Part Three

The Jade Wolf

Dom can't believe Caitlin wants to leave.

And yet, Dom can believe Caitlin wants to leave.

It's not as though String has ever given her a reason to stay, Dom thinks angrily as String discusses the mission with Michael as though he hasn't dropped a huge bombshell on Dom's lap moments before.

Dom sighs.

He can't blame Caitlin. He knows she loves String but there are limits and it seems Caitlin's reached hers. Since Half-pint had gone to live with his long lost mother and it's been confirmed that Saint John hadn't fathered the boy after all, String had pulled away from Caitlin. Caitlin, in turn, had run off to Texas to her folks ostensibly for a vacation. She'd come back the day before and apparently told String she was thinking of leaving LA after Dom had left the two of them alone the night before.

Dom can see String doesn't want her to leave. He can see String is wrestling with the thought that it might be better for Caitlin to leave; that she'll be safer away from String and Airwolf. Even though String loves her. Because String loves her.

She doesn't know that though. And Dom doesn't think Caitlin would leave if she did. If String could only tell her…

But he won't.

Dom knows his boy well enough to know that. String will let Caitlin walk out of their lives if he thinks it'll make her happy.

Maybe it's time Dom said something to both of them; for him to point out to String that Caitlin's already head over heels in love with him and it's too late to save her from loving String; for him to point out to Caitlin that String loves her and that he wouldn't be keeping her at arms' length if he didn't.

That the two of them love each other and maybe it's about time they admitted it so they can get married and get on with the business of producing some small bambinos for Dom to be a surrogate grandpappy to and bounce on his lap.

Caitlin enters and String waves her over; starts telling her about the mission and teasing her that she'll like it because of the mythology stuff. Dom would roll his eyes but he sees String's expression. String is scared. He's scared of losing her.

Oh kid, Dom thinks sadly; you don't have to give her exciting missions; all you have to do is love her and she'll stay.


The Truth About Caitlin/Old friends, New enemies

String comes back alone from the FIRM clinic and tells Dom that Caitlin has gone home with her parents; that they want her there to recuperate and Caitlin has decided to go through with her decision to leave LA and move on with her life.

Dom doesn't believe a word of it.

Caitlin had almost died saving String's life. For hours her own life had hung in the balance and String had kept vigil beside her. He's hardly moved from her side except for her family.

Dom spends some time berating himself for not staying and letting Caitlin's mother scare him off. But there had been Airwolf to take care of and his business and…

Dom sighs. There's really no point beating himself up about something he had no control over. He knows even if he had stayed the likelihood of stopping String from doing something when he'd made his mind up was pretty remote.

And Dom can guess at what happened; how String has realised how much he loves Caitlin; how scared he is of losing her to a bullet or a crash or something that will happen because Caitlin is in the wrong place at the wrong time because of String.

No, String's sent Caitlin away to safety because he loves her, Dom's sure of that as much as he's sure about anything because String is miserable.

Dom is angry enough at String to think that it's fair because Dom has come to love Caitlin like a daughter and he's angry that in letting her go, String has never once considered that it might hurt Dom. Dom talks with Caitlin and hears the hurt in her voice too; hears the pain that Caitlin can't hide at knowing String loves her because he's sent her away.

But Dom can't stay angry with String; not when the days pass and String grows even more taciturn; not when String is hurting so much.

It's a shock then to hear String tell him he's going to Texas. Dom can't believe it. String is going after Caitlin. But Dom quickly offers advice and encouragement. String's nerves shake his voice and it's all Dom can do not to shout out that Caitlin loves him; she'll forgive him.

Dom lowers the phone into the cradle; places his hands together in pray and sends a silent 'please' heavenward.

They love each other; they deserve some happiness.

And if String trusts Caitlin, Dom thinks, trusts her like he's always trusted her, String will be fine. Caitlin will come home.


Hawke's Wolf

Dom settles back in the brand new chair on the brand new equipment platform that Michael has installed in the Lair. He'd like to be more upset about it all but it's much more fun to let String glower at the spy and watch Michael pretend he's not worried about whether String is going to punch him for finding Airwolf's hideout and then taking it over.

