Promise Me This~Damon Salvatore

~The Way You Move Is Like A Full On Rainstorm~

Abby sighed as she pulled into her cousin's driveway. She wasn't sure how they were going to take her surprise visit. Hell, Abby wasn't sure how to take it. All she knew was there house was the last place she'd felt at home in as long as she could remember.

With another sigh, she opened the door of her black caviler and got to her feet. "I can do this…I can do this." She mumbled, grabbing her duffle bag from the back seat and slinging it over her shoulder. "Jenna loves me. I can do this." She closed her car door and turned to look up at the house. "I can do this." she repeated one last time as she made her way up to the door and forced herself to knock.

"Just a minute!" She heard someone call from the other side of the door. A few moments later it opened to reveal Jeremy.

"Hey, Abby! I didn't know you were coming out here." He said with a smile.

Abby smiled in return. It had been way too long since she'd been here. "Hey, Jer, I missed you!" She said, as they pulled each other into a hug.

"Whats with the duffle bag? Are you planning on staying? Did aunt Jenna invite you?" he asked as they pulled apart.

"Actually…" She started but was cut off my Elena yelling her name and practically tackling her in a hug,

"Abby! Its been so long!" Elena called, unable to hide her excitement.

Abby couldn't help but laugh. She had missed Elena so much…

"What are you doing here?" Elena asked, pulling out of the hug to look at her favorite cousin. "Did Jenna invite you?"

"Did Jenna invite who?" Jenna asked, coming to the door and looking at Elena and Jeremy before turning to look at Abby.

"Abby Lennox what on earth are you doing here?" Jenna asked, pulling Abby into a hug like the two before her had.

"I missed you guys. I was hoping you wouldn't mind if I spent my vacation here?" She asked, biting her lip and giving Jenna a hopeful look.

"Well of course!" Jenna replied. "But why didn't you call first? We could have had the cot all set up in Elena's room for you."

Abby smiled, relief obvious on her face as she let Jenna lead her inside the house.


"Does your mom know you're here?" Jenna asked as she, Abby, and Elena stood in Elena's room.

Jenna was helping Abby put a clean white sheet on the cot she would be sleeping on.

Abby nodded to Jenna. "Of course." she replied.

"Maybe I should give her a call, let her know you got here safe."

"Don't be silly. I can do it." Abby replied, playing nonchalant in hopes the Jenna wouldn't pick up on anything.

"You know what Aunt Jenna, I think we can handle it from here." Elena said, sitting on her bed.

Jenna nodded, giving Abby another hug before making her way towards the door. "I'm really glad you came Abs. We've really missed you." she told her, Making Abby smile, as she exited the room to let the girls talk.

"So what going on?" Elena asked as soon as the door closed behind her aunt.

"What do you mean?" Abby asked, laying the spare blanket over her cot.

"I mean, what are you really doing here? I know you aren't on Vacation from school."

Abby shrugged, sitting on the now made up cot. "Of course I am. Its just more like a…permanent vacation." She replied.

"Please tell me you didn't drop out of school!" Elena said, standing up in protest.

"Of course not." Abby replied rolling her eyes and crossing her arms over her chest. "I graduated a semester early."

"Oh." Elena replied, sitting back down on her bed. "So…then why are you here and not getting ready for college?"

Abby shrugged, not really wanting to talk about it. "I just…am." She replied, looking down at her lap.

Elena gave her a sympathetic smile, though Abby wasn't looking. "Okay. I get it."

Abby looked up at her with a scrunched brow.

"We'll talk about it when you're ready." Elena told her.

Abby smiled, giving her cousin a nod. She knew Elena was her favorite for a reason. She always knew when it was best to drop things.

"So its your first night here, we should go out and do something." Elena said, getting to her feet once again as she tapped her chin in thought. "Oh, lets go to the grill!" She said, pulling Abby to her feet before she even had a chance to replied.

Abby laughed as Elena started pulling her from the room.

"We'll get some dinner and play a few games of pool, my treat!" Elena continued as she dragged Abby down the stairs and out the door.


"So how are things back home?" Elena asked as she and Abby munched on a basket of fries. "Hows your mom and her boyfriend…whats his name again?"

"Ronny." Abby replied, pushing the fries around with the one she was holding as she kept her gaze away from Elena's. "And they're married now."

