Shugo: I decide to check my emails on holidays in Queensland to find reviews! Thank you so much! I feel so loved. :D

Ringo: It was the Yami muffins that did it!

Shugo: ehehee… Yami muffins. :3

Yugi: what?

Ringo: Inside joke.

Yami: I…see. -.-;

Ringo: mkay, Shugo does not own Yugioh, only story plot and me. So don't sue! Or you get no muffins!

"Yami! I'm back!" Yugi's voice snapped me out of my bored daydream, his short arms laden with cotton candy. Yes! That's the best damn thing these people ever invented, along with cup ramen and those black boxes that flashed pictures at you. Duel monsters didn't count, because technically we Egyptians thought of it first! Stupid Pegasus, taking all the credit for our millennia of hard work. Ah, I can bitch about that later, now I had to focus on the highly amusing task of watching Yugi attempt to eat one of the fluffy, god-send pink sugar clouds. He seemed incapable of eating it, spending all of his time pulling off measly strands to drop in his mouth. Stupid and pointless, if you ask me. If they give it to you on a stick, you treat it like any other stick-bound food. You just bite straight into it, flinging spare pieces everywhere as you devour it… hah, I'm grinning just from the thought. Of course Yugi has to be horrified by this, telling me that it's not polite to eat that way in front of people. I bet that when I was Pharaoh that I never had to worry about Yugi's stupid equtette, or whatever he called it… Not that I actually know for sure. I don't suppose you would get just how frustrating that is for me. I mean, if you had a long list of people trying to kill you, you'd at least like to know what you did, right? But nooo, when I ask they just all sneer like I should know and try and stab me with something. It's so infuriating! Well, I'm sure I had a good reason for doing whatever I did. Or maybe I didn't. Who knows. "…Hellooo? Are you in there? Yami?" I swear, if he waves his hand in front of me again I'm gonna bite it off, but I guess I was spacing out. I just glare at him in reply, harrumphing as he just shoves the candy through my face. And he was the one going on about manners! It's incredibly rude to do that to a spirit, you know. It just reminds them about the hopelessness of their situation. You should remember that, in case you ever are lucky enough to have a spirit attached to you. That was sarcasm, by the way. It's not really lucky at all. Of course, being the naïve little idiot he is, Yugi doesn't notice his mistake. He just carries on tearing bits off the cotton candy, chatting away as he munches. "You know, you should really think about your actions before you do them. Now Joey and the others will be all cautious around you, except maybe Ryou. He has to deal with Bakura, so maybe he'll understand. I hope Tea will…" Yugi trailed off, unaware of my discomfort. That bitch better not understand, she should freak out and leave me and Yugi alone. Then I could continue my half-life without having to worry about the irrational jealousy that sprung up whenever Yugi was near her. It was giving me the creeps. Wasn't it considered bad if a boy was possessive of another boy? I dunno… I kinda zoned out when Yugi attempted to explain customs of this time to me. He gave up after a while when I kept twisting his words, cracking up when I pushed him to teach me some of the more interesting traditions. Too bad the only one I remember is the double meaning behind 69. Heh… that one is pure genius. Whoever first noticed that deserves a good spot in the afterlife. "Hey, what're you grinning about?" Yugi asked, finally removing the cotton candy from my head. It's about time. Well, since he wanted to know… "Oh, I'm just remembering some of the customs of this world." I said, grinning as he yelps. He knows exactly what I'm going on about. "Y, Yami! Stop bringing that up! I knew I shouldn't have told you that…" Damn right he shouldn't have. It was too much fun to bring it up and watch him squirm.

"There you are! I say Yugi, you certainly surprised everyone in the tent by running away. Are you alright?" hm, that sounded British, so that meant… oh, Gods no. Ryou Bakura jogged up to Yugi, his white hair flowing around him. No wonder almost every girl in school loves him… damn he's fine. What? I'm gay, so I'm allowed to say that. It's his own fault for looking so bloody effeminate… my god, I'm turning British! Call the ambulance! Joking aside, there is a legitimate reason for me to hate him. Well, not him exactly… suddenly the air behind the limey started to shimmer and before you could blink it had formed into my self-proclaimed eternal punishment. Yami Bakura, or just Bakura for short, scowled at me from behind his host. I wasn't exactly thrilled to see him either. Of course Yugi can't see him and just continues to chat away, giggling with Ryou as we stare eachother down. Fine with me. At least this way he keeps his trap shut…

