ok so the summary: takes place after around chapter 431(that was current at the time this was made), Ichigo just joined the excution group and is going to get his powers back, he learns the mysteries of his father's past, why he has such power, and eventually go back to the soul society. there, eventually, he'll become a captain and get with Rukia. she may even get pregnant-what?


Ichigo stands in the room with the four figures after the one just tells him that they want to restore his powers.

"What? Why the hell do you guys want to restore my powers?" Ichigo is skeptical, "You probably just want me to gain them back so you can use me somehow, so I'm not letting you do anything till you tell me your motives."

"Relax Kurosaki-san, we're not going to use you in anyway. We're just following orders really." The man behind him was the one who set him up to come here, he had black hair that was slicked back and fell to his shoulders. Ichigo knew him as Ginjo Kugo. He walked around Ichigo to join his comrades in the back of the room. A tall bar tender with an eye patch was watching cautiously, cleaning a glass. A woman with long red hair in pigtails was lounging in the back on a sofa. On a table sat another man wearing all black. His eyes not able to be seen under his hat with blond locks coming out of it.

"Orders? Who would give you orders to do that, and who would follow their leader so blindly that they-"

"Honestly, you ask way too many questions Kurosaki-san. Just rest assured that we're not going to use, harm, or threaten you or your family and friends," he rolled his eyes at the teenager. This, however did not sooth Ichigo's suspicions, there was no way he would just take that at face value. Does this guy think he's an idiot?

"Now then, let me explain a little bit about why. For one, you will soon turn 18"

"What does that have to do with anything?"

"You're half shinigami, people who are half shinigami live in the world of the living until they mature around to the age of 18. During this time they become spiritually aware and start to gain their powers. Usually when turning the age of 18 the living world body dies and they are only a shinigami. This happens because their spiritual power will grow to be too much for your body. There's a reason why shinigami need new gigais when rising through the ranks. The container becomes too small for the power it's trying to contain. You, have lost all of your power since the winter war; so when time comes for you to turn 18, you'll just die."

You just said that I lost all my power, doesn't that mean that it won't consume my body? So I should be just fine, right?"

Unfortunately no, the first few occurrences of hybrids were rather… messy. So it was made standard that if one was ever to be born, there would be something like a self-destruct code in the DNA that would go off when the human body would reach maturity and therefore stop growing to accommodate the rising power."

Are you kidding? There's no way my parents would agree to plan out my death!"

There has never been an instance where one has lost their powers before. Normally this is a safe procedure. Therefore, the only way to prevent this is to get your powers back."

But why would you guys care so much to get my powers back? Why doesn't my dad or anyone else I've met try to do this?"

Do you really think that you would listen to any of them at the moment? I can reassure you that they have all been planning some sort of way to help you out, but we ordered them to leave it to us and they complied."

Who are you to order the Gotei thirteen? This isn't making any sense, you say that you yourself were ordered to help me, who is that powerful that they would take an interest helping me?"

The Spirit King has selected you to be his heir, we are a few of his humble staff."

"Wh-what do you mean heir?"

"You really don't know anything about your family do you? Your father is the son of the Spirit King," Ginjo Kugo chuckled as Ichigo's eyes went wide. "It's obvious that your father doesn't intend to take over the thrown and care after his daughters here instead. So, he chose you thinking you proved yourself more than enough in the winter war. That, and a few other factors, but those will be revealed in time. My fellow members in this room and I are members of the royal guard, though not quite as powerful as the zero division."

"Damn, that means I'm a prince... that sounds so...gay." Animes that Yuzu watched and told him about at dinner(he unwillingly listened to her not having the heart to say he didn't care) came to mind. Half the time they were actual noble warriors, and the other half were somehow defined as pretty and acted like that… um... Ouran person Yuzu liked so much. The more Ichigo thought about the subject the sadder the thought was that he actually remembered this crap.

"Anyhow," Ginjo started again, "We'll be training you for two months, or however long it takes you to be on par with how you were when you fought Aizen, and then take you to visit your grandfather to learn how to rule. The fact that you will be prince will be hidden from everyone in the soul society until your 18th birthday, where a huge celebration will be held and your identity revealed."

"Huh, okay, I guess I'm cool with that, well except for that party part. So, how are we going to get my powers back?" asked Ichigo a little curious.

"Same way Urahara did."


Ichigo sighed, he was once again in a damned huge hole in the ground with his soul chain shattered. He had already attempted at getting out a few times without any luck. The first few exercises he had done with this group weren't too bad and he regained as much power as he had before first visiting the Soul Society, so that apparently was Gingo's cue to shove him down a hole. The pissartist.

"Ugh, this is a pain in the ass. How did I do this the last time?" Ichigo flinched as another chain ate away sending a shooting pain in his chest. He sat down and thought for a while only to remember that he managed to get his powers back at the last possible second and formed a hollow inside him. Great, now i have to worry about that asshole again. Then he felt another consciousness press against his own, he groaned recognizing who was. It would make sense, he knew that the hollow would never truly be gone from his conscious even if he did lose his powers.

Need my help King?

Fuck off.

You needed me last time.

Just get me into spirit form.

Ichigo shot out of the hole with tremendous speed and landed on the ground above with his hollow mask on. A second later a force slammed into him, by only blocking the foreign sword with his out of reflex, it slid him backwards.

"I see it didn't take you as long as last time to get your powers back, and you're able to summon your hollow mask. Maybe it won't take you long at all to get where you left off after all," a familiar voice declared as it pushed Ichigo back further, sliding him into rock wall. His hollow mask shattered at the impact.

Still weak as usual. The taunting laugh of his hollow faded away in his mind, letting Ichigo focus on the person in front of him.

"Urahara?" He groaned regaining balance back to his feet. One thing he didn't miss about being a shinigami: all the bruises and beatings that went along with it.

"I figured he would be the best choice to help us in training since he has before and he said that he owned you one." Ginjo was sitting on top of a large rock watching the show as it went. "Also his machine for speeding up the bankai process should serve useful."

"Ugh great, here I go again." Ichigo with sealed sword in hand charged at Urahara having some serious deja vu.


I refactored this a bit from the original, I might add on to this later but for now I'm just making the whole thing not completely crappy