"Married? Really? Why didn't she invite us? I love weddings." Elena asked, Abby could hear the smile in her voice as she spoke, but she didn't bother looking up.

"Lets go play some pool." Abby said, getting to her feet and throwing her now broken fry into the basket.

Elena shrugged. "Okay." She agreed, getting to her feet.

"Elena!" a voice she knew all too well call as she and Abby started walking towards and empty pool table.

Turning, she gave Stefan a happy smile, wrapping her arms around his neck. "Hey." She whispered, pulling back to look into his eyes.

"Hey." he responded, pressing his lips to hers in a sweet kiss, leaving his hands to rest on her familiar hips.

"Stefan, I want you to meet my favorite cousin Abby. Abby, this is Stefan. My boyfriend." Elena introduced.

Abby forced a smile to her lips, holding her hand out to give his a shake.

"Its nice to meet you." Stefan told her with a smile.

"You too." She replied, taking her hand back and slipping her hands into the pockets of her baggy army green corduroy pants. .

After a moment of awkward silence, Elena decided she should probably say something…But just as she opened her mouth to speak, another familiar voice called out to her and Stefan.

Elena and Stefan simultaneously rolled there eyes before turning to face the voice in question.

"What are you doing here, Damon?" Stefan asked.

"Just wanted to see what my brother was up to on this fine Friday evening." Damon replied, wrapping his arm around Stefan's shoulder. "You rushed out of the house so quickly I was afraid there was a fire." Turning his head to Elena, he gave her a flirty smile. "Hello, Elena."

"Hello, Damon." She replied, boredom and annoyance obvious in her tone.

"Whats that amazing smell?" Damon wondered, his eyes trailing Abby up and down a he noticed her for the first time. "And you are?" He asked, lifting an eyebrow.

"I'm going to get us a couple of sodas." Stefan said, kissing Elena's cheek and then turning his attention to Abby. "Would you like a drink, Abby?"

Abby shrugged, keeping her hands in her pockets. She was quite uncomfortable with the way Damon was staring at her. "I'm fine."

Stefan nodded. Turning to Damon, he gave him a warning look as he whispered just loud enough for him to hear, "Don't."

Damon ignored his brother's warning, not taking his eyes off the girl in question. "Abby is it?" he asked, taking a step closer to her.

Abby nodded, rocking back on her heels.

Damon took another step towards her, nearly closing the distance completely. "Do I make you nervous?" He asked, leaning his face closer to hers and taking in a subtle sniff.

Abby stared at him with a bored expression on her face. She'd been through enough to know guys like him got off on scaring people. She also knew he'd be a lot easier to deal with in the future if he knew she wasn't afraid.

After a moment of silence, a slow smirk curved its way across Damon's face. He gave her one last quick glance up and down before whispering, "You're bleeding."

"Excuse me?" She asked, giving him a lifted eyebrow.

Damon's smirk grew a little wider and his hand came up and poke her in the stomach, making her wince. "You're bleeding." He repeated.

Abby's hand clutched her stomach as she tried to keep the pained look from her face. "Bathroom?" She asked, looking over Damon's shoulder to Elena, who was looking at the two curiously.

She couldn't hear anything they had been saying to each other. "Its back there." She informed Abby, pointing behind her. "I'll go w-"

"Its fine." Abby said, cutting Elena off and giving Damon what she hoped was a pleading look. She didn't need Elena trying to get involved in her problems. "Don't worry about it."

Damon's brow scrunched a little in curiosity. "She's just got to go to the restroom Elena. She doesn't need an escort." Damon said, knowing Elena was opening her mouth to say something else.

Abby quickly shoved past Damon and Elena to go clean herself up.


"What did you say to her?" Elena asked, the moment Abby was out of earshot.

Damon shrugged, watching as the girl in question disappeared into the ladies room. "How do you know her?" he asked, turning his attention back to Elena.

"She's my cousin. Why?" She asked, lifting an eyebrow.

"No reason. Just…Keep an eye on her."

"Why?" She asked but Damon didn't reply. Instead, he turned on his heels and walked out of the grill entirely.

okay, so thats all for the first chapter. let me know if you're interested in having me continue! I Hope you liked it! 3