Tenten's POV~

'Tenten! I'm going to miss you so much! Promise me that you'll visit often and if you cant give me a call!" Ruka wished me good luck as I left the orphanage. I had just turned 14 this year and Ruka, the supervisor at Konoha Orphanage, supported me all the way when I told her that I wanted to apply to Konoha High, a prestigious boarding school. Konoha High just started accepting girls this year so I received a four-year volleyball scholarship. I had packed lightly bringing only, a suitcase of clothing, my new laptop (provided by the school) a light green and blue backpack, and my skateboard.

"Bye! I'll definitely call!" I waved as I stepped into the cab.


The drive to Konoha High was not long. I stepped outside of the cab and marveled at the sheer size of the school- of course I had been here before for an interview, but I was extremely nervous then. The feeling now was an excited felling instead of nervous. There were still two weeks left before classes started.

I found the office by memory and quietly stepped in. The office was nice and colorful with purple and pink flowers in vases, one on the secretary's desk and the other on a small table in the corner, at the end of a row of chairs. The secretary looked up at me with a smile. She had black hair cut just before her shoulders and there was a small pig sitting on her lap.

"Hello, my name is Shizune. How can I help you?"

"Hi, I'm Tenten. I need my timetable." She searched for a minute through the files next to her desk and pulled out a manila folder and handed it to me. She then handed me a card in a small pouch.

"Here is your schedule and all the information you will. The card is your key to the dorm and there is 300$ for your food." She told me not to keep my card next to my cell phone and sent me off with a: "Good luck!"(1)




308! I took my card out of the pouch and opened the door. The room was stunning, to the left was a kitchen connected by slightly curved doorframe, there were blue, green, and purple tiles on the floor, black counters, and white walls. About 20 feet in front of me was a huge glass wall that showed a perfect view of Hokage Mountain. In front of the glass wall were some black sofas facing the right, where there was a coffee table and a 50" flat-screen TV.

To the right of the TV there was a door. I made my way over to the door, admiring the whole room. As I walked into the room 3 full-sized beds, three desks, a mini fridge, and two hot guys greeted me. One of the boys had pitch black eyes, and dark blue hair up in an impossible hairdo. He was lying on the bed on the right, reading a book. The other boy had lavender eyes and dark brown hair down to the middle of his back. He was shirtless and was hanging from a bar attached to the top of a doorframe. The one with blue hair looked up at me.

"Impressive, no one has managed this yet. How'd you get in?" He said. His voice was deep and half amused. I reached into my pocket and took my key out, dangling it. The white-eyed boy let go of the bar and landed lightly on the floor, staring at me curiously.

"You managed to steal it? That is quite impressive." The shirtless boy too had a deep voice, only his seemed more authoritative.

"I must admit, Shizune is much stronger than she looks," the blue haired man stated.

"Ummmm, no. She gave it to me, because apparently you guys are my roomates." I looked at them and ogled the shirtless one a bit. They were both staring at me stare at him.

"What? Girls should be allowed to ogle. Plus, we don't even walk around shirtless, but you still stare at our boobs. I think I have every right to stare at- I mean admire your chest." The men both seemed quite amused and made a point to glance at my boobs and shrug like they weren't all that great

"TEME! HOW COULD YOU!" Someone screamed from behind me (take a wild guess). I turned around just in time to be knocked down by that person. I soon found my self on the floor with a blonde boy sitting on top of me.

"Whoa, sorry about that," he said as he stood than helped me up. Suddenly the boy turned bright pink, staring at something on the ground I followed his eyes and to my horror saw some of my clothing knocked out of my suitcase-not just any clothing, one of my bras was out along with some of my panties.

'God kill me!'


(1)- You know that you should never put your key card next to your cell phone (like in your pocket) where they could be rubbing cause it starts to demagnetize the card.

(2)-There are door on both sides of the hall so one side had even and one side has odd.

Hope you liked it! I'm not sure if I should continue with this, but if I do than should I make Neji more like his normal self in the manga/anime or should he be a little OOC

~Tina :D