Dom looks around in bemusement. The new security system is good; it beats the one that he and String have rigged up. He can't deny the new generator is welcome and he's sure the communication system and computer will come in handy. The lockers are a nice touch.

But mainly, Dom can't help think it'll be nice to sleep in his own bed after nights of sleeping rough hiding from the government task force set up to find Airwolf. It's all over now; the task force disbanded and its leader, General Bening, dead and gone.

String finally tires of teasing Michael with his patented glares. No matter what String says, Dom knows that String trusts that Michael hasn't compromised them; won't betray them – betray String. If String had any doubts about that at all, Dom figures they'd be in Airwolf flying around looking for a new place to hide her already. Maybe Dom thinks it's odd that the two men have become friends but they are.

Caitlin pulls String away to help her unload Airwolf of the supplies and equipment. He watches as String chides Caitlin for picking up something heavy – her shoulder is still healing from the bullet she took saving String's life. Dom's grateful that she didn't let String drive her away in an attempt to keep her safe; that she came back. Dom's even more pleased that String has embraced her return fully and finally admitted his feelings for the scrappy redhead.

He smiles as String leans over and cups Caitlin's cheek; as String kisses her gently. Caitlin's stunned but happy; a wide smile spreading across her freckled face. She beams at String and reaches across to kiss him back.

Ah, but their kids are going to be as cute as buttons. When they get round to having them that is.

Beside Dom, Michael shifts restlessly. Dom glances at him and sees the flicker of worry that lights up Michael's one good eye before the spy can hide it.

'They're good together.' Dom says firmly.

Michael slants a 'I don't know what you're talking about' look Dom's way and Dom simply returns it with a knowing smile.

Michael sighs. 'You're not worried?'

Dom grins. 'They love each other.' And they've finally admitted it. As far as Dom's concerned, that's a reason to celebrate. He clamps a hand on Michael's shoulder and smiles at the smear of grease he leaves on the pristine white suit. He winks. 'Trust me.'



'You asked her to marry you?' Dom says gleefully, rubbing his hands together. 'She said yes! She would have said yes…'

String shushes him and darts a look toward the office where Caitlin is doing paperwork and talking with Jo, Dom's niece.

'Yeah, but even though she said yes, I think she thought I wasn't serious.' String admits, rubbing the back of his neck and looking sheepish.

Dom understands that; proposing in the aftermath of escaping a plane crash is probably not the best timing.

'So?' Dom prompts.

'So, I thought I'd do it again on Christmas Day.' String says tentatively.

Dom nods eagerly. 'So you want Jo and I to stay home, leave you to it?'

String shakes his head and a determined look enters his eyes. 'You're coming for Christmas.'

Dom rolls his eyes; it's been an ongoing argument between them. 'Then…'

'I want to make it special and I was remembering the aerial tricks you used to perform when we were kids.' String admits. His arms are folded defensively over his chest.

Dom beams at him, memories of happy times flitting through his head. 'Ah, those were the days. I remember when…'

'So, Christmas morning over the lake?' String interrupts sharply. 'Just after sunrise?'

'Oh, hey! I have that sky-writing set-up that Luke Jameson gave me! I could write 'will you marry me?'' Dom suggests eagerly.

String looks sceptical. 'Sky-writing?'

'Sure,' Dom spreads his hands expressively, 'what's more romantic than having a proposal written in the blue sky above your heads?'

'I don't know, Dom.' String replies, doubt colouring his dry tone. 'It seems a bit much.'

Kids today, Dom thinks wryly; no sense of romance. He knows String's been feeling guilty and worried over Dom's run-in with Rosalind Bening and Dom isn't averse to using that, so Dom lets his face drop and sighs heavily.

'Just a thought, kid.' Dom lays his disappointment on thick. 'I think Cait would get a kick out of it but if you don't want me to…'

'OK. Do it.' String looks like he'd rather be facing off against a couple of MIGs but Dom grins and claps his hands.

'This is going to be great, String.' Dom promises.

String's face softens; his mask falling away and revealing the man who loves Caitlin behind it. Dom throws an arm over String's shoulders and leads him toward the back of the hangar to continue planning. It wouldn't do for Caitlin to overhear how String is going to propose to her a second time.


You Are Cordially Invited

Dom leans on the porch railing, sips champagne and watches String with Caitlin.

They're stood on the dock, looking out at the eagle chasing across the afternoon sky. String has his arms around her waist; her arms are folded over his and her head rests on his shoulder. Somewhere during the course of their wedding day, String has lost his jacket and tie; Caitlin her cream shawl. The sun sets her copper hair alight as wisps fall around her face. She hasn't stopped smiling. String shifts his weight and Dom has to stop himself from walking over and nagging the boy to sit down before he makes his injured leg worse.

They'd almost lost him. Again. If it hadn't been for Airwolf…

Dom shakes his head. He won't think of that; not today which is all about celebrating String and Cait's wedding.

Caitlin kisses String gently and slides out of his embrace, clasping his hand and tugging him toward the cabin steps to sit down again as they did earlier when Patrick, Caitlin's father, made his surprise toast.

Dom smiles. She's taken on looking after String now, that's clear. And String will look after her. It won't always be easy, he thinks, because they're both stubborn and headstrong at times, but they love each other and that will help keep things steady when the air currents get turbulent.

Michael wanders over to stand beside Dom and observe the couple. 'He really wasn't nervous at all about today, was he?'

'Nah.' Dom agrees because String hasn't been nervous – not about marrying Cait. 'You know String,' he says genially, 'he never trusts anyone but…' he waves a hand toward where String and Caitlin are sitting, each wrapped up in the other, love written all over their faces, 'but he's always trusted Caitlin.'

Michael smiles and wanders away again. Dom is content to stand and watch; just as he's stood and watched from the beginning.

Epilogue: And They All Lived

String wraps the blanket around his protesting wife, drops a kiss on the top of her head and hands her a mug of coffee. It's cold out on the porch of the cabin; the dark of the night is only beginning to give away to the first hints of Christmas morning. It's become their Christmas tradition watching the sunrise.

They've sneaked past their kids; Nicky is old enough this year to understand something about the holiday even if Amelia is still a baby. String takes the coffee back before he sets it aside and lets himself sink into a deep, hot kiss that stirs his blood. Caitlin sighs happily and settles warmly pressed up against him.

There's a sliver of light shimmering on the lake as the sun peeks over the horizon. String breathes in deeply. The scents are familiar; dirt and pine, the smell of the lake, the crisp sharpness of mountain air that hurts a little when breathed in. But over those is Caitlin; her soap, her skin, the coffee and a faint lingering smell of baby powder.

The sun is almost over the horizon; a golden crescent of yellow. The sky is shifting from grey to blue with every moment, streaks of pink and red bleeding through. The eagle wheels through the endless expanse of colour, its cry echoing across the mountain.

String turns Caitlin's wrist over and checks the time on her watch. His heart beats a little faster; aches with remembered grief. The year they'd kicked off the tradition, Dom had flown over, performed old tricks and acrobatics before writing String's proposal in the sky. But Dom's been dead for almost two years; there'll be no more aerial fly-bys.

String misses him madly.

Caitlin shifts position, inching back so she can look at him seriously. Her hands cup his face, smooth over the lines and she gently kisses him. 'He's watching, you know.'

'Yeah?' String lets out the breath he didn't even know he was holding.

'Yeah.' Caitlin says firmly.

'How'd you know?' String asks, resting his forehead against hers; his arms tight around her.

'You trust me, don't you?' Caitlin says dryly.

String's always trusted her. Even when he shouldn't have and Dom looked at him askance. Through all their ups and downs; when he thought she couldn't love him and she thought he didn't love her. Since they'd both let themselves love each other. Through their marriage and kids and losing Dom…

'I trust you.' He says.

'Then trust me on this.' Caitlin says simply.

And yeah; String can do that as he kisses her again. Trust her and know that Dom is watching over them still.

The End