Disclaimer: I own it all! MUWAHAHAHA!...no really I got zilch.

Why Deny It

Elijah let out a sigh of relief as he woke up in his own bed. At first he began to get up and get ready for the day when he realized it was his day off. With a small chuckle to himself and a stretch that popped his back he crawled back under the covers.

Just as his eyes began to close, the phone rang.

"Really?" He said aloud before looking at the caller ID. It read 'Cassie'. He sighed and flipped the phone open. "Listen Cass, you're interfering with my beauty sleep right now."

"I'll buy ya some make up or somethin' to cover all them wrinkles." Elijah's younger sister said with sarcasm and a thick Texan accent. "You're probably jus' pissed cause I killed that mornin' wood ya were gonna play with, huh?"

"Well now I won't be able to jack off without hearing you say that for at least a week. Tell me what you want or I'm going to hang up on you."

"Okay okay!" She sounded more serious now. "It's Dad, they found 'im."

Meredith, Izzie, Christina, and George were all changing into their scrubs in the locker room. Izzie was gossiping with another resident, George was mostly holding his head in his hands and sipping coffee while Meredith and Christina wore blank, non-caring expressions.

"Where's Alex?" Meredith seemed to be asking the entire room.

"Probably off celebrating." Izzie sort of sighed as she spoke.

"Oh did he get to second with the good doctor?" George chimed in, head still in his hands. When there was no response from what he'd come to think of as his own personal peanut gallery, he slowly lifted his head only to find three women staring at him and circling him like vultures.

"I was gonna say he was celebrating because he's on Sloan's service today. What are you talking about George?" Izzie leaned closer and closer as she spoke with an almost genuine smile.

"What?" George was beginning to sweat a sweat that only these three women could conjure out of him.

"George," Meredith stood between Christina and Izzie. "I'm gonna give you the opportunity to tell us what you know right now."

"Me? What? Is it getting warm?" George nervously shifted the color of his shirt as he backed up into the lockers behind him.

"This is how I see it George," Meredith spoke calmly and evenly. "You've got three choices. Izzie who will get you so drunk that you spill more than this tiny secret, Christina who will most likely torture it out of you, or me, who you can just tell. Right now."

"No really I don't thin-" George flinched as Christina lunged at him. "OK! OK! I'LL TELL YOU JUST DON'T HURT ME!"

Meredith and Izzie shook their heads as Christina smiled obviously pleased with herself.

"I saw Alex and that new Dr Mitchel get into a cab after work last night." George spoke so quickly he almost squeaked.

Everyone quickly went back to messing with the things in their lockers as Alex walked into the locker room. He was smiling and there was an obvious bounce in his step.

"Oh thank God." George let his head sink back into his hands.

"Oh my God," Izzie smirked, "did you get laid last night?"

"Nope," He responded with an even bigger grin than before, "I just had a good date."

"Oh?" Meredith exchanged a look of knowing with the others, "who with?"

"Um," Alex thought for a minute before deciding just to tell them, "Dr Elijah Mitchel."

There was silence in the locker room for a while. Each of them focused in on their lockers. Once or twice they looked at each other as if they were about to say something only to return to what they were doing.

"So are you," Christina broke the silence with a face like she was saying something naughty she didn't want the teacher to hear. "You know an ass pirate?"

Izzie and Meredith couldn't help but laugh while George and Alex were fighting back smiles. Alex finished changing into his scrubs and turned to look each of his four friends in the eye and smile.

"I'm gonna go 'cause I have Sloan today and I'm not gonna get to be in on his surgeries again for a while."

Each of them made a sort of groaning noise of agreement and a few of them even managed a half a wave. Alex just smiled again and left the room.

Several heads turned as Alex walked down the halls of Seattle Grace. It was obvious that he was in a good mood, something that was admittedly rare for him. However, his mood was soon dampened by what seemed to be a really pissed off Mark Sloan.

He spoke without even looking up from the charts he had spread out on the counter of the nurse's station. "Karev, go get me a non fat latte with an extra shot of espresso and no foam from that place I like across the street. Oh and a low fat blueberry almond muffin from that other place I like across the street."

Alex took Mark's money and grinned, "Only if I can scrub into the rhinoplasty this afternoon."

Mark looked up from his charts and finally noticed what a good mood Alex was in. "Well, aren't we in a good mood. Did ya get some last night?"

"Nope just a good date, is that a yes on the rhinoplasty?" Alex smirked.

"I'll let you in on it if you tell me who the lucky girl is, I could use a pick me up."

"Well, hate to burst your bubble but it was a guy." Alex figured his locker room confession was bound to reach Sloan's ears eventually.

Mark seemed taken back for a second before he began to run the possibilities in his mind. Envisioning Alex without any clothes wasn't too hard; he'd seen him in the locker rooms once or twice. Mark began to flirt with Alex like he'd been flirting with him the whole time they'd know each other.

At first Alex was almost shocked before he let it set in brightening his mood even more; bringing the flirt out of him just as much.

"Who's the lucky guy then?" Mark leaned on the counter in a way that made him seem more sensual then before.

"Elijah, I mean Eli Mitchel." Karev said with a smirk before turning to leave.

Alex moved so quickly he didn't get a chance to see Mark's face drop. The pain that reverberated through Mark's chest hit him hard and his mind began to race.

"They had to have kissed; Elijah never lest anyone call him Eli unless they've kissed first. Where did they go? What did they talk about? Was Elijah really moving on? To Karev? I know I'm better looking than Karev and fairly certain I have a bigger dick. He can't be better in bed."

"Are you ok Dr Sloan?" Karev asked with a worried look and the requested breakfast in hand.

"How long were you gone just now?" Mark asked.

"Twenty minutes, give or take. Dude, you haven't moved since I left."

"Set that stuff on the counter." Mark motioned to the obviously hot coffee and the bag that he assumed had a muffin in it.

Alex placed the food on the counter and looked Mark in the eyes. "Is there something I can do?"

"Yeah there is." Mark handed Alex a pink slip of paper. "I need my dry cleaning done. Pick it up at two. Until then, go do rounds or something."

"The rhinoplasty starts it two." Alex's usual demeanor was beginning to return.

"See how that works?" Mark said in a mocking tone of voice.

"And here I thought I was gonna have a good day."

Author Notes: So I know it's been forever and that this is by far not my longest chapter but I just wanted to move the story along and let everyone know that I'm still thinking of you and still writing. Someone review and tell me if the Season 8 is any good I'm scared to watch cause I feel like SO much is going on and it might make my head hurt (O_O) = monkey.