says softly, pressing their foreheads together. "I think maybe I always have."

"I love you too. So much. But apparently you already knew that." He says with a smirk, gently smacking Derek's arm.

Derek tugs the scarf he'd given Reid and laughs.

"Easy now. I'm an injured man."

"Oh? That's too bad." Spencer smiles slyly.

"Why's that?"

"Well, I was kind of hoping you'd be ready for some physical therapy, but, if you're still too weak…" Spencer says pulling away.

Derek looks at him slightly stunned, then quickly pulls him back.

"Hey, you know best Doc. Who am I to argue?"

The third kiss is short, sweet and tender before they grab his things and walk back toward the car.

"So, tell me. What does this physical therapy entail?"

"Well, the guy I know likes to start out slow paying special attention to all of the tight areas. Once everything is good and loose, he starts a steady regimen of rigorous workouts. But by the end you'll feel like a new man."

"Hmm…when's the soonest he can fit me in?"

"Oh, he sets his own hours so I'd say whenever you're free you should just drop by his office for a visit and I'm sure he'll get you right in."

"You think now would be a good time for him?"

"In your condition? I'd say the sooner the better."


The air is cool on their sweat-sheathed bodies as they roll across the mattress, tongues and limbs fighting for dominance. Spencer wins for the moment, as he tastes salty flesh, licking and kissing Derek's neck and jaw line. He moves lower placing open-mouthed kisses to his chest, biting at the larger mans hardened nipples earning him a gasp. Continuing his trek south, Spencer traces the defined muscles of Derek's abs with his tongue, dipping into his navel. The older man groans when his new lovers mouth trails down across his hips and inner thighs, teasing the area surrounding his aching erection, pre-cum dripping onto his dark belly. He whimpers a soft plea for satisfaction when the younger man finally grants it. He presses his tongue against the base of the engorged member, running it slowly all the way to the tip, lapping up the evidence of his arousal, before taking the whole thing into his mouth and down his throat. Derek moans at the sudden wet heat enveloping his cock, fighting not to thrust up even deeper. Spencer hollows his cheeks as he sucks, head bobbing as he gently massages the larger mans heavy sac.

"Oh fuck...Pretty Boy…just like that…God YES…" He growls, gripping the slender mans hair in one hand.

Spencer rolls his tongue and hums along the shaft sending shock waves of pleasure and need through Derek's entire body. When he begins breathing ragged and writhing, muscles tensing, Spencer takes him all the way down before pulling back, allowing the hardened flesh to pop out of his mouth, ceasing the ministrations. Derek pouts.

"Not yet. I want you inside me." He explains, lathering up the throbbing phallus.

Derek's pout is quickly replaced by a grin as the younger man climbs back up his body claiming a kiss that renders them both breathless. Straddling Derek, Spencer leans forward slightly. He moves a hand between them taking hold of Morgan's cock, guiding it to his opening. Ever so slowly, excruciatingly so, he impales himself on it until it's filling him completely. Derek is thankful when he's still for a minute, because if the man had started moving right away, it would have been all over. Especially when Spencer's full, perfect lips part and a moan slips out, gorgeous, bright eyes squeezing shut, head falling back.

"So tight…Christ…you're so fucking beautiful…"

When Spencer finally moves, it's pure heaven inside him. He looks right into Derek's eyes, his hazel ones filled with intense desire. He rides his cock slowly at first, rising up and slamming down, hips swiveling a bit, chest heaving. When he picks up the pace, Derek grabs his hips feeling them roll with every mind-numbing stroke. He thrusts up with his down, causing them both to cry out, bodies shaking with excitement and raw emotion. When Derek feels the trembling in his lovers legs, he brings him down for another scorching kiss, and rolls them so he's on top of a spread eagle Reid. Animal instincts taking over, he thrusts into the lithe form beneath him hard and fast. Spencer tears his mouth away and screams.


The young genius digs his nails into dark, sculpted shoulders, lids heavy, breath hitching. Derek hisses and groans trying so hard not to cum just yet. It's all too amazing and the sounds emanating from his partner are making it nearly impossible.

"Feels so good…can't hold on! MMMMNNNNNNAH!" Spencer screams, back arching violently, long streams of cum shooting out between them.

Watching Spencer unravel beneath him, Derek comes completely unglued. His thrusting becomes brutal pounding as his sac tightens, the walls around his cock clenching, promising to milk him of every last drop.

"HOLY SHIT! FUCK! SPENCER!" He bellows, as with one last, strong thrust, he's gone.

They both relax, spasms of release slowly abating. Derek tries to finally pull out, but his limbs are heavy and refuse to work. He collapses half onto Spencer and half onto the bed with a grunt. Neither of them speak for a long time, air having become a desperate necessity.

"That…that was…help me out here…" Derek breathes.

"Amazing…incredible…awe-inspiring…phenomenal…life altering…mind-blowing…un-fucking-believable? Take your pick."

"I don't know." Derek says laughing. "I think they'll have to invent a new word for it…a whole other language. Damn Spencer, I nearly blacked out."

"Have to take it easy next time. Don't need you to relapse. What would I tell your mother?"

"That I went out with a smile."

"Yeah, she's already going to hate me."


"For turning you."

"Who do you think made my feelings for you unavoidably clear?"

"Your mother? Really?"

"Yeah. She has this picture album of the team..."

"Hopefully not anything like Garcia's." Spencer mumbles.

"What? You knew about that too!"

Reid looked at him surprised he'd even known what he was referring to.

"Um, yeah, I came across it before the last case. Have you seen it?"

"No. But I've…heard about it." Derek says darkly.

"Oh. Do you wanna see it?"

"You have it?" Derek asks, sitting up.

"Yup. Stole it."

"Why didn't you tell…wait, why did you keep it?"

"So, uh, you were saying about your mom…"

"Uh-huh…let's just say we have her blessing."

"Really? She's okay with this? With me?"

"Spencer, she adores you. In fact, she sends her love. Now, if you don't mind, I would like to stop talking about my family while I'm lying naked with my boyfriend."

"Boyfriend." Spencer repeats with a glazed look.

"I'm sorry. Is that too presumptuous?"

"No! I just love the sound of it." He says now grinning ear to ear.

"Good. Now let's see this album everyone keeps talking about."

"On one condition."

"What's that?"

"We try page twenty three." Spencer requests.

"What's page twenty three?"

"Have you ever heard of an Arab Strap?"


"I'll just go get it."


The wedding reception is in full swing, and Derek laughs as he stands in the corner watching his Baby Girl do the chicken dance with her new husband, and a dozen kids. As it turned out, Kevin cleaned up quite nicely, and he even proved to be worthy of their tech goddess. Derek and the others had warmed up to him in the passing months since the New Years debacle. He'd officially become family.

Derek scanned the crowd and found JJ seated at the edge of the dance floor, taking pictures of the kids flapping their arms. She's as big as a house and happy as can be. Having decided to keep the baby, as if there had been any other option in her mind, she had found out several months earlier she was giving Henry a little sister. Sierra is due any day and, thanks to Garcia, already had a closet full enough to clothe half of Europe. JJ and Will had parted ways on good terms. He was now living with the woman he'd turned to all those months ago and they're expecting their own bundle of joy in February. JJ had finally given into Sean's wiles and fell head over heels. It wasn't a mistake. He now seated himself beside her, handing her the juice she'd requested, lovingly placing a hand on her belly before kissing her. He was doting, attentive and beyond excited to be a daddy. He treats her like a queen, stating she deserves nothing less. They made a beautiful couple.

Scanning the room once more, Derek's eyes fell upon a darkened corner of the dance floor. The chicken dance had ended and the sweet, melodic sound of 'At Last' by Etta James has taken over the dining hall. Hotch and Emily are slow dancing close, exchanging few words and the occasional Eskimo kiss, mostly just gazing at each other in a way that Derek could see meant forever. They'd decided to take it slow for "Jack's sake", even though the young man had taken to Emily easily and seemed as fond of her as she was of him. But he knows it won't be long before they take the big leap and never look back.

Derek glances over when he feels warm fingers interlace with his.

"Think they're as happy as we are?" Spencer asks leaning against him.

"Pretty Boy, the thought that anyone could ever make someone as happy as you make me is mind boggling. But I surely hope so."

Spencer gives him a brilliant smile before turning and kissing him softly. Without another word, he pulls him toward the dance floor and wraps his arms around Derek's neck as the larger man's arms encircle his slender waist holding him tight. He looks deeply into the honey-brown eyes before him wondering how he'd gotten so lucky, as the words pouring through the speakers spoke of finding long awaited love.

Oh, yeah when you smile, you smile

Oh, and then the spell was cast

And here we are in heaven

For you are mine

At last


Thank you to everyone that took the time to read and review! It's much appreciated! Big hugs and warm wishes for a safe and happy New Year! Now if you'll excuse me, I think I need a shower. :D