I Can Make Time

A 108-words Drabble Collection

Title: Only The Young Can Break Away

Characters/Parings: Daniel; brief appearance of Juliet; implied Daniel/Charlotte.

Summary: Nothing would make Daniel forget her.

Spoilers/Warnings: Post 5x08 ("LaFleur"); implied references to character death.

Disclaimer: I own anything but the plot.

A/N: Title from Brandon Flowers' song. Written for LJ Community lost_in_108, prompt #61 Mark. The concept of 'mark' may be very implicit.

"I won't tell" – it had become his mantra, especially after seeing a sudden flash of red hair running through the paths of the DHARMA compound. He would never talk to the little Charlotte, the living reminiscence of the woman he was –is still- in love with.

Revising the equations in his journal over and over again also became his routine. He'd have done anything to push away the intense pain he had.

"It hurts, doesn't it?" – Juliet asked him, motioning to his chest. Daniel didn't understand. "Your heart, I mean". He only nodded.

"You should get out of here, Dan"

"Would it make me forget her?"

It wouldn't.