"I saw the show in the tent. Was the fortune teller too poorly to die by the almighty Pharaoh's hands?" Damn, I spoke too soon. I just glared at him. Why bother wasting my voice? He won't listen to what I say anyway. Apparently, that doesn't go down too well as the thief growls at me and slaps where my face would be. It just passes through, but the threat is pretty clear. "I don't like being ignored." He tells me roughly. Good. I had never cared for his happiness, why should I start now? Well, why stop a good thing? I just spit at him, grinning as his scowl deepens. He might have a stronger physical build, but that didn't mean much in this world of no contact. Magic was what solved fights here, and no one could deny that I was better at that. Plus I'm no daisy myself. I do work out when I get the chance. Well, more like when Yugi's asleep and there's enough money for the gym lying around… Bakura hisses with rage, and you can almost see the fury coiling around him as he tensed… oh wait, that's shadow magic. Well, he started it. As he throws a pathetically small ball of shadows I raised a shield, deflecting his puny missile with ease. Fool. He dares to attack me with my element? The darkness is my pet! I can feel the familiar warmth as the eye of Horus flickers into existence on my head, grinning manically as Bakura's face fell. "Shit." He hisses, taking a few steps back. Too late. A huge orb of blackness bursts from my hands, so highly concentrated that even normal mortals can see it as it hurtles towards him… maybe this time he'll stay dead. Unfortunately for me Yugi can't see Bakura, all he saw was the old lady paralysed with fear behind him.

"YAMI! WHAT ON EARTH ARE YOU DOING?" he shrieks, slamming me with the mind link and forcing me to abandon the spell. No… I was so close… so close to being finally rid of him… Ryou rushes over to his Yami, confusing Yugi no end when he helped up someone that he couldn't see. Still, Ryou didn't know where the shadow magic came from, so I guess he was just as confused as Yugi was when he shouted at me. Oh, that's right… he shouted at me. Crap. That meant I would have to listen to another 'how could you Yami I'm so disappointed' speech… It wasn't as If I hadn't heard all of them before. Right on cue, Yugi whirls around to face me, his eyes leaking rage at me. Oh… he knew that woman, didn't he. Great. /Yami… You just fired a bolt of eternal dammination at my Grandmother/ Oh, balls. Yugi was rather possessive of his Gran. He glares at me, making me stare at my feet. Well, I did mess up… wait, did I actually just admit that? What is wrong with me! I'm a Pharaoh, and from what I learnt about royalty we are not supposed to apologise. Ever. Damn… I just can't seem to keep a good mask up around Yugi! It's like he can cut through everything and hit right where it hurts with his accusations. It's really annoying… I wouldn't give a damn if Bakura gave me a scathing remark, but when Yugi gets mad at me… it hurts. A lot. I know it shouldn't… but it does. How illogical is that! It drives me insane. Well, more insane than I already am. Yeah, I know I'm insane. Always was, always will be. I'm just better at hiding it than Bakura or Yami Marik. So I guess that makes me…half-sane? Yes, I like that. I'm now officially half-sane. Oh… Yugi's looking at me strangely. Did that little bastard infiltrate my thoughts without asking? /Half…sane? Yami, what are you rambling on about? / My god, the bitch did. Little rat! He could have at least asked…

/get out of my head. / I growl at him through the link, huffing as he removes himself from my mind apologetically. Damn right he should be sorry. I don't take well to being spied upon. /sorry, but you weren't responding. Plus… I, I want to get to know you better! / He blurted out, surprising me. He… he wants to get to know me? I… I don't know what to say. He hasn't wanted to talk to me since the Orichalcos incident. I think the unchained me scared him… I'm glad he's trying to get used to the real me. Okay, sure!

/Yugi, you could have just asked! / I send back cheerfully, making him jump. He then takes to staring at me in wonder. Okay… kinda creepy, but also kinda enjoyable. Gah, there I go again! I gotta stop these weird thoughts when he's around. It makes me sound creepy.

/you… you're going to open up? Really? / Well, thanks for the vote of confidence. /of course! I actually don't know you that well either. /

Hey… here's an idea! /how about we make it a game? We get to ask eachother questions, and the first person to refuse to answer a question loses. / Yugi bolts upright at that, then that little competitive spark lights up his eyes and he grins mischievously. That's my Aibou! Always up for anything. /Sure, Yami. Game on! /


Shugo: how was it? I attempted to add paragraphs in the proper spots! … Yeah, I know I suck at it. It's also much shorter than the last chapter… bleah. I feel so bad.

Ringo: don't worry! You can make up for it in the next chapter!

Shugo: ah yes… the 20 questions game. I'm going to have fun with that one. :3

Yugi and Yami: … Help!

Ringo: thanks for the reviews so far! They are much appreciated. Suggestions are welcome too, so don't be shy! Please review!