Disclaimer: I don't anything...except my beautiful Dr Elijah Mitchel . but I totally live in Seattle so HA!

Chapter One: A New Arrival

The four surgical residents and a sole intern stood around the nurse's station filling out charts and drinking coffee. Two Attending surgeons stood at the other end, smiling and glancing up as they listened in on the conversation.

"Did you hear about the new Head of OB?" asked Meredeth as she closed one chart and opened another.

"I heard he's really young for an Attending." said Izzie Stevens sitting be hind the counter.

"Do I care who it is?" asked Christina in a mockingly drained tone of voice.

"I heard it was Elijah Mitchel!" said George O'Malley. The neurosurgeon and the plastic surgeon exchanged surprised looks.

"Ooooh!" Izzie proclaimed. "I heard his mother is like the best professional midwife in the state of Texas."

"I so don't care." Christina interrupted. "Today I'm on Hahn's service and I am going to rock the aortic dissection this afternoon." She leaned back seeming pleased with herself.

"Good for you." supported Meredith, "Go kick some cardio ass. I'm assisting Bailey on a bowel resection later. Mitchel is gonna be in stand by to cut out my patient's 32 week old baby though, so I just want to know what to expect when I walk into the OR."

"Well," Izzie leaned in as Christina left and O'Malley took a sip of his coffee. "He's like a gyno god! His mother apparently taught him everything she knows before he went to med school."

"He's one of those people who can just look at you and tell you how many weeks along you are and whether or not it's a boy or girl." Added George.

"Oh." Meredith said in a low mono tone.

"Why 'Oh'?" Izzie asked.

"It's nothing." Meredith assured her.

"Nothing," O'Maley jumped in, "or something?"

"It's nothing." Meredith assured them again, "Go on, tell me more."

"Um," Lexie Grey started as she began to recall an interview of his that she'd read last month. "he's one of the worlds youngest attending surgeons. He graduated high school at 16, started med school at 18 and finished at 21. He started his surgical residency at Parkland Hospital in Dallas but was offered a fellowship after four years, making him 25. His fellowship was completed in New York, two years later, where he was trained by Dr. Addison Montgomery-Shepard. He's currently one of the the youngest fully fledged surgeons at 28 years old." She smiled a little nervously because everyone was staring at her a little blankly. "Article, in the Times last month."

"Seriously?" Meredith asked in disbelief.

"Seriously." Responded Izzie. "I also heard he is seriously hot"

George turned to walk away from the, soon to be, discussion of 'hottness' when Alex came and stopped at Christina's place across from him.

"Hey," the tan man said to Meredith, "So do you know about this Mitchel Head of OB? I'm on her service today and I saw you were in with Bailey on the second part of the op."

"His service, not hers." Meredith said with a smile before walking away. Alex's reaction was one of surprise mixed with confusion.

Lexie turned quickly and walked in the opposite direction, not wanting to be alone with Alex and Izzie.

Izzie waited until Meredith and Lexie were out of ear shot before turning to her friend with concern. "Alex, are you alright? I know what happened with Rebbecca was weird, are you sure you don't want to take some time,"

"No." Alex cut her off, "I'm fine. I just want to meet this Mitchel guy is all."

Alex turned to walk away when the elevator door rang. The man that came off the elevator was tall, with short well styled brown hair and eyes with such a dark shade of brown they almost seemed black. His clothes showed him to be just as muscular as Mark Sloan, and just as wealthy as Addison Montgomery. His cleanly shaved face and lightly tanned skin indicated he was very serious about his looks.

"Derek Shepard." The man said as he walked up to the neurosurgeon. His voice was in a range between Derek and Mark's, yet Alex and Izzie could hear him clearly from across the nurse's station. "How long has it been?"

"Elijah Mitchel," Derek responded. It was obvious that his politeness and sincerity were being forced. "too long. What brings you to Seattle?"

"As if you don't already know Dr Shepard." Eli said with a smirk. "Mark Sloan, I heard you'd left New York but I had no idea it was for Seattle. You wouldn't be following me now would you?"

"Eli," Mark replied, feigning disinterest as he flipped through a medical chart "How'd you convince Addison to give you a recommendation?"

"It was easy Mark," Elijah retorted quickly and sharply, "since you never told her why she's supposed to hate her best student, she never has." He smiled and walked off, heading toward the Chief's office.

Alex and Izzie seemed impressed and ready to spread gossip respectfully. Mark gave Derek a look before walking past the residents. "Stevens," He called out as he walked briskly past, "you're with me. Let's go."

The Resident's exchanged interested expression before Izzie ran off to follow Dr. Sloan.

"Here's your hospital ID, the key to your office, and if you need help finding anything I had Bailey assign Alex Karev to you for this week. He was Addison's shadow for a while, so he shouldn't have any trouble helping you find everything you need." The Chief smiled as he handed a small folder to his new Head of Obstetrics.

"Thank you Chief Webber," Elijah smiled as he took the folder containing everything. "seeing as this is a teaching hospital, are there any Senor Resident's who are interested in OB?"

"None that I'm aware of Dr Mitchel." The Chief obliged.

"What about Junior Residents? Obviously they need to be rotated evenly, but I don't see the harm in tipping the scales to their desires or talents by a few surgeries."

"Well we try to keep things as even as possible, but if you see someone who is talented or interested, feel free to bring it to my attention and I'll see what I can do." The Chief smiled as he sat down and put his glasses on.

"Thank you Chief," Elijah smiled and walked out the door.

Elijah Mitchel walked down the hall, throwing a stethoscope around his neck. He stopped in his office to drop off a few things before taking off his over coat and throwing his white lab coat on; Resembling Addison's preference for not wearing her scrubs full time at work. He clipped the ID to his coat and his pager to his belt.

He took a quick glance over the small office; It was half the size of Chief Webber's and only had room for a desk and two chairs on the other side. He recognized the chairs to be of Addison's taste and mouthed a thank you intended for his former teacher and permanent mentor.

Elijah touched each of his pockets, making sure he had all of his basic tools on hand, before leaving his new office for the nurse's station of the surgical floor.

A/N: I'm gonna leave this up for a while and if I don't get any reviews I'll just let it sink back into my mind. If you guys like it, I can make more. This is really just to intro the character. Romantic stuff probably will start around Chap 3. but don't quote me